Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ba Ba Black Lips

The other night, I was fiddling around with my anna sui black lipstick and decided to attach some dramatic lashes to be bottom lash line too just for fun.





I can't imagine myself wearing this colour for it stained my teeth, my hands and whatever that brushed past my lips.

For this year's halloween, we are not doing the usual dressing up at my place and going to some clubs thereafter. Hence, the black lipstick would have to wait for the next time.

Why do they have such perfect black lips???





  1. wooooowww i love it!!!! so sexy and vampy!!!!!

    but i think the pic is more matte and yours are more shiny?

    Rinz @

  2. waaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love it!!!! too bad the lipstick stains though =( Did you trying blotting your lips after applying the lipstick?? maybe it'd help??

    I couldn't find a black lipstick at MAC here so I bought a deep berry color which looks kind of gross XD I'm pretty excited. What are you doing for Halloween if you're not going out?

  3. Hey Rinz,

    Aww... Thank you! Come to think of it, I do see people spotting the glossy black lipstck look on magzines but never in real life. They're always matt. I guess this explains it!

  4. Hey Frances,

    Thank you! =D The lipstick is rather oily/glossy kind and hence blotting actually spoils the look of it. It didn't look matt but looks like gloss gone wrong. I was too lazy to try other means of making it stay coz I was merely playing with it.

    Deep berry should be vampy and beautiful right? It didn't turn out well for you? We won't be doing the usuals hittng the clubs but we're still venturing out. Will update with photos hopefully soon after the event!

  5. Woo, scary and pretty, a combination that always leads to trouble in the Halloween movies. LOL!

    Thank you for the sweet comment. I've gotten to be pretty fond of your blog. =)

  6. RicAdeMus,
    Haha... But I won't be doing this look for Halloween this year and aww... that's so sweet of you too. Thanx! My exact sentiments.


    Thanx for your kind words and encouragement! I'm glad to know that people appreciate my writing.

  7. Love the bottom lashes, makes be think of a fluffy bug lol.

    Btw, thanks for checking out our blog, glad you like your monster pillows! You hubby sounds like a funny guy, I know what WoW is but I don't play it though :P

  8. Wooo.. Jo! I got scared when i came into ur blog! Hahha!! Nice and scary even though it wasnt for the actual halloween party! I'm sure if you wear that makeup out, alot of ppl will grab you for a pic, or maybe not just one pic. a tons of it! =p

  9. Lawrence,

    Fluffy bug? That sounds really cute! Ohmigosh, your lady in black story sounds spooky but at least, all of you could see the lady. I would be totally freaked out should I be the only one being able to see her. When she caught up and stood in front of the trolley, did the driver like ram her down or go through her?

    I've got my story which I would still insist on attributing it as a nightmare instead of some tales of the supernatural.

  10. Canny dear!!! You're back!!! I was so pleasantly surprised to see your comments. Haha... Look out for my this year's look preview on facebook. I think you'll be spooked by it more than this, no?


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