Thursday, December 03, 2009

Outstanding October

"Outstanding" as in "owed" not "excellent".

It's December and here I am doing backdated posts again.

Looking at my October folder, there had been hellos and goodbyes; birthdays and weddings; meet ups and chill outs.

First up was a goodbye for a colleague in my dept. She's really nice and cute so we're all sad to see her go.

Farewell gift


Next, came my maternal grandma's 80th Birthday. She must have been the most fortunate mother, grandma and great grandma that evening.

Got the photos as edited by my super efficient cousin so I'll leave them as such.

Grandma, the star that evening

3rd & 4th Generation

Ok I'm completely blocked by my cuz in purple but it's ok coz some of my relatives say we look alike.

My nephew looks just like his dad.

cuz's caption for these: "The newly weds"

Random shots

paparazzi shot?


One joyous occasion after another. After the birthday, came a wedding...


October spells the end for the kids'exams and so we had a fun and relaxing "sports" day organised by my group.

We went prawning.

Q: Why is prawning considered a a sport?

A: Prawning exercises patience. Since exercise is involved, it is a sport.


The moving bait

Beginner's luck

Everyone got lucky

Prawning is really quite addictive.

The fate of our 40 prawns... together with delicious satay and bbq wings


Cozy session at wy's place.

Pardon me if there seemed to be repeated shots.

I took some time doing the collages coz it's really interesting to see the different perspectives from 4 photographers and the various angles and candid moments captured from 3 cameras and a handphone.

How difficult is it to cut a pie?

Ooh... it requires either great skills or sharp knife to cut through flaky pastry without flaking it.

Me taking over coz I wanted to make myself useful.

I do know that opening a bottle of wine is either difficult or hilarious, depending on whether one is in front of the camera or behind.

Ready to tuck in

Mixing the raspberries in the mango smoothie ice cream

em & wy makes it look delicious

hs & jo's face ain't showing pleasure

Overdue birthday presents for hs & wy

We all enjoyed ourselves tremendously and I vote we should do this more often.

Pweety please, wy?


I love October for its last day -- Halloween.

I finally got some photos from eug's camera.

For the rest of the Halloween post, click here.


  1. hi Jo,

    Sorry for the late reply. Havent been on the net too much lately bcos i've been running around trying to get things done. esp with the holidays around the corner.

    Yes I love that kind of artwork. I find it so fascinating how they can combine such opposite things together and make it work so well. I feel like that as a person...that my traits are sometimes so contrasting. I think that's why I like that art so much. =) I will definitely post up more links soon.

    Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by and commenting. Pls dont be a stranger =) i like your blog as well and the pictures you post. Looks like you had a pretty fun halloween. I love how you did your eye makeup.

  2. Hi Cindee,

    I haven't quite expected you would drop a reply here on my blog. That's really sweet. @)---

    I'll be looking out for more links from you. You're giving me the inspiration to share some links on my blog as well.

    Yeah, Halloween was great fun esp the make up process. And yup, pls dun be a stranger yourself too.


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