Monday, August 09, 2010

Unfolding May's Folder - friends and food are the finest balm for the overworked soul


I've got a total of 14 folders of photos for the month of May. That's far too many events to be updated in one post so I would be updating them by parts.

In the merry month of May I learnt that...

friendship & food are certainly the finest balm for the pangs of the overworked soul


I'm sure some of you Jane Austen fans or literature buffs could see where I got my inspiration for the above quote from.


Long lost friend

On the labour day holiday, I met up with tf, whom I've not seen for a looooong time. We had so much fun chatting, bitching, gossiping and bimboing and laughing our heads off!


I was looking through my folders to see when was the last time we met save for that very brief moment when you went up to my suite on my wedding day. Guess what? It was in 2007 2009! (Bah... can't believe I made a typo in the year and left it on my blog for a few years) Gosh! Was it really that long? It certainly didn't feel so.

I'm really thankful for this friendship of ours. We're those who needn't meet for a few years yet able to connect like good friends each time we meet. Also with each meeting, we would completely fill in on each other's lives and there was never a moment of awkward silence since both of us have so many common topics to share. I think it's every boy's nightmare when gals talk too much, don't you agree? *LoLz*

Ater catching up on what happened in each other's lives over lunch at Din Tai Fung, we hit the malls with a full day of crazy shopping.


Even when it comes to food, we have more or less the same taste which was really great for sharing!

Here are my shopping hauls for that day...

LV eva clutch for myself

and LV mini pochette for my mum

girlish blingbling Korean necklace/choker

I told tf that it was only the first day of the new month and here I was happily swiping card like nobody's business.

After a long time of shopping, we had to replenish our energy for more "cheonging" in the malls so we wound up having a quick bite at Yoshinoya which was the only eatery with seats and without a queue. Glad that this gal eats Yoshinoya coz so many of my frenz don't like the food there.


As if spending the entire day with each other wasn't enough, we had to prolong the day past midnight with some drinks and chatting about the more serious aspects of life.



What I wore that day -- butterfly sleeves top paired with good old denim shorts.



Brunch @ Riders Cafe & shopping in town

Offdays are extremely precious to me. Most of the time when I coop myself indoor, I would be frantically marking compsitions, drafting my backdated blog posts and doing lots of other bo liao stuff. Hence when I go out, I tend to pack my day to the brim.

First activity lined up for the day was brunch at Riders Cafe with reg, jw and karen. The gals have been talking about having brunch there for the longest time ever and we finally made it there on a resplendant Sunday morning. Midday to be exact.


I love the lush greenery of this place which seemed so far away from the city. The city girl and the country girl coexist in me equally.


It was sweltering inside the cafe despite the relentless whirring of the ceiling fans which only seemed to be swirling the heat around. Nevertheless, the food and the company made up for the stifling heat.


I heard from reg that the chocolate drink isn't as good as it looked.

Jw and Karen had pancakes. The fluffy pancakes arrived lightly dusted with icing sugar and drizzled with blueberries compote. There was a little slab of butter to top it off. The pancakes sure look delicious and I could attest to that after getting a bite off karen's. However, I made a mental note to request for 2 slabs of butter for each layer of pancake should I ever order it the next time. Sinful, but I'm those who love to drench my pancakes in butter.

Reg and I ordered the Riders Breakfast set; Reg opted for sunny-side up while I went for the scrambled eggs. I love the buttery milky taste and the smooth consistency of my scrambled eggs. I have a strong inclination towards savoury food for my mains. Hence, eggs and bacon are my ideal breakfast!

You could see we really enjoyed our breakfast!


After that, I suggested we check out Parco Marina Bay at Millenia Walk as I was intrigued by the "Tokyo Pop Up Store" there. I read from 8 Days magazine that the store was a carefully-curated space which served up quirky knick-knacks from 33 hip Japanese designers. The items there were limited in quantities and the shop would "pop down" after 33 days in 2 May 2010 which would make that day the last day. I wanted to go there before that slice of knack disappeared.

Another good reason to visit the place was for Parco Next Next, a hip enclave which houses 25 budding local designers. The stuff runs the scale from the avant-garde to eclectic. While the clothes and accesories there were indeed enthralling and unique, I couldn't help feeling if I would ever wear such designs out.


