Sunday, March 27, 2011

Writings on the Wall of My Blog & Other Tags

A while ago, I got tagged by lovely Rinny to do a Writing's On the Wall of My Blog tag. Then just a moment ago, I saw that bubbly Frances tagged me too.

What I’ve got to do is to get a piece of paper and answer the following questions:

1. What's your name/your blogger name?

2. What's your blog's name/URL?

3. Write "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

4. Favorite quote?

5. Your Favorite song?

6. Your favorite band/singers?

7. Anything else you want to say?

8. Tag three to five other people. So here it is!

I've enabled the settings for clicking to enlarge. However, I would type out the people I wanna tag so you can't pretend not to see. *evil laughter* Seriously, it's ok if you do not want to do. I just thought it would be fun to see your handwriting!

I tag:
Brutal Turtle
Squeeze the Pug

Notes on this photo:
I wrote this out a week ago but didn’t get to post as I thought the quality of the photo is really bad. I snapped it with my spoilt bimbotic pink camera that wouldn’t switch on unless after plugging the charger to it. Also, my favorite aqua blue Signo pen was stolen and I could only use a black pen. Are you one of those who blames your handwriting on your pens? Well, I am and I think my handwriting up there sux. There were a few booboos too. I’ve initially wanted to rewrite and retake this after I bought a new aqua blue Signo and canon s95 but I got too lazy.

Another tag...

Some time back, the ever creative and lovely Tabatha of tabathasrefugium tagged me in a post to answer some beauty and make up questions. I’m not too sure if you’ve tagged the right person, Tabatha. Hehe...

I’m someone with either no particular favourite or lots of favourites to choose from. My make up routine is really basic. As long as I’ve got mascara and eyeliner, I’m good to go. Hence, I find myself not having an answer to many of the questions but I hope anyone of you here still have fun reading anyway.

1. Name/Age
Jolene / 28 (My birthday hasn’t passed yet! Now all of you who have always been thinking I'm around your age, have I convinced you how OLD I really am?)

2. Favourite Lipstick
Lipsticks tend to crack my lips up but if I were to choose, it would be Revlon Soft Nude for now.

3. Favourite Lipgloss
Same goes for lipgloss.

4. Favourite Lipbalm
Aloe Lips by Forever Living
Lip Ice Sheer Color balm for a hint of colour

5. Favourite Eye Shadow
I’m not an eyeshadow person and the only set I have is from Maybelline’s Diamond Glow series. I love the olive brownish tone and amazing shimmers.

6. Favourite Palette

7. Favourite Mascara
I love most of the Japanese brands mascara I’ve tried so far and Super Dolly from SASA.

8. Favourite Powder
I don’t use loose powder

9. Favourite Nail Polish
Hmm... I try out nail polishes from all brands of any colours which catch my fancy and I don’t have a particular favourite. The Face Shop ones glide really well and their consistency in the bottle remain the same for a long period of time as compared to the rest. TFS ones would probably get a thumbs up from me.

10. Favourite Shower Gel
Shokubutsu in Grape scent
Any flowers and plants range fragrance from Bath & Body Works

11. Favourite Hair Shampoo
I keep alternating my shampoos! For normal shampoo, I try all brands that catch my fancy and there’s none so far that I’m into my second bottle. For clarifying ones which I use weekly, I would say Giovanni shampoo range. They really clarify and makes your hair fresh and ready to absorb more conditioning goodies thereafter.

12. Favourite Deodorant
I try all range and I don’t have a favourite.I’m currently alternating between Rexona Shower Clean and Dove Whitening in original scent

13. Favourite Body lotion
Bath & Body Works Green Clover & Aloe
Anna Sui Moisturizing Body Lotion

14. Favourite Foundation
Silky Girl 2-way foundation... so cheap and good that I haven’t ventured into the high-end range. Oh wait, I forgot my short foray into SK2.

15. Favourite Song
I like songs from many different genres and I have simply too many favourites. I’m listening to Phil Collins’ In the Air Tonight right now. Really melancholic.

