Saturday, January 02, 2010

Happy 2010!

2010 is here. It almost seems so surreal... like hello, what happened to 2009?

I hope all of you had a fun NYE and NY wherever you are. =)

When you're in a foreign place and freezing, you'll tend to think of your loved ones and wonder what they're doing... but when you're surrounded by friends who give you warmth and love in a home away from home, you get warm and fuzzy inside too.

I'm not too sure if I'm making sense but I'm quite sure those of you who had experienced it before would be able to relate to what I'm saying.

I rewatched Sex and the City the movie at 5.30am on New Year's day itself and I really love the scene where Carrie threw on her cute winter coat and ran in her cute little shoes along the snowy New York streets all the way to Miranda's apartment when she knew she was spending spending New Year's eve all alone.

All these with the most beautiful version of Auld Lang Syne playing in the background as scenes depicting the main characters at New Year flashed across the screen.


So I had a really laidback new year's eve in NYC. I think most people would go:

"Why didn't you go for countdown at Times Square? You're in New York!"

Well, it snowed on New Year's eve morning. That was the first time I experienced falling snow, not including the flurry we encountered in Chinatown a few days back.

Not wanting to miss taking a walk on fresh snow, I went for a solitary walk around the neighbourhood, pressing my boots onto the fresh snow and snapping photos of every little thing.

It's great to be alone at times. I'm those who really relish "me time" every now and then and doing things alone. The walk refreshed me but not long after I returned, I was plagued with a throbbing head. I snuggled in between the sheets on the sofa and tried sleeping the ache away.

All the adults fell asleep until it was midnight and Cynthia's hp rang. That was when we all jumped up, looked at the clock and hugged everyone as we shouted, "Happy New Year!"

We then switched the channel and watched the happenings at Times Square and Rockefeller Center.

All these while we were in NYC.

1 comment:

  1. Copied & pasted from tagbox for remembrance:

    5 Jan 10, 18:26
    shanified: Hi Jolene. Popping by to say I love that part of the movie and the song you mentioned in your latest post. That's my fav. part in SATC but i prefer the series though. Love your writing style.

    13 Jan 10, 00:05
    Jo to shanified: Thanx for popping by and leaving a note. Yup that scene is real sweet. My writing is deteriorating btw.


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