Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day to All

and happy 10th year anniversary to us!


I'm a little confused here. After getting married, do you only celebrate your wedding anniversary or do you also celebrate the years-you've-been-together anniversary?


  1. hehehe so cute your anniversary is right alongside v-day :)

    we only celebrate our wedding anniversary now.. because i think it's more important then our "dating" anniversary :)

  2. Thanx for your input! I think I’ll just tell the hubby that we’ll celebrate both so we would have more gifts! LoLz.. I’m dreaming. We seldom buy gifts for each other. Oh yes our dating anni is the same day as V-day as the then bf said he did that on purpose to save $$ on gifts. So mean right?

  3. you should tell him to COMBINE the holidays and get you ONE BIG gift muhahaha.. that's what i do.. our anniversary and christmas are only 2 weeks apart.. so my husband insists that one gift is enough.. so then i say ' ok then it better be one freakin' AMAZING GIFT ' hahahahah

  4. Haha--saving money on gifts, I love that--you'll see why. =)

    First, Happy Valentine's Day!

    As a wonderful wife, you should only require the hubby to remember the wedding anniversary--I asked my wife to agree to that when we got married. But then I turned out to be the one who remembers the dates best--when we met, when we started dating, and when we got engaged. The last one is easy, it was Christmas Eve. The engagement ring was her Christmas present--I did that on purpose to save $$$ on separate gifts!!! Hahaha!

  5. Happy Valentine's Day! That's a beautiful photo - perfect for the occasion :D

    I tagged you btw :)

  6. Happy VDAY & Anniversary! :)

    I hope it's sooooo full of love and happiness!

  7. happy anniversary to the 2 of you! beautiful photo. xo

  8. Lisa,
    Haha... I don’t expect a lot from the hubz. We seldom get each other gifts on occasions itself anyway so I think I would practice the combination way too!


    You! Typical guy! LoLz.. on the saving money money that is. You would so click with my hubby. But you’re really sweet as usual to remember all the special dates. The engagement ring as Christmas gift is such a good one! As in not the ring as a gift per se but the proposal! Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!


    Happy Valentine’s Day! Thanx for the compliment. I think I overdid the exposure. I should edit one that shows our silhouette against the sunset. Ahhhh!!! You tagged me? Thank you but but so far I’ve not done a single post whenever I got tagged by other bloggers. *runs away and hide in embarrassment* OK I will go check it out soon!


    Thanx for popping by my blog and for your wishes. Happy V day to you too!


    Thank u! Happy V day to you too!

  9. Happy Love Day!! And good question... my bf and I have been together 5 years already. I guess we'll ponder that if we get to the married stage! Congrats on your anniversary :) And adorable picture!

    Xo Chelle

  10. Thanx for visiting and commenting! 5 years is quite long too. Hope wedding bells will ring soon.


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