Thursday, July 08, 2010

Wedding Services FAQ Part III

Continuing from the previous wedding service FAQ, here's part 3 and the final one. I decide that I'd better post part 3 before our one year mark.

I'm so sorry if the wedding posts seem to go on forever but I'm really glad that I took the time to do all the wedding FAQ posts as they really serve as a one stop place for directing everyone to their queries. The sad thing is, I don't get as much questions/feedback/responses from my readers anymore as I presume all your answers have been answered? In any case, you can still drop me any queries that have not been answered in the posts.


Time really flies. This adage has been way overused but oh, how much truth it holds.

In 2 days time, we would be celebrating our one-year wedding anniversary. It feels like the wedding was just yesterday. It feels like not too long ago when we said "I do". It feels like not too long ago when he reassured my parents that he would take good care of me.

I've taken a long break from the last wedding service FAQ due to the music copyright issue but I've discussed with my video coordinator and photographer and both said it should be fine to upload their videos for personal sharing. I may remove the videos to my discretion should anything happens.

Do take note that the video files are compressed to fit the maximum file size limit of youtube and facebook. Furthermore, the resolution is greatly compromised when viewed on youtube.


Photography by Gideon Koh

Photo slideshow of the day's highlights

[Click here to open video in new window]

Photo slideshow of the banquet

[Click here to open video in new window]

the coffee table album
















Gideon has great personality and is a really fun person to work with. We could click very well right from the very beginning when we decided to use his services.

Both hubby and I love how Gideon's photojournalistic style captures all the fleeting candid moments beautifully. The wedding may well be over. Nevertheless, we continue to relive the fond memories each time we view the photos.

Our families and close friends who had the privilege of viewing the photos on the DVD had nothing but praises for Gideon's artistic style and his ability to capture emotions and little details. As soon as the compressed versions were uploaded on FB, a few people actually dropped me messages to ask who our photographer was. Needless to say, many guests noticed him on that day itself and asked about him as it's difficult not to notice a cute photographer.

Gideon also provided good after service too. He readily helped compress the files for us to upload on FB and were very patient with us when we made changes to the coffee table album.

From a photographer and to a personal friend, I must say it's indeed our privilege to have Gideon as our wedding photographer.

Gideon Koh Photography has just been inducted into The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association! :)

According to
The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association AGWPJA is comprised of outstanding wedding photographers, who are at the forefront of the wedding photography industry when it comes to enhancing images. The chief objective of the AGWPJA is to provide members with a platform where the finest enhanced, manipulated and/or artistic wedding photojournalism in the world is spotlighted and
promoted for the bride and groom.


Video by Academy Video

Highlights of what happened on the morning of 10th July 2009...

[Click here to open video in new window]

blogger just shut down on me and whatever that I've typed about academy video for the past 1 hour was gone!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooooooo pissed! Will continue again later.

Updated on 10th July 12.53am:
Busy marking compo for my classes later and going for our anniversary staycation thereater. Will finish the part on aademy video after the weekend. Stay tuned!

I was doing some research prior to the wedding and saw a few couples giving the thumbs up for Academy Video. Curious, I went to their homepage but could not find any video sample at all. I was not impressed by their outdated homepage and almost ruled AV out due to this but decided to make an enquiry call. A meeting was arranged and we viewed varying styles of morning highlight videos ranging from the traditional, the artistic and the modern, creative approach at their main office. We also found out the reason why their videos were not shown on their homepage (which I won't write about here).

AV's website has since been spiffed up and it sure looks impressive. Be warned though that the flash may take quite a while to load.

I was attracted to AV's creative style videos but what really drew me was the package which included a documentary of the whole event. We were told that the documentary style dvd would be beautifully and smoothly edited video instead of shakey raw footages a la Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield which most videography companies offer.

We played the documentary style video for both our families and had a whale of a time reliving the events all over again. Friends who dropped by our place or who were directly involved in the morning activities also had a fun time viewing.

Our coordinator Jonny suggested video styles according to the couple's character without compromising on our expectations. He also noted down all our special requests. The end result was a highly entertaining video which left our guests in stitches. Our friends and relatives really loved the video a lot. I suspect it's also due to the fact that many people enjoy watching kh and the xiong dis being "tekan" by my jie meis.

A group of my friends commented that it was one of the best morning highlights video they've seen. One of my friends who got married a few months before me exclaimed, "Wah! Branded sia!" upon hearing our video services were from "Academy Video". She had been doing her research and she really liked AV's video style too even though she didn't opt for it in the end.

In my opinion, AV's prices are not expensive at all. It's just that there are many cheaper video services around which are really quite decent.