I ripped this photo off reg's blog and this is the description that goes with the photo:
"This photo encapsulates the essence and intensity of shopping as an activity. When girls shop together, they virtually enter another realm and become totally oblivious to their surroundings as well as how much they have in their pockets."

I agree on oblivious.

I was completely oblivious to my suroundings and was unaware that jw snapped this.

After that, while reg, jw and karen popped by Octa Hotel for tea, I bade them goodbye and met up with tiffy for more shopping and our usual catching up.


We ended the day by sitting in TCC sharing a healthy plate of smoked salmon salad with tofu. Tiffy scribbled furiously on her notebook to prepare for her work while I flipped fashion magazines and disturbed her ever so often with my occasional outburst of "This is so beautiful!" and "What do you think of this?"

Being meanie tiffy, I swear she wanted to shoot me dagger stares and roll her eyes each time I disrupted her train of thoughts. However, she actually replied and showed interest in whatever I was commenting on without asking me to shuddup.

Outfit for the day


White grecian inspired top from Diva with shorts... yeah like what's new? Singapore is so hot!
For accessories:
- On hair... a bow ribbon brooch from Green Petals. I slipped the safety pin under the elastic band making it look like a hair ribbon
- On neck... necklace which I bought the day before
- On feet... bling sandals from Pretty Fit (pardon the ugly toenails)

Have I ever mentioned here before that I'm constantly on the hunt for the perfect white buttoned shirt?


The definition of the perfect white shirt is elusive; it's different for everybody.

Search as I would in every shop, I just could not find the perfect one I was looking for. It's been years.

A bespoke shirt sounded intriguing however, I didn't think for a minute that it would be worth it.

I know Jennifer Aniston has a perfect one on her in The Break Up. It's from Calvin Klein but I can't find my perfect one from there. =(

I know so many other celebrities have their perfect white shirts too.



Ashley Tisdale goes all casual in a translucent patterned fabric shirt with brightly-coloured bra top underneath


Eva Longoria looks so yummy in her crisp white shirt and lovely waves


and so effortlessly chic in a casual one while shopping with Victoria Beckham


Jennifer Aniston has a fitting one for the office


and a boyfriend white shirt to tease us on GQ



Jennifer Love Hewitt has one that seduces


Rachel Bilson has a breezy flowy one worn with a black spag underneath


Even racequeen Nam Eun Ju has a perfect white shirt

This looks just like a man's shirt but if you look as hot as racequeen Nam Eun Ju, that would be the perfect white shirt and because she's so hot, I will put up more pictures of her.




Now back to the topic... where's my perfect white shirt?

I was about to give up until I stepped into Banana Republic and saw it:


I think I've found my almost perfect white buttoned shirt [see left].

Not too translucent, not too loose, not too tight and stiff, not too manly. It is soft and comfortable with rolled sleeves and a relaxed fit. The buttons at the back lent a hand to its structured fit without feeling too stiff. It can be worn tucked in for a tapered look or tucked out with a belt for a breezy feel.

Thanx to tiffy for suggesting BR! She also advised me to buy the silk and azlon tube dress [see right] which looks immacutely and effortlessly stylish in its simple design. I took her word for it and I'm so pleased with my purchase. I could hear the cash register go Kerching! Kerching! on the 2nd day of May.

A floor laden with shopping bags and other rubbish while the hubby shakes his head and goes, "Again?"


What's printed on the Banana Republic carrier


Um... of US materials?


Chicago The Musical

On a fine weekday night, reg, karen and I caught Chicago The Musical. It was good but not mind-blowing like what I expected. I would catch the broadway one when the opportunity arises.

After the musical, we had supper at Xin Wang Cafe where jw joined us. It was the only place opened at that time that served proper food.


I've never liked the food at Xin Wang Cafe. Kh says the food is fine and that I'm too picky. I'm so glad to find more friends who agree with me.


Outfit for the day



Simple black dress from Forever 21
For accessories:
- simple faux leather jewelled clutch
- Chanel-looking earrings from Green Petals
- Juicy bracelet from Parco Next Next (which looks like it came with the earrings as a set)
I didn't wear the bib becklace out in the end as it kept shifting around my neck.

