Sunday, November 14, 2010

Unfolding June's Folder



Octa Hotel after work

I met up with reg babe after work one day at Octa Hotel. It was my first time there as I didn't join her and karen the other time.


Octa Hotel is a misnomer since it isn't a hotel. Instead, it's a cafe cum shop à la Japanese-Parisian fashion.


[Photos courtesy of karen who snapped them the other time]

The place looks so quaint and pretty, it's definitely a cute little hang out for the gals to bond over delightful tea and cakes. Once you set foot in there, you could almost assume the role of an aristocratic lady (or an atas tai tai in local lingo), sipping fine tea from exquisite tea cups and adopting an accent so high class the unseasoned ears cannot discern.

With the atas tai tai in mind, Octa Hotel offers in-house designed apparel, intricate accessories, unique bags, homewares and many others imported from all over Europe in their boutique section.

The menu isn't extensive especially since we were there for dinner instead of tea.


I forgot which main dish belonged to whom for we shared them. The Parisian hotdog looked so good but never judge a hotdog from the way it looked. The taste was alright and the bread was so hard, it was impossible to slice through it with a knife. I kept sawing at it only to penetrate till the crust. Hence, I tried biting bits of bread off, feeling pain in my incisors thereafter. The triangular piece of bread up there was very hard too but at least it was thinner and easier to bite off.

I feedbacked to the staff about the bread and I really hope they do something about it.

reg said the mushroom soup was good the last time she tried but it wasn't as good that evening. The royal milk tea was frothy and creamy. I liked that quite a lot, only that I accidentally added too much sugar.

A parting shot of us


She gave me a belated birthday gift in the form of a comme des garcons T shirt.


While I usually see people clad in the iconic single heart logo T shirt, I actually like the play bird series with black birds which resemble the crow --a bad omen-- leaning a little towards the unconventional which I'm absolutely fond of.

Thank you babe, for knowing my taste!


The Cellar Door with bei & xtina

xtina wanted to meet us and have a last group photo taken with us before she shaved her head for the Hair for Hope event the following month. We decided to meet up at Vivocity for dinner and bei suggested The Cellar Door.


As its name suggests, The Cellar Door is a supplier of wine and is also one of Singapore’s top cheese and gourmet food wholesalers in addition to having its very own acclaimed restaurant & delicatessen.

We didn't have any wine coz we weren't really in a wine-sipping mood. The food was deliciously healthy. Who says health and taste do not go together?


I lurve the shaved ham and the sauce that drizzled in between. The bread was a tad hard though. After encountering an aching incisor the night before (from devouring the hot dog bun), I wasn't quite ready for another round of bread biting. Have I already mentioned that I've got very weak teeth?

When I feedbacked to the waiter about the bread, bei giggled at me and said the bread was meant to be like that and that I should not have asked them not to toast it too much the next time. But, my teeth seriously could not take it.

My teeth would crumble like dinosaurs' bones after this.


bz bz bei on the phone for work


xtina trying not to look sad


We decided to arrange a lounging and dipping in the pool session at bei's house during the day time for we haven't once been to her place in the day. That would be the very last time we would see her beautiful house for her family would be shifting.



The impromptu prawning session

One Friday night after work, I checked my hp only to see 2 of my bimbos asking if I was gain to join them for a late night prawning session.

Thinking that the whole jin gang was there, I hurriedly rushed home to change into comfy T-shirt and shorts and scooted off to Hai Bin U Enterprise at Bishan even though I had to work early the next day.

The whole jin gang wasn't there but half of them were, plus two other of gera's frenz who were friendly peeps.

It was a fruitful prawning session. Tiffy caught so many prawns; she was practically casting her line and plucking prawns from the hook every other 5 minutes while jq and I who were flanked on her left and right respectively just stared befuddled at the whole scene.


After that, I got lucky and started catching quite a few. I even caught the biggest one. [Refer to the one with the biggest head in the photo that says "prawn monster".]


From experience, freshwater prawns NEVER EVER tasted good when bbq-ed at the place itself for there was no seasoning available. However, nobody wanted to bring the prawns home so we had to bbq and eat the prawns there and then.

Fortunately for us, someone left a packet of salt by the pit and so we had a fun time "marinating" and cooking the prawns. The prawns were sooooooo good! That was the best bbq freshwater prawns I've ever eaten.

jq always does funny things when we least expect...


The dog there gave birth to a litter of 3 and I managed to "catch" one innocent-looking puppy which could remain still and not appear blurry for the camera to capture w/o flash. I strongly believe in refraining from using flash on animals.

