Thursday, May 20, 2010

Unfolding February's folder


Sip tea, eat scones at Tea Cozy

Since Joyce was still in town after her wedding, we decided to meet up at Tea Cozy for some catching up.

I've always thought it was a furniture shop selling Victorian inspired home decor and furniture till I saw a menu perched on the stand by the entrance one fine day. I also read about this place on a few people's blogs commenting that the ambience and food is pretty good.

The decadent salad was really decadent and delicious! We also loved the baked mushrooms appetizer. Viv's minty coffee was interesting. The tea cakes were pretty normal though. However, these petite little tea cakes did make us feel like atas British ladies.

Yummy level: ****
Overall satisfaction: *** 1/2

Gosh! When was the last time the 4 of us were free and in town all together to meet up for tea? Everyone's embarking on their new lives. Take me to a land far far away too!

Even though it was just a short tea session and shopping at Daiso for home products thereafter, I enjoyed myself. I've always felt very blessed to have lovely friends around me.

And now for some frilly lilly bimbotic stuff like outfit of the day...

I ordered this dress online, thinking I would like to own a piece of pretty fashionable Taiwanese/ Japanese style dress.

So pretty right? I think the chio model made the dress look even better! I'm so in love with the chio taiwanese models.

Upon receiving the dress, I was a tad disappointed. The design is similar but it wasn't knitted cotton like how it looked on the picture. The shade of pink is much lighter too. From my photos, you would think I'm wearing a white top but you could still see it's pink in real life.

I tried to pair it with a black bandeau just like how the chio model wore it. It looked like how the photo depicts but the thin cotton material of the dress kept riding up and it was virtually impossble to wear it as a dress w/o feeling a sense of security. The wide v-neck constantly slipped off my shoulders such that the top part of the dress could just slip off me! I secretly lamented the fact that if I were half as pretty as the model, I could make the dress look good too. LoLz.

So since I'm not even half as pretty as the model, I had to modify the dress. In the end, I turned it into a loose fitting top, added elastic gathers around the neckline which can be worn off shoulders without the top slipping off me and ruched the cloth towards the middle for the oft gathered effect. Voila! An entirely different piece of clothing.

Ok I know my photos don't really bring out the beauty of the transformed dress but you could see the details clearer in real life.


Sy's birthday dinner at Timbre

It was supposed to be a dinner meet up to celebrate everyone's birthday except mine. However, it turned out that we met on sy's actual birthday so the focus was on her that evening. She was late for her own birthday! LoLz... she actually remembered the wrong time we were supposed to meet.

This is blur but me likey!

The nice nice babe who gave me so many free trial pairs of coloured and clear contact lenses to try.

I wished I had ordered the erdinger instead of the peach champagne cocktail coz the former was such a thirst quencher. Smooth, refreshing and light! Perfect for a humid evening at Timbre.

Timbre is not a really good place to catch up with frenz whom you've not seen for a long time as it's quite impossible to hear yourselves amidst the blaring live music. We were raising our voices so much that by the end of the day, our throats felt strained. Anyhow, it always feels great meeting and catching up with old friends.

Here's our feast and booze. Cheers to 15 years of frienship!

I forgot the names of the dishes we ordered but I especially loved the duck pizza. I'm not a fan of fusion food but the duck pizza rocks! All the food was good except for the burgers. I didn't particularly like the wings too. By then, we were already stuffed and the thick burgers were intimidating. Hence, I "da bao" the chix wings and burger back and lied to my hubby that I thought of him and got food for him even when I was out with frenz. He knew it was leftovers of coz.

Yummy level: *** 1/2
Overall satisfaction: *** 1/2

Gifts for the February and March babies.

This is for me! Love the wickedly witty quotes inside.

Recently, I've been adding more and more airy-fairy butterfly sleeves tops to my wardrobe.

I seriously need loose clothing to hide my abs-turned-to-flabs tummy. Can't believe I can't see my abs anymore.


One of those days at KK


While springcleaning for CNY...

I could not help but snap pictures of this cute Sesame Street Calendar which my parents redeemed from Northpoint. I love the cute little stickers and can't bear to use them.


CNY and V-day happenings

Click here to read about CNY & V day 2010.


