Monday, January 31, 2011

From work to home and home to work

After I got back from my Maldives trip, I've been caught up both at work and at home and am losing steam from running errands all over the island.


I was so busy trying to clear as much work before the Chinese New Year that I often felt I needed more work hours to be able to clear them. On the other hand, I've got so much personal errands to run that I'd the intention to take leave on many occasions to settle them. It's really ironic coz when I'm at work, I kept thinking about how to go about seeing to these home affairs and vice versa.


Can't I split my gemini twins so that each could help me in both spheres?

[picture credit: weheartit]

On instances when I've to run errands after work, I like to dress comfortably enough. You know how some work clothes are just not meant for running around? They restrict your movement, they make you feel uncomfortable...

If only all my clothes are versatile enough for both work and play, I would have a lot less headache and a lot more closet space. Besides, the hubby would stop nagging at me for hoarding.

Fortunately, I've found such versatile clothes from ClubCouture.

I wore this oversized slouchy silk shirt in khaki from ClubCouture to work in a pair of black work pants. It was so comfortable!


For running around, I paired it with brown shorts and gave a little definition by tying a belt around the waist.


This shirt is so comfortably soft and smooth that I think it would become one of my favourite work shirt. Wait a minute, it would also top my list of comfy casual outing shirt. I'd wanted to share the link of this piece with all of you but it has since been sold out.


One rainy off day, after my appointments and running of errands, I met Regina at Sun & Moon for dinner.

I was being such a good friend to help her use up her vouchers before they expire on 31 Jan.

She was being such a good friend for she had vouchers to use before they expire on 31 Jan. Hence, we ended up having a scrumptious dinner for almost half the price.


I was wearing the striped cowl jumper with an abercrombie tank top inside. I accessorised with my "camera" necklace which I got from Far East Plaza. I had this necklace on in Maldives the staff said they love my "camera".


The jumper was actually meant for my sis but she passed it to me. My mum and my sisters are all of the same size. It's especially great for sharing clothes but it's no fun when it's always my clothes. Finally, it's the other way round!

If you're interested in this striped cowl jumper, it's on sale right now. Just click on the link. Bimbo Jo morph into a bird that goes "cheap cheap".

I've been going back to my family home a lot this week. I usually go back to my family home once or twice a week but each time I did, I was so tired from work that I refused to do anything more than to slump in front of the tv and to chat with my sisters. Moreover, it's no fun doing housework in work attire right?

Hence, I had to go back on my off day to springclean my room. Before that, it had been left as it was since the wedding. My family members have conveniently moved some stuff into my room and it was/is fast becoming a storeroom.

The layer of dust on my table was enough to do finger writing on it. Fortunately, my loving dad had helped me to clean the windows, the fan and the wardrobe.

Hmm... why does the above sentence sound uncannily like Narnia?

My table is squeaky clean now; I can sit on it. Ignore the little pile on my left. They've all been cleared.


I've been meeting my family a lot. I met them for shopping on Saturday night. It's really fun to go shopping with my family. While all the males --the dads, the hubbys and the boyfriends-- stand outside shops with folded arms and waiting impatiently for their other halves, my dad would be the only man carrying my mum's shoulder tote, browsing through the rack and picking out clothes for her to try. He even helps my sis to pick out clothes too and his taste is pretty good. Lots of my mum's pretty clothes and shoes are chosen by my dad.

As for shopping online, ClubCouture is one of my favourite websites. Imagine my joy when I received my 2nd parcel from the lovely people there after I got back from my trip.

I just had to try the clothes on!

I initially wore a tube to match the jumper but I thought the abercrombie tank top worked better. What do you think?


I used the belt as a tie to match my banana republic "perfect white shirt" for work.


This military parka jacket is sold out on their website. It's not a winter jacket but it's pretty decent for cold places such as Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore (nowadays with all the rain and wind).


I'm officially on board the ClubCouture Fashion Ambassador programme 2011. ClubCouture is a well-established international online retailer and I am really honoured to be part of this family. Being able to work with a company that not only ensures quality and exclusivity of products but also providing top-notch service is definitely something I look forward to.

We had a photoshoot recently and my my, aren't the ladies there such lovely and friendly babes? I will write more about the photoshoot when the time comes. Meanwhile, check back this space for there could be some ClubCouture bounty in time to come!


  1. Ooh love your cowl neck jumper! Very cute.

  2. Hi Jo! thanks for your comment! You are so cute :D I really like your outfits.. i wish it was warm enough here to wear anything like you!!

  3. On the other hand, I do wish we have cold seasons so I could don pretty autumn and winter wear as well. =)


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