Monday, July 04, 2011

Adding some colours to your life

Sometimes when all is black, white and grey, it's good to have burst of colours every now and then.


Add some colours and music to your life.


Put on something bright and colourful.


Create something colourful.




Have some colourful sweets and snacks...





or a meal if you're adventurous enough.


When all else fails, pop some colourful vitamins.


Elmo is not just one shade of colour and so are you.


Everyone has his or her own definition of colour. What's yours?


And yes, I spell "colour" with a "u".


  1. Reminds me of the colors from an old show--Rainbow Brite.

    I limit my clothing "colors" to my ties--that's where you'll see my reds, yellows, greens, etc.

    I would be adventurous enough to try that all looks tasty.

    PS - At some point I will post a picture of the cabinet with my wife's things in it. =)

  2. "colour" is british english while "color" is american, right? :)

    i love this post because it made me smile. all the pictures are so colorful and cute! <3

    have a great week dear! ^o^

  3. these are all so cute, I love all the bright colors and all those elmos are SO adorable! yumm fruit loops, they are still my fav cereal to eat.. but so bad for you lol!

  4. i luv all colours~~~but as for the parade~~~it's being going on for few decades~~~and im not saying being naked is very tasteful in public, but from another perspective, they are so proud of themselves, that they dont mind other looking at them~~~we dont have youth day here in canada, but when i was in china we have children's day on June First, and all elementary kids get the day off~~~it was pretty kool~~~


  5. I love random inspirational posts like these ^^ All the pictures you chose are really nice too - the colored vitamin things are so cute :D

  6. This just reminded me that colors are the best. I've been wearing way too much black.

  7. Rick,
    I know Rainbow Brite! Woa... old school! I wanna see your wife's things in the cabinet. I'm sure she would put lots of pretty precious things inside.


    sugar sugar,
    Yup, Singapore's English follows the standard British English as we used to be a British colony. I'm aware of all the various AME and BRE spelling but I LURVE spelling things with "z" as in like "organize" and not "organise". I hope you had a great weekend too.


    Pop Champagne,
    Froot Loops are nice but a tad too sweet. Sugar is bad.


    I would have minded looking at them, I think. lolz. Our children's day is in October!


    I also love reading such posts too. hehe... U got my mail?


    Me too. My work outfits are never bright and colourful but whenever I wear black, I try to neutralize with another colour.

  8. These colorful photos give my heart an instant lift. I think I have done pretty good as far as adding some colors this year..whether it be food or clothes.

  9. I cant stop looking at the fish and elmo one the most. So thankful we are able to look at different colours everyday :)

  10. Frances,
    Seeing you here makes me happy. =D


    You definitely have been quite adventurous in colours for your clothing!


    I can't decide which is my favourite at all so I just had to feature all and add words as embellishment. LoLz

  11. I wonder if they're pirated. They look too cute to be pirated.

  12. lol AW you just put a huge smile on my face ^___________________^ <-- yes, it's THIS big! =D

  13. I'm in love with those vitamines *.* what are they? toys? our some kind of recipient?
    you have such a lovely blog! i'm obviously going to stalk you! =^,^=
    xoxo Monstros no Armário

  14. Frances,

    Haha... what a cute way of showing your smile!


    Skinny Love,

    Welcome here! I love it when I see new readers. Thank you for your lovely words. I've got no idea if those vitamins are toys. What do you mean by recipient? =)


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