Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Gastric flu & a bucketful of tears

It's uncanny how that guy up there love to answer to prayers in a manner that is not quite what you asked for but then again, really isn’t too far from what you wished.

In my previous post, I mentioned about how I wished I could just lay in bed and sleep for hours and days.

My wish was granted.

I was confined to bed early last night for hours and hours due to severe tummy upset, nausea and headache, only that I didn't sleep the full hours of confinement as the pain was too unbearable which often left me awake. It's the similar kind of pain and symptoms from my last gastric flu. The symptoms aren’t as bad as I did not puke or have diarrhoea as many times as the last. However, the pain is much worse than the last. It feels like someone is squeezing and pulling at my stomach and intestines.

I just came back from the doctor’s not too long ago. My usual nice and motherly doctor wasn’t around so I had to pop next door. Since it was the first time the doc saw me, he had to ask about my lifestyle, work, stress etc. He tried to probe more about what my job scope entails as he initially suspected my symptoms were stress-related. He started to lecture me about my health, lifestyle, irregular eating hours, my sleep, my job etc that I could not help but cry in his office and use up so much of his toilet paper. Having a stranger telling me all the exact same words loved ones & good friends have been telling me made me feel the pain of his words even more coz he doesn't even know me. It was quite embarrassing but I feel that it was a good scolding. Lots more went on but I shan’t go into detail.

It sucks to be sick when the hubby is overseas for a 1-month work detachment. How very unfortunate.The last major illness also occurred when he was on an overseas detachment.

My pain is acting up again and I’m gonna head for my comfortable bed once more. My stomach is so empty; I’m so hungry but I’ve got no appetite to eat.

Edited to add on 10th March:
Thank you all for your concern and virtual words of “medication”. Those really perked me up. I’m on my 3rd day mc. I’d wanted to head back to office today but my lovely dept people told me to stay at home and so we settled lots of work via emails, texting and phone calls. Glad that I can “rest in peace” now and do my marking at home with easy access to the toilet, food and medication. Not to mention, the comfortable bed! I’m feeling drowsy thinking of my bed. I'll be replying your comments in a while so do check back.


  1. I hope you feel better soon. Try to eat hot soup and rice or any food with carbohydrates. ^^ Try to stay away from anything that might trigger acidity such as coke and juices. :/ I have been suffering from severe gastric pains as well and that's what I do whenever the pain starts. >o<"

  2. Oh no!! I'm sorry that your sick. I hope you start to feel better!

  3. Awww, I'm so sorry Jo. You need someone to pamper you. I hope it passes quickly and then you take all that good advice you've gotten.

  4. Oh no!!!!! :((( I hope you get better soon!!! like very very soon! :( my dad used to force feed me ginger soup and it'd always worked on me on pretty much everything... have you tried it before? no more tears! :)

    Feel better sooooooooooooooooon!!!

  5. Thank you all for your concern and virtual words of “medication”. Those really perked me up. I’m on my 3rd day mc. I’d wanted to head back to office today but my lovely dept people told me to stay at home and so we settled lots of work via emails, texting and phone calls. Glad that I can “rest in peace” now and do my marking at home with easy access to the toilet, food and medication. Not to mention, the comfortable bed! I’m feeling drowsy thinking of my bed.

  6. Hi Jolene.. sorry for the late reply. By now, I hope that you are totally well and healed.

    Do take care and watch your diet. Take intermediate breaks and destress. Hugs.

  7. Feel better soon! I wish I saw this earlier - hope you ARE feeling better already!

  8. Thanx citrella & Winnie for your concern. =)

  9. awww jo!! i didn't know you were so ill!! i hope you feel better soon :( and don't forget to take all your meds and get lots of rest!!

    i'll be praying for you chica!

    why is your husband away??

  10. Thanx Lisa. Oh my hubby is away for a month for work detachment.

  11. oh dear jo, i hope you'll be feeling well. get all the rest you can get.
    yep, i go by my google name Ching.
    as for my photos, i edit just a wee bit using photoshop. we should definitely keep in touch.

  12. Aww sorry to hear you're not feeling well Jolene; I really hope you get better soon! You might not have an appetite, but make sure you try to at least eat simple foods like soup and toast - you need energy to fight the illness! I've never had gastric flu before but I know how miserable I can feel with a regular flu so I can only imagine how much worse you must be feeling right now >.<

    P.S. I tagged you for a blog tag, but you can do it when you get better :)

  13. your blog trully looks like a jardiniere :)

  14. ching,

    OIC. Thanx for letting me know.



    Lucky you not to have gotten gastric flu before! It’s a terrible feeling to keep throwing up even when there’s nothing inside. After purging out stuff from up and down, I feel so hungry each time I’m not nauseous anymore and would gobble all the delicious food down. So yep, I think I’ve gotten my nutrients. Even though I’m not allowed to take milk, I still drink milo.

    Handwriting tag! I will do it soon. That would be fun!



    I love it when new people visit me with a link to their page coz then I get to discover new blogs. Jardiniere as in coz of the flower motifs?


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)