Smiley puppy left its dirty paw print on my thigh



It is obligatory that I post this coz tiffy and gera said I had to announce on my blog that wet tissues are definite life-savers in grimey situations like catching, bbq-ing and eating prawns.



Father's Day dinner

It's funny how mummies are always pampered on Mother's Day and birthdays but daddies are conveniently forgotten.

My dad is one no frills man. Whenever we want to arrange an elaborate dinner, he would insist on eating zi char at some smokey hawker centres or coffeeshops.

Everyone loves eating zi char so nobody would insist otherwise too. We ate at this place which my parents termed as "Serangoon block 151".


It was such a long wait that every dish tasted delicious due to our sheer hunger. As usual, I would always call the shots for greens and so my favourite dishes are the simple stir fried dou miao with garlic and the broccoli with scallops. Oh, but I do love the toufu minced meat and beans as well as the salted egg crab too.

My dad used to look sleepy-eyed for flash photography so he decided to deal with this by opening his eyes real big and asking whoever's behind the camera if he looked sleepy before snapping. The result was looking like Joker from Batman.

My dad wanted to pose with a thumbs up to say that the food was good so my mum had no choice but to follow suit. *LoLz*


While my 2 sisters didn't wanna join us coz they think it makes no sense taking photos at the "Petwalk" sign.


1st ever departmental lunch at New York New York

It was the first time the dept was at its biggest and so we requested for permission to have a longer lunch out to hold a farewell lunch of our temporary 小弟 and 小妹 staff.

Sigh... The longer I work here, the greater the age gap between the temp staff and me. The next batch would be born in the 90s! My gawd.


I feel so blessed to have such nice colleagues in the Eng Dept.



A splashing good time

The long awaited R&R day has finally arrived. I can't believe how we could all meet up on my weekday off! Thanx bei and xtina for arranging your schedule to fit.

Lounging around indoors... being surrounded by water and lush greenery all around really soothes the soul.


Love you gals!


Attempting a quirky arty shot... bleah... failed miserably.


After that, we went to chill on the jetty in the backyard. Only then did I realise that the water was crystal clear and small fishes could be seen darting about the rocks. I guessed we talked and laughed too loudly for the next moment, people opposite came peeking out of their windows. This ang mo set up his deck chair opposite and spied us spying on him.



Time for splashing fun! It was just the 2 of us as bei had to prepare for a dinner event in the evening.



Could you see that it was an infinity edge pool on the other side? It looked like we were swimming in the jetty!



What fun a fallen flower could bring!


bei was all dressed up...


... while we warmed ourselves and got ready to shower


After that, we went our separate ways and I met up with tiffy at vivo for a very belated birthday dinner.

We decided on Marché.


I haven't had Marché in at least 2 years and I miss their rosti and savory crepe. Yes, I know that it's really easy to make rosti but I just wanna eat rosti can? Tiffy recommended their pork knuckles which was supposedly good but I personally don't quite like pork knuckles after taking a few bites of it. For drinks, we ordered root beer for it seems to me that it is almost a ritual to wash your food down with Bundaberg rootbear at Marché.


My camera battery died and the following shots of us were taken using i-phone photo apps

BFF since 7 years old!


She bore an uncanny resemblance to Ah Ya (阿雅) that evening with her hair all tied up.


I know she doesn't like to be called 阿雅 but she's really cute and funny as a host in Guess Guess Guess (我猜我猜我猜猜猜). The show is just different w/o her around.


My reaction when I opened the bag was "WAH! Why you gimme so many things?"


And she said something along the lines of coz I deserved it and that there's no price tag to friendship.

[Tiffy, what exactly was it that you said?]



I lurve how smooth Estee Lauder Perfectionist makes the skin feels.

The coach lanyard is currently strapped around my neck during working hours.

I haven't used the Slatkin & Co Island Margarita as well as the CyberWhite mask but the refreshing lime cocktail scent of the former is currently perfuming my wardrobe unwittingly.

2nd batch of gifts which she gave me the next time we met up after her Japan trip. I think she's really crazy but I do love crazy people.


Outfit for the day


I paired the edgey print shirt reg gave me with a girly frilly skirt. It's a clash but do I look as if I care?


The story of EOA Day & the kitties that accosted me

Whenever I walk to the bus stop, I would cut across the playground in the estate.

And whenever there were these 2 particular cats around, I would be accosted by them.

Here goes the 1st part of the story:


curled up on the sit up bench

leapt down

"goreng goreng" my feet

leapt up again

purred non stop in a cute gurgling manner

gave an affectionate rub to my hand

and then pretend to look so cute

Then, it decided to follow me as I walked, stopping as I stopped and trotting along as I walked.


