Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Country A Second

I'm not too sure if this video has gone viral yet but I thought it would be nice to share it with my blog readers.

Guy travels the world and shoots one second of footage in each location

Ingenious concept aside, I like how there's continuity in his stride. But I do wish for him to hurry up to the camera so that I could see how cute he is.

Maldives updates would be taking the back seat for the time being. There are 101 things to do both at home and at work.


  1. I have seen this video :D

    Regarding your last post. It's funny how we always see japanese ppl when on vacation. We dont have a big japanese population in toronto but when I go to tourist places (niagara falls), I ALWAYS see them. No wonder they are the top exporter of tourists! They sure love to travel eh.

    seems like youre eating well -____- hmph! (and I dont mean youre fat)

    I did see a few people saying happy singapore day :)

  2. I laughed when I saw the picture "the bird was here" lol. Nice photo even though the target has disappeared :)

    you had to leave my page because you were "dying of famine" LOLOL XD WHen I say western food I mean fast food franchises! Food that you can replicate the taste of easily (mcdonalds, pizza hut, wendys, etc.) They never taste good in asia. When I go to singapore I'll sample a singaporean happy meal and see if it's similar.

    Everybody make fun of me for the pastry story. When I think back at ppl laughing I still want to slit my own wrists...

    -when I said losing readers I meant ppl dont see my blog updates on their dashboard. I dunno why :S but whatever.

    Jolene I hope you are doing ok? Give us more update soon? Okay :)

  3. He is cute indeed ^^
    Ah I wish I could travel that many countries. And I also wish I had his idea first lol
    Great vid!

  4. I'm a reader now :P

    wow I find that vid pretty fascinating. I want to travel around the world myself! xx

  5. I actually know a guy who is traveling around the world for two yrs but he hasn't done anything as cool and creative as this guy has!He's just wasting his parents money going to different countries and backpacking across Europe, damn how I wish I had his life! ha

  6. OMG thats wayyy cool, and it adds so much coolness esp he's so cute!

  7. That guy in the vid is lucky to able to travel alot of places!
    Nice concept aswell :) very creative!

    @Reply: mhmmmm I really don't know how that happend :(
    have you try to write down my link url in the dashboard page?


  8. Lucky him! I wish I could travel to that many places in my lifetime. The video is a great concept - watching it gave me a bit of a headache though. I think he could have probably increased the 1 second to 2-3 maybe. But I guess that would probably affect the continuity and make for a less smooth transitional effect. But I agree - he is quite a cutie :D

  9. That is a cool idea--and how great to have traveled so much. The guy won't be as cute as KH, but still, it's good to enjoy even lesser forms of beauty. ;P

    You know I was just teasing you in my last comment. Right? There is absolutely nothing ho-hum about your Maldives posts. Please continue them when you can.

  10. FleurLapin,




    You must be typing this on your mobile phone again! It’s true. In every country, the Asian tourists are usually the Japanese though the Chinese (China) are slowly being seen everywhere too.

    I think Singapore’s Mcdonald’s is fine but I know that Malaysia definitely has better KFC than us. Not too sure about HK coz when I was there, I ate all the HK food.

    I also experienced the same problem. I kept following a blog but it doesn’t show and the blog updates doesn’t appear on my dashboard too. I can’t figure out the problem.






    Thank you for following, my youngest reader/follower I dare reckon. =)



    Ah, I wished I were as fortunate as him too. It’s cool to live on parents’ money though I would prefer to earn it myself to travel.



    Yeah man.


    Ice Pandora,

    Oh! I just went to try that method. I could see you on my dashboard now but I’m not sure if it would disappear like before. Plus I still don’t see myself on your list. I will drop by your blog every now and then.



    I agree. If you look at the guy only, it’s ok but when I try to look at the background, my eyes start to hurt. I guess you’re right about the effect. I would so love to admire the sights of the countries too.



    Nah... he’s much cuter than kh. Haha... When I told kh that, he went prrft. Haha... Of course I know what you mean about your last comment.


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