Kh esepcially liked the part when his reading aloud of the love "contract" was done as a voiceover. I like that too. I would always remind him of his promise and threaten him that it has been recorded for all to witness. Thanx to the video editor[s] for their prudent choice. However, I just didn't understand why they chose such an ugly shot of me for the "starring Jolene" scene. ;P

We were certainly pleased to have engaged AV for their videography services. We had a pleasant experience working with the team there. As mentioned above, our coordinator was Jonny who has since become a friend and our VG was Bernard. Bernard was pretty focused on recording everything that was worth sealing in our memory on tape. Occasionally, he would guide us and the xiong dis and jie meis on what to do. He worked quite well with Gideon too.

We did not engage AV for photo services as at that time, we were already certain in having Gideon to cover the photography aspects. However, I saw some of AV's photos and it's those kind of photojournalistic style which I like.

With that, if you like the morning highlights video you see here, do give Academy Video a call to enquire. I would never have known of such an excellent video service company had I not made that enquiry call to them.


  1. hey hunnie. sorry for the extremely late response. i havent had much time to get back to my readers lately bcos have been busy with helping my sis with her wedding which is coming up on aug. im sure you know how much time it takes to plan a wedding since yours turned out so beautiful! your photos capture the moments so well. i enjoyed watching your slideshow =) wow jo, its been a year? from what you've learned this year what do you think makes a marriage successful?

    i also want to say thank you so much for the thoughtful msg you had written me last. one of the reasons why i started blogging was to connect with other ppl out there and its nice to know that we can try to sustain some kind of friendship without having met in person. i feel that you've been sincere to me as well and i always enjoy reading your comments too. so thx for that =)

    happy anni, babe. and i feel ya...its july already?? our summer hasnt even started. getting the worst weather ever

  2. Hello dear,

    Better late than never! Cliche but how true. ;) Well, I'm sure with this darling sister you helping out, your sis would have a beautiful wedding too!

    From what I learn from my own marriage, from friends' and other couples (whether married or not)around me, I think mutual trust, communication and respect are the key ingredients. We spend lots of time together but also give each other lots of free time to hang out with our own friends. We'll always share about our day and even gossip together too. LoLz

    Thanx for your lovely comments always! Hope you have a great time at Vegas and post lots of pictures ya?

  3. Dearest Jolene,

    I have decided not to be silent anymore and to speak up seeing you have a two-way communication with your readers. And how great it is to see such sincere interaction with them.

    Firstly thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for putting in the effort to write not just one but three posts on the wedding Q&A. I enjoyed reading them a lot. When nobody asks you anymore questions, it might just mean that they were able to receive all information from your blog. You readily answered all queries and even included them answers into the future posts. Is anyone as helpful as you are?

    I see you often ask your readers how they stumble to your blog. Let me explain, I got to your blog from searching on google about Whitelink Bridal as I saw another of my friend in Whitelink with such beautiful gowns and photos. Many of your photos are featured on Google images and I fell in love with them. So I started clicking on all the links you provided and also on your wedding link located on the right and I spent some good hours and days scrolling through and then after that pouring through every word you type and that was when I realise you write beautifully and I can sense what a wonderful person you are. You are different from all the other blogger babes people often talk about. I don't know how well-known or popular you are as I can't do an exact measurement based on your blog. I do see you linking to other popular forum member's blogs and also being linked to them. And I do know about you from ourfeistyprincess and when I first knew about it, I've already thought what a wonderful person you are. I left some comments when the blog was still new but when the comment settings was changed I could do so no longer. So here I am now. Leaving you a hearfelt comment. Keep up whatever good you are doing!

    Reading through some of your comments, I know you prefer if we leave a name instead of being anonymous to you. I don't think I know what name to leave so you can refer to me as xin (heart in Chinese). You are inspiring me to start a blog too.


  4. Hi xin,

    Thank you so much for leaving a pseudonym. I'm really very touched by your comment. You have no idea! It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside hearing such kind words from a random stranger. Do let me know if you ever start a blog for I hope we won't remain strangers for long!

    I can see the amount of time taken to craft this comment and so, I'm gonna use my hubby's laptop to type a sincere reply back to you since my laptop's keyboard kinda suck.

    You're most welcome! I took lots of time to do up the wedding posts since many people always asked me the same questions. It's more of like helping myself in a way too! Hahaha...

    I really appreciate that you read my words. I really do. I know that many people tend to scroll so knowing that people read my words is a huge joy to me as I would rather my readers "read" me... and not "see" me.

    Actually I don't write very beautifully. I think I write much better in the past. I see you mention about forums. Are you from CC or LD? =) I don't think being popular or well-known on the blogging sphere is anything and I think I'm neither too. And please, if you know me well, I'm not really such a wonderful person. I'm really really annoying to the people around me. LoLz.

    Thanx for reading me and ourfeistyprincess as well. I hope to see more interaction from you.

    Take care, xin!


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)