More of May's updates coming soon...

Watch this space.


  1. Are all you posts this epic I wonder? I like this! It's like a feast upon a blog!

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog.

    I am defi going to bookmark your page so I can spy on your tales.

    I felt the same way about Chicago

  2. jennifer anniston looks better and better with age! I hope I'm like her hahaha. and omg I was thinking of getting another LV clutch yesterday! So funny that you blogged about that now... it's like we're on the same wavelength :D Sure go ahead and blog about the Chanel, I don't mind at all!!

  3. P.S trying to follow you but the followers widget isn't showing, boooo!

  4. Hello Jolene ^^~

    first off i just wanna say i saw ur post a while back that u got married!!!!! congratulations!!! ^________________^

    and also may i say your friend is the most beautiful baldie i've EVER seen! seriously... i think she looks better bald :) so glad a model agent approached her for it!

    and i ADORE your style... i love all the clothes you wear and all the accessories you have... no joke. love them. you're a freaking model =)

    and lastly to reply to ur comments... (sorry it took so long ><)
    trust me i do have SMALL lids. they only look big cuz in my tutorials my eyes are semi-open to show the colors. if i was looking straight up there's not much space there lol. in fact, i had a friend who came up to me after half an year and said to me in surprise... wait... you're not monolid?! -___-;;... so yeah XD

    congrats again on your wedding, and keep posting (: loving your pics!

    <3 Frances

  5. I really LIKE your butterfly top! Make you look fairy-like. The fabric looks good, soft and comfortable. Where did u get it?

  6. Hi Old Cow,

    Thanx for visiting too. What a cute blogger nick you have there! LoLz... yeah... epic is the word. I've got no time to update so my blog updates are always late. I'm slowly trying to catch up on my posts. Look out for them.

  7. Pop Champagne,

    I agree that Jenn Ann looks better with age too. I very much prefer her style and hairdo now as compared to her early days in FRIENDS when her hair was all the rage.

    Hope you get your LV clutch soon. Yeah! I love peoplewith same wavelength. So are you getting or have you already gotten your Chanel?

    I can see you as a follower. The widget isn't showing on your side? Hmm...

  8. Frances,

    First of all, thannx for your wishes and lovely comment. Reading such lovely words brightens up my day and affirms my decision to let my blog be more opened. I've come to know so many beautiful people on the blogging realm both locally and internationally.

    LoLz... I shall tell my friend to remain bald coz she looks so good and more people are agreeing to that too.

    Aww... you're too sweet. Thanx for you compliments. If you ever do come to Singapore, I would show you where to buy pretty accessories.

    Monolid or small crease, you're still a babe. =D

  9. citrella,

    Thanx dear. I got it from one of the shops in Far East Plaza but I don't remember the name. I took a long time searching for fairy/butterfly tops that fits coz those you see online look good only coz the models are so chio and those in sg drapes too much. Hence, I think this is one of the better ones. I think you are about my size too right? Go search in FEP! Material is ok. Inner spag was provided but the stitches were coming off the strap. Luckily I've got another white spag. Let me know when you found your fairy top!

  10. LMAO. that was the longest post EVER!!! but i enjoyed it. you take so many awesome pictures!!! especially the food ones. haha.

    i need to go shopping too!!! and damn girl... you def go shopping! ;)

  11. Hi Jo.
    Every time i roll through ya blog, i get to see and learn new things.Ya are such a terrific blogger. It seems to touch every ones's heart at its best.
    The words are strong, the subject ya have explored through are just as great as it should have been.
    Over all the pictures are stunning n ya too look wonderful.
    Love to see and read more from ya in the days to come.

  12. Amy,
    Where have you disappeared to gal? You've been away for so long! Well... If we were living in the same country, we could go shopping together! =D

  13. deXtah,

    Thank you for your lovely words deXtah. Don't be a stranger and I would love to hear more from you in time to come too!

  14. thanks for commenting!

    love the white shirt and dress on you.

    the white shirt looks like a wardrobe staple!

    food looks great too!

  15. Nic Nic,

    Thanx for dropping by and for your comment.

    I really hope the new Canmake Gokubuto mascara is comparable or better than the old Canmake Glamorous fur.


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)