2nd part of story:




After that, "moo moo cat" followed me till the road and I had to run when there wasn't any car. Usually they won't cross the road but they did once so I didn't want to take any risk.

And so, I was super late to meet my eng dept colleagues to make a very quick "banner" for our 小弟 and the other 2 HQ temp staff in the same team.

Behind the scenes...




The finished products

Let the games begin...


Our company's version of Don'f Forget the Lyrics


Blue is good...


Not sure if you can view the gif which shows pass and fail in Chinese characters.

Some highly entertaining copy-the-leader game.


A series of obligatory group shots...




Look alike? I drew that, so please tell me they look alike.


When I returned home that night, out popped these 2 sneaky little cats again, from the drain this time. No doubt, I was accosted by them once more.


outfit for the day


My mum-in-law is so cute. Sometimes when she comes across cheap (definitely less than $10) but somewhat fashionable clothes which she thinks would suit me, she would grab them.

Her mentaity is:
Buy first coz so cheap.

She always maintains that even if I do not like them, she will find some use for them and it's no harm buying since they're cheap. Most of the the time, I would wear them but there was once or twice they didn't fit me. She very easily found someone who could give the clothes better days.

Unfolding July would have to wait coz I've not even started on editing the photos. There are really other more important thngs to do.


  1. OMGoodness Jo!!! You and your family and friends know how to have fun--and find great food (except that first place with the rock-like bread). I'm a little jealous, but really happy for you. Life's not easy, but having great friends and family you can count on helps a lot.

    Co-workers born in the '90's? Yuck! =)

  2. RicAdeMus,

    Thank u rick. Yes, I count my blessings whenever I think of what great family and friends I have, not to forget my dear hubby too. So whenever things get down or when I feel emo, I would think of all these and realise how fortunate I am.

    Haha... totally agree with you on your last line. It seems not too long ago that I was still schooling and taking up temp jobs, always being known as a 小妹 (little sister) by the perm staff wherever I worked. Now, it's the other way round! And it sux that the age gap gets wider every year!

  3. Lol aiya the tea place looks so good, however I don't think it's the place for me cuz I can NEVER act as a fine lady XD me and friends are always so loud XD

    I was just thinking the hotdog thing looks amazing but you said the bread is too hard >_< (that makes me sad for some reason XD) Have you tried taking Calcium pills? I heard some ppl take them to make their teeth stronger, plus that prevents you from getting osteoporosis XD

    what does "foaming" a prawn fish mean?? (is that a retarded question? lol) and omg that giant, MONSTROUS prawn fish looks so scrary >_<

    The don't forge the lyrics contest look so much fun! I'd totally cry if I get to sing Jolin's songs! Her lyrics for fast songs are hella hard XD

    and yes yes your drawing and ur friend look very alike =D it's amazing how the hair looks identical... hehe!

    PS: your parents are so cute!

  4. Lesson learnt: Must bring own seasoning!

    Octa Hotel sounds nice, but eww hard tough bread? Not my cup of tea either =.=

  5. Frances,

    I've really grown to love reading your comments. You're really cute! I've never once asked you where were you or your family originally from, have I? I was rather surprised to see you use the expression "aiya". =)

    No, I don't take calcium pills. I figured I've got enough since I drink lots of milk.

    Lolz... It's not about foaming a prawn. No la, it's not a retarded question. I meant that the prawn was foaming. After my friend dislodge the prawn from the hook, it started foaming non-stop. Usually they don't foam like that. Ok, it sounds like we're reall cruel and I know my vegetarian friends would hate us for that. And yeah, the prawns are so big that they look like mini lobster with pincers.

    Do you like singing KTV? I've always wanted to learn some of Jolin's fast songs for fun coz pple like to tease me that those are my songs since our names sound the same. However, I don't exactly like her as I find her kinda fake. However, I would not mind learning her songs for fun.

    Thank you for saying the drawing look alike and for the sweet comment about my parents.

  6. Blair,

    Thanx for dropping by and leaving a note! =)

  7. Hi Jo, thank you for your kind comment to my post and sharing your experiences with me :) I can understand that it's off-putting when someone of an ethnicity purposely chooses to not only neglect but also insult it through behaviors. And then there are also those that do try engage in the heritages they belong to.. either way I'm glad you understood my point, that it's never right to act out in a hateful way towards people (especially based on assumptions)!

    Looking through your post wants me to visit Singapore even more.. I would first check out the yummiest places 0=) and it doesn't seem like you mind being stalked by the kitties at all, they are very cute.