16. Favourite Film
This is really tough. I love too many shows!
At the tip of my tongue would be Frequency which deserves a 10 point from me. I remember sitting at the edge of my seat throughout and being moved to tears by the happy ending of the story. The ending theme song, which I've just found out today is When You Come Back To Me Again by Garth Brooks, made me tear even more as the credits came up. Watch it if you haven't already done so. You'll be glued to the plot throughout.
Another favourite film which I rewatched threee times would be Messengers – a light-hearted Japanese movie about bicycle couriers.

Frequency trailer

Frequency ending theme song

Messengers trailer

17. Favourite Fashion brand
Like so many other ladies out there -- Chanel.


  1. Your handwriting is amazing!! It's practically perfect! Love the second tag it's so interesting! I never would have guessed you were 28, you seriously look 21-22. : )

  2. Haha I do blame my handwriting on pens. I can only write nicely (or legibly) with fine-tipped pens.
    Oh, how's the S95 so far? I went to the shop yesterday to have a play with it and was very impressed, but I'm still choosing between this and Lumix LX5.

    I don't believe you're 28!! You can't be! You look so young!! What's your secret? No, seriously.

    Interesting tag. Now I've learnt a bit more about you. Yay! :)

  3. I guess you will not be a grandma by 30. ;P

  4. my friend,

    why would I be annoyed by you! It is a pleasure to have someone as pretty as you constantly leave little notes~ Im making my way around replying, get to you soon.

    -And no you are not older than us =D Many people your age blog haha~

  5. You're not really 28 are you? *Gasp* You look so young!! You're handwriting is super nice btw :D

  6. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment, Jo!

    I agree with Nicole: You have very nice handwriting! I've had someone tell me I have guy handwriting before (??) I don't agree, but I don't have precision girl-writing either :)

    I'm also impressed that you've maintained this blog for almost 8 years! Great job!

  7. Dear Jo,

    I agree with comments here. 1) your handwriting is super-neat and 2) you dont look like 28.

    I wanted to ask you if you could drop me your postal address. If it is possible, you could send it to my email I have something to send to you.

    Peh Sun

  8. nice handwriting!! I used to write so neatly when i was still in school... but nowadays it's all email and txting so i when i write, it comes out really... ugly. haha! :P btw - never would have thought you were 28! You don't look a day over 21! :P

  9. Thank you for answering my tag *lol* & a huge thank you for tagging me! I'll do it asap! I got so many tags & awards & I forgot from whom they came (Yes, I'm that messy!) so I'll do yours soon, before I forget about it. Even though I don't think I would as it's different because I need to write on a piece of paper.

    BTW, I can't believe you like my hair color :-o (but thank you very much for doing so :-))

  10. I hope my comment went throught his time! Plus I forgot to tell you that your handwriting is beautiful :-)

  11. Thanks for doing the tag Jo! You have such cute handwriting and stationary paper :D Wow I just realized my ability to read Chinese has gotten really rusty - I'm going to take a good guess and say that the song is "Zhi xiang yi sheng gen ni zou" (Only want 1 life to follow you)? It was really interesting to read the other tag too - I finally know how old you are now!! haha

    P.S. If you're not tired of doing tags yet, I've also just tagged you for the "through the years" tag xD

  12. I half expected that when I put my age up there, I would see lots of comments about it. I was actually deliberating on whether I should proceed to do a tag which requires me to reveal my age but I guess I’m ok with it now.


    Thank you. I was trying very hard to write neatly as my handwriting could be a lot nicer but I blame the pen.


    I can only write nicely with gel fine tip pens. I tend to scribble a lot of ballpoint pens. I’m quite liking S95 so far. In fact, I just brought my good friend to buy earlier on. She was deciding on LX5 initially but the size and complicated usgae puts her off. LX5 is good for people who knows how to operate SLR. For idiots like me, S95 does a wonderful job. Let me know if you get your camera!
    I’ve got no secret and I really feel like bashing good genes people when they say it’s the genes but I seriously have to say it’s in the genes. My dad is 60 and my mum is approaching but when they go out with their 40+ year old friends, they look even younger than them.


