Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blogger comment box is wonky

Anyone of you experiencing that now? I was replying to my comments and when I clicked to send, there was some error. I retried and my msg was lost. Now, I can't even click onto my comments page.

The pop up window says

"We found the following errors:
Your browser's cookie functionality is
disabled. Please enable JavaScript and cookies in order to use Blogger."

I cleared my cache, deleted my cookies, restarted my laptop but it's still the same. I thought it was my blog problem so I went to a few other blogspot blogs but the same error occurred. Their comments windows would show me the same message too. Some blog's main url also showed the same error message.

Is it my laptop or is anyone experiencing the same problem commenting on blogger posts?

Then again, if it's a problem on blogger's part, I guess none of you would be able to reply to this too.

Edited to add (9pm, 20 March):
Thank you Nicole, Serena, Rick, Sugar sugar for your comments. I'm not able to reply you on the comments page though. Oh dear, if it's not blogger's problem, I really do not know what's wrong with my laptop or internet connection. I'm still experiencing problem and it's been a day. This time, I switched off and unplugged my modem and router and plugged in again to no avail.

Since the hubby is not in town, I would be moving back to my parents' place for a week. I will try connecting again tonight when I get there.

Edited to add (2am, 21 March):
I'm at my parents' place now and my sis helped me to connect to the wireless network at home. Yay!!! Everything's back to normal! I guess it was indeed the internet or router problem. I'll be back replying to comments in no time. Do check back! =D


  1. I haven't experienced any troubles here or on any other site as of yet. I hope that helps. : )

  2. It's not just your blog Jo... I've been getting those errors recently as well. I feel like something is wrong with blogger. Hopefully they'll resolve this issue soon. I hate writing the comments and having them deleted on me before I can post them. {*UGH}

    <3 s.

  3. If you see this comment, then I haven't had a problem.

  4. i had a problem last time i visited your site. let's see if it works now... =)

  5. I’ve got no more error window anymore! I guess it should be a router or internet problem. Thank you all of you for commenting and letting me know. It helps a lot!

    I know how it feels!!! I had that far too many times. Now I always type on Word doc and remember to save it every now and then espcially when typing a long comment. I’m relieved to hear that i’m not the only one facing the same problem with blogger.

    @sugar sugar
    What was the problem you encountered? Was it that my site could not be displayed? Gee, I hope it'll be ok from now on.

  6. I experience this from time to time too...I don't understand why either, because my PC is hardwired to the modem so I have a direct internet connection 24/7 .___.

  7. Rinny,

    I’m so relieved to hear that there’s someone who’s also experiencing the same problem with fixed router. How long did it take to get back to normal?

  8. For me it wasn't long at all - usually only a few minutes. Now if I leave lengthy comments, I try to remember to copy everything I wrote in the comment box so I can just paste it in if blogger acts up :)

  9. I experienced the few minutes ones occasionally for all blogger sites too! I think blogger is a little wonky at times! I was just a little annoyed at this full day error which is definitely no fault of blogger.

  10. Ahhh (luckily) I've never experienced a full day error before, but glad you fixed it in the end! I'm thinking about moving my blog over to wordpress - it seems to have better stability and more features than blogger. Are you familiar with it by any chance? :)

  11. I’m not so familiar and whatever I’m gonna say is just my own opinion. Wordpress is cleaner but as for functions, I prefer blogger. Actually I thought blogger has more functions? From what I observe, most people going for the clean look as well as those into serious blogging would choose Wordpress. Those into the fun kind would use blogger. Maybe when I get more mature and my themes start to change, I would switch to Wordpress. For now, i’ll remain with blogger. Oh yes, I think it’s easier to use blogger to post pictures. This is coming from my friend who switched.

  12. Ahh thanks for the insight! I've never actually tried using Wordpress but what drew me to it initially is definitely the cleaner, streamlined look of the pages. I don't know too much about the functions available on WP either, but I'll probably play with the site a bit just to see how it compares :)


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)