BS & E's wedding

The fact that BS is kh's close buddy and E is his lovely wife I got along so well with made it one of the wedding I could not wait to attend. It makes it all the better that we're current neighbours. Our proximity is so close that if we were to lean out of our bedroom windows, we could see part of their house.

Prior to their wedding, kh and I were hapily rendering our assistance to them-- sharing tips, lending our music CDs and recommending music for the march in. They even engaged my sis's help with their wedding montage. So you could say we were somewhat involved with their prep to a certain extent. When they decided to use the same swordbearer march in and first march in songs as us, E asked me if I minded. I did not mind a single bit. If I did, I would not have passed all the CDs to them in the first instance. Good things are meant to be shared and even though we hadn't known each other for long to be considered good frenz, I like her a lot. =)

I'm always thrilled whenever my good friends or people I like have the same items or have things in common. I don't understand why there are some people who don't like people having the same stuff they have or doing the same things they do. Oh well, to each their own.

Recently, a friend pointed out to me that she came across a blog which "copied" some of my entries and style of writing with instances of exact phrases and sentences I used. I shrugged it off thinking it's ok, maybe she fet inspired by my writings. Sometimes I tend to gain inspiration from what I read from blogs and may wind off being a "copycat" too.

I'm sorry, I digressed from the topic of the wedding.

Here are some pictures of the preparation

The shortie with the bride and her beautiful mermaid train.

E's so tall! Haha... Can't stand her. That's all 1.62m of me without shoes next to her with shoes and her heels aren't even that high at all.

Even though I wasn't the jie mei, I was there very early as kh had to rehearse for the march in. Hence with nothing better to do, I did jie mei stuff like kneeling down every now and then to arrange her train, hold her bouquet and even sat at the reception table doing nothing.

Haha... I felt so pai seh lor but E's frenz are a nice and friendly bunch and we got along quite well. One of them asked if I was the designer of the mermaid gown and I was taken by surprise.

The lovely Ferrero Rocher bouquet was made by her friends. So sweet. She held that bouquet for her solemnization and changed to the fresh flowers bouquet for the banquet.

The solemnization

I'm laughing as I'm thinking about the solemnization... I sat all by myself at the "bride's column" as kh was involved in the march in rehearsal in the ballroom. BS's twin brother gave me a "tsk" and shoo-ed me to the groom's column. I sat next to him with his parents. A while later, BS's eldest brother came and sat on my other side. I whispered to him if he wanted to sit with his family but he insisted otherwise. I thought the whole seating arrangement was funny and people not in the know would have thought that I was part of the groom's family too.

The huge ballroom at OCC. It was one of the biggest wedding I've ever attended.

E posing with her engagement ring and wedding band. She also wears them both on the same finger. I think it looks great that way.

Lovely table pieces

I'm sooooooo waiting for our "double-date" honeymoon trip with them!

I think it'll be a tremendous trip with the both of them since BS is always such a joker and E can join my league of being a bimbo. We ladies have already got it planned... We would strut into Chanel, LV, Prada... and spend half the day shopping while the boys could have a cuppa at one of those sidewalk cafes when they get bored. OOOhhh... I really can't wait.

Last but not least -- outfit for the evening

I've only worn this dress twice and it has since gone from white to cream due to storage. I can't bleach it as there's the non-removable black ribbon around the waist. =(


Love in everyday life

The kopitiam uncle was spreading the message of love in simple everyday context.


I'm not too sure if I've missed out any photo from any frenz during February. I remember a few meet ups when I kept my pinkie camera in my bag coz it lost out to all the big black steady ones.

It's Jase's actual birthday today and even though Thursday is my early day in early day out, I doubt I'll be able to finish my work on time to join the family for dinner later. HecK! Judging from the increased workload from the curriculum overhaul, I think I might even have to postpone my honeymoon.

Can I just take a looooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnngggggggg break from work?


  1. Hee, I remember the dress that you wore for the wedding as you wore it for one of your friend's wedding last time too. I remember as I think your bride friend is pretty and you look very nice in the black and white dress too. You don't look too short in the photo of the 4 of you. How high are your shoes?

  2. Hi Yen,

    I'm trying to recall what shoes I was wearing too coz after I read this comment and looked at the photo, the height difference between me and the bride is not much as compared to when I wasn't wearing any shoes. My shoes are all not very high as I've got problematic feet.


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