    Oh yes and to answer you Q, my parents are originally from China & Hong Kong :)

  8. Karen,

    If you ever come to Singapore, you can drop me a message. I would be most glad to provide you some information on dining (from the cheap & good to the fine dning) and shopping (cheap shopping & higher end) or even show you around. =)

    If your parents are from China and Hong Kong, does it mean you speak Cantonese as dialect or am I assuming?

  9. Aw thanks for offering Jo :) It would be fun to visit Singapore someday. My parents know both Cantonese and Mandarin, but I was raised with Mandarin.. so now I speak Mandarin but can understand (and speak a teeenyy bit) Cantonese :D

  10. Hihi.. I'm curious to know how long is your hair exactly? How come on the same day of the splashing good time your hair looks so short when tyed up in the picture when you and your friends are sitting on the jetty but look so long when you do not tye it up? The one at Marche is on the same day too is it? How come your pony tail look so long in that pictures?

  11. Helloooooooooooo Jo!! =D

    I'm Taiwanese =D =D =D wahahahaha! English is my second language (you prob can already tell heehee) so I blurt out some Chinese exclamations occasionally XD I need to stop saying aiya though... it's becoming a habbit and I'm scared I might accidentally say it in a interview or something O_O and I knoww the lashes are so long when I first saw them I was like oh lord what am I gonna do with them O_O I can poke ppl with these (makes me wonder though when girls wear these while kissing their bf... would they poke them straight in the eye? ... okay I think too much) Hm in that vid I was wearing some neutral eyeshadows in my crease and in my crease only (you know as opposed to wearing eyeshadow all over my lid), I find that really helps my crease stand out. I always do that when I'm wearing dramatic lashes/eyeliner, maybe you could try that? ^__^

    the prawns were foaming? O_O like cuz they couldn't breathe or something? er I didn't even know they foam... they're usually dead or cooked when I see them you know XD

    And hahah that was exactly what I thought when I first saw your blog! Jolene Jolin =D I know what you mean... I like watching Jolin's MVs and stuff but I CANNOT stand her in talk shows... so... fake... =_= and YES I LOVE KTV XD but I don't go often cuz it's so expensive here T_T kind of makes me wonder what you voice sound like... do you sound like Jolin at all??? lol???

  12. (OMG I got the error msg cuz my comment was too long so I have to do two posts O_O so glad I typed it out in wordpad cuz I was like omfg are you freaking kidding me! lol)

    And thanks for reading all my entries T__T it might sound crazy but I'm really touched when I read comments like this T__T you made my whole dayy <3 And you're one of the few bloggers I feel connection with =D heehee. I don't know I find my blog a bit boring cuz it's all makeup... (I try to keep it that way cuz I want to keep different interests separated) and when I read blogs I like to read the personal ones =D wayy more interesting than makeup XD haha. But anyway thank youuu >_< hsieh hsieh!! XD

    Okay I'm gonna stop I'm writing a novel here... lol

    Looking forward to your next post =D


  13. Anonymous,

    Oh! I took a while to understand what you're trying to say so I took a good look at the photos again and I know what you mean now. If I remember correctly, I tucked the rest of my hair into the scrunchie so what you see in that photo with seemingly much shorter hair would be my outer layers coming out. My hair was extremely layered during that time such that the outer layers look like my shorter hair whenever I tied my hair that way. The ones at Marche looks longer coz I tied it as a normal pony tail w/o tucking the inner layers in. So yep, those are all taken on the same day.

  14. Frances,

    LoLz! I think you'll totally flip if I told you that I could see all the notifications for your comments and could also see them before being published so they did get through after all! I was reading each and everyone of them to see the difference to know which ones to click "pubish". I'm sorry you had to retype so many times. I understand how frustrating that could be coz it happened to me a few times. Hence, I've always been typing my comments in my blogger window as it has the autosave function in addition to the fact that the blogger window is somehow more sensitive to my keystroke on my faulty keyboard as opposed to all the typing mediums.

    You're totally funny! I would never have thought about the lashes in that way! Haha... I guess their eyes must be closed so it's fine? Hahaha... Thanx for the eyeshadow tip, babe! I'll try that next time. I'm usually just mascara and eyeliner most of the time. We dunno exactly about why the prawn was foaming but we were joking that it was having fits.

    No I don't think I sound like Jolin. I dunno how to describe my voice coz the voice I hear through my skull sounds very different from my voice which I hear on videos. Haha... I very much prefer the voice I hear through my skull. That should be the case for everyone. Can check out my videos the next time. =D

    Xie xie to you too and no worries, I love reading "novels" too. Always make my day. Hahaha... I hope I could blog soon. Cya around!