    I guess I won’t even be a mama by 30 which used to be my goal but I’ve to fulfil other personal goals first before I decide to have a kid.


    Haha thanx for your compliments. Don’t tell me you’re really my age? But you just got outta uni unless of coz you got delayed somehow. =P I still think the blogging scene nowadays consist of teens and early 20s people. I feel like checking myself into an old folk’s home whenever I read about people saying “It’s rabbit year. It’s my year and gosh I feel so old.”


    Thank you!


    I’ve gotta see your handwriting someday. Gosh... is it 8 years? 2004... (counts with fingers) Oh yes, you’re right! Thanx for dropping by. Hope to cya around!


    Squeeze the Pug,
    Thank you! Really appreciate your kind thoughts. I’ll drop you an email soon! =)


    When I worked for quite some time, my handwriting deteriorated too. But now I’m in the education line where I write a lot so I’m slowly gaining more practice. I scribble most of the time anyway. I hope to look older than 21 coz it’s embarrassing to have my ID checked for R21 shows but thank you. =)


    Thank you! Your comment got through! Yay! I would love to see you do the tag! Oh I used to forget about tags and awards but what I do now would be to save the various tag and award posts in a folder so I can get back to them to see what I’ve missed.
    Your hair colour is something unachievable by dyeing! I love it so much.


    I wrote that on my 2010 notebook. There’re lots of leftover pages and the paper is far too cute. You’re right about the song title (Yay for your Mandarin) but since it’s in Cantonese, the pronunciation is different. Something like zi xiang yat san gan ne zao. I’m not a cantonese so I’m writing it from how I hear it. Hehe...
    Oh!!! Through the years sounds fun. I had a brief look at your entry and will get to commenting on it soon. All my old photos are scanned in my sis’s comp when she helped me do my wedding montage from childhood till adult. I don’t have them here so I’m not sure how long i’ll take to do.

  13. Hey hun, thanks for leaving me a message! I promise I'll catch up on your posts, after having caught up on some sleep first :p

    Haha, how funny you said that, about my handwriting not looking very English ~ don't worry, no offence taken :) It's weird though, because we use the same alphabet... I never thought cultural differences went as far as handwriting! It's rather fascinating, actually...

  14. You'll be a great mom when the time comes...and Kym is right, you don;t look older than 21.

    I loved the movie "Frequency", it was so good to see the bad guy get what he deserved.

    About my sister, I think you described her pretty well. I have 3 sisters in total. I've done posts on 2 of my 5 siblings, maybe I should write about the other 3 someday.

  15. Bibi,

    No probz at all. Hope you’ve managed to catch some well-deserved sleep.



    Suddenly the term great old mum came to my mind. =)

    I almost forgot the part about the mum being murdered till I watched the trailer again. I would always love the part where he found the wallet in the same time span across parallel universe and when Dennis Quaid appeared with his rifle to protect his son.

    I look forward to your sibling posts. It’s fun to read about “funny” people.

  16. Yay! Glad to hear my ability to read Chinese chars hasn't completely gone down the drain hehe. No problem, take your time with the tag! My new job has been keeping me busy these days so I haven't been blogging as actively anyway ><

  17. Thanks for your reply. I'm still weighing my options.
    Ah, so it's not some magic lotion, but good genes. Sighhh I guess I can't steal that :P

  18. Rinny,
    Your Chinese is fine, no worries! I’ve always wanted to ask you where you were from. Somehow when I look at your fair skin, Taiwan comes to my mind. Hehe... Do you read traditional or simplified Chinese?


    I’m sure you would look just like how you look now even in a few years time. =)

  19. @Jo: Haha I can only read simplified. I have a hard enough of a time memorizing all the strokes for simplified characters; I don't think I would ever be able to learn traditional x_x

  20. I’ve read your “essay” to my question on your blog and returned you an “essay”. =D


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)