Monday, October 18, 2010

A typical morning...

[Source: googlygooeys]

I'm like Ponggo. How about you?


  1. hahahhaaaa, me too!!!
    especially on the last picture where he starts panicking ;)
    i really hate that feeling, once you realize you're going to be late!

  2. Hey Kate,

    I'm like him for all the pictures. Hehe... I keep snoozing my handphone alarm. The longest was for 1 hour!

  3. LOL that used to be me!!! until I was late too often so now whenever I hear my alarm I force myself to jump right out of my bed O_O

  4. HAHAHAHAHA!! This is me EVERY single morning!
    I have two alarms on my phone. They are 10 minutes apart and each have the option of snoozing for 5 mins. I always end up waking up 10 mins after the second alarm. That is 20 minutes after the first alarm. SO BAD!

    I need to catch up on your post. But your last one is SOOO LONG!! I feel like I wished you happy birthday when you blogged about it. From all your pictures it looks like you had an AMAZING birthday MONTH. [I still need to go through and read.] I'm cheating and just skimming your pictures. =p
    You and your gal friends look like you had a blast. Lots of indulging on food and girl bonding time.

    I noticed in the first photo of the post you have short hair but in the photos from the wedding your hair is long. Did you get a haircut or? Do you curl your hair or is your hair natural wavy?! I've been trying to get the loose wave/ curls look. Not working. >.<

    Anyways. I will read up on your previous post more carefully when I have more time. [Probably on my phone at work.] {*Heehee}

    <3s Serena.

  5. Pop Champagne,




    You've got discipline! You go, gal! Stay away from lazy pigs like me. *hee*



    Welcome to my gang! 20min isn't too bad, I've been snoozing for even an hour lately. I'm piggier. =D

    Cheating? You're too cute to admit you're skimming. No worries at all. It's difficult to catch up with so many posts all at once.

    Oh about my hair, the first photo was me with horrendously bad hair day when all my shorter outer layers were curling out all over the place. My actual length during that time (in May) was what you see for the rest of the photos -- below bust length. However, I cut it in September as can be seen in the Universal Studios photos. My original hair is straight which curls at the end when they are too layered. Remember you asked me to let you know the results of my hair in one of your posts about scrunching your hair in a bun to bed to get loose curls the next day? Well, that's what you see in the photos of my friend's wedding. My curls didn't hold at all and so I tong it to get nice bouncy waves only to have the humidity make it like how it looked before the tonging all over again!


  6. Hi Jo,

    We will like to invite you for a cosmetics launch.

    Do you have an email whereby we can get in touch?

    Look forward to hear from you.


  7. Hahaha that discipline is especially important here because it snows in winter >_< aka transportation will take longer than normal... so usually I'd be able to barely make it but with snow... uber late -___-

    that is so cool! Singapore sounds like the Asian version of the United States... =) and tks for the photoscape tip! I always thought you have amazing photos/photoshop!! Just downloaded it, shall try to experiment with it... when I feel up to it? XD (so lazy when it comes to technology aiya ><)

  8. Kathy,

    Thank you for the invite. You can reach me at



    Haha... It'd better snow here in Singapore so I could practise discipline to wake up on time.

    I wished I knew how to use photoshop too. It's really amazing how these experts could make such a vast difference in their photos through photoshop. I relly wannal earn but i'm also very lazy when it comes to IT stuff. Hence, photoscape is good or us lazy people!

  9. I'm like Ponggo too!! OMG!!! hahaha!!! i so love weekends now.. cos dun even need to set the alarm for waking up and the trouble to snooze it when it rings! haha!

  10. Haha... I've been zzz till afternoon or evening every Sunday for the past few sundays to catch up on all the lost sleep over the weekdays. No snooze so good.


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