  15. Thanks for your explanation. Now I understand! Please blog more often. I love reading and looking at your pictures.

  16. Anonymous,

    You're most welcome! Hopefully, you would use a pseudonym next time so I would know who you are. I hope to find the time to blog more. It doesn't help that I left the office over 12am just now. =(

  17. LMAO I AM flipping!!!!!!!!! XD the first time the error thing came up I thought it was my dying computer being stupid, so I had to retype everything (trying so hard to remember exactly what I wrote T_T) and second time I was like OMFG good thing I took precaution this time... oh well now I know XD next time I don't have to mind the error msg I guess as long as my comments went through? sorry you had to delete all the other ones tho lol!

    when you say you type your comments on blogger window, like the posts window?

    lol I usually only do mascara and eyeliner too! in fact I don't even wear makeup every day... you'd think a beauty blogger would XD

    Hm I think I watched a couple of your videos (the wedding ones) but I don't remember hearing your voice cuz it was all music or something? but heehee I will look out for future videos =D but yeah I totally agree... I always thought I had manly voice until I heard myself on tape/in vids... major shock moment I still remember XD

    okay I'm gonna stop here... I'm scared to get another error msg XD haha. hope to see you update soon =D take care <3

  18. buahahahaha no error msg this time XD okay I'm gonna go now for real XD

  19. Babe, glad you like the T-shirt! There's a new Comme des Garcons shop near Forum...let's go there one of these days!!:P

  20. Frances,

    Hahaha... I'm not so sure about the error message and whether it means that the comment has already gotten through. Next time, just make sure you type on somewhere that you can save to save the frusration. Haha...

    Yeah I type in the blogger window (as per like writing a blog post) under the "compose" mode. This medium senses the most of my keystroke somehow. Even the "edit hml" mode doesn't sense as much as the "compose" mode. I'm not sure why.

    And yes, I admit I would think beauty bloggers wear lots of make up and quite often.

    Haha... In your case, it seems your actual voice is better sounding than what you hear through your skull. For me, I think my voice is very annoying both ways. LoLz. I can't stand listening to it. You could click on the video tags to see those blog posts with videos. My annoying voice from those youtube videos with my godkids could be heard very clearly. The most you can hear of my voice is from this video:

    Cya around!

  21. Reg,

    Babe! Thanx for introducing the brand to me. I like how edgey their stuff are. Okie! We'll check out one of these days ya?

  22. We were having fun and being silly, but just for the record, I know a few people born in the '90's who are amazing. I would love to work with them, have them as neighbors or friends. I almost said "where were you when I was single" to one of them, but I did the math and cringed at the thought of where she probably was when I actually got married. LOL!

  23. aw your video made me smile so much :) hehe a different side of you I've never seen! You're so adorable, and so are your godchildren (: (and I don't even like kids that much so that's saying a lot XD) going to read your new post now :D

    PS: I thought your voice sound pretty you! You know what I mean? Some ppl you're like what? this voice matches up with this person??? but with yours there's not that unpleasant surprise element XD I like your voice ^_^ very friendly (: not annoying at all!

  24. RicAdeMus,

    You really have a very interesting family. Haha... Just like the latest one! So refreshing to read all your unique adventures and escapades with them and stories of them.

    Yeah... actually sometimes when u dunno someone's age, you realise you could still communicate with them quite well. Age is just a number. It's just that when you are in your 20s and you have more and more younger colleagues, it dawns on you that you're no longer young.

  25. Frances,

    Thanx for the compliment. I guess when I speak to kids, my voice tend to be more "act cute" to match their level. I try my best to speak in proper English too so they don't pick up the Singlish and mixed Mandarin/dialect phrases which is how I normally speak. That video was taken years ago. I love that video lots! Coz it wasn't even staged but it started and ended so well as if it was planned. Haha... My good friend (the kids'mum) decided to film when she saw how cute the whole thing is. Imagine, I was the ship for so many times! My godson is turning 7 next year and my goddaughter 6. If you get to hear my voice when I'm talking to adults, it's lower and so not adorable. Haha... While scanning tru my videos, I realised they are mostly with my godkids and with animals! Hence, the misconception of having adorable voice. =)

  26. What a wonderful June you have there. Your life is so full of activities that it make me feel like I'm a boring person. Hahaha! I'm not complaining though. Really envy you for having so much fun and having such great friends around you and having a cute family. AND I love you in your bikini! Whee whee!

  27. Yen,

    I haven't seen you around for quite some time. Haha... Maybe coz I take lots of photos of my activities which makes it seems like my life is very eventful? LoLz

    I'm always thankful for having such wonderful people around me to share my life.


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)