Friday, November 06, 2009

You Are So Low

You are so low that, if there was a car on the bridge
And under the bridge there was a rock
And under the rock there was a stone
And under the stone there was a snail
And under the snail there was a bull ant
And under the bull ant there was a flea
You could walk under the flea

-- anon

Disclaimer: As much as this sounds like it's written by me, it's not. It's by anon and anon is not me.


  1. Miss Loh.

    You should send this poem to Ris Low.

    Alternatively, if it isn't copyrighted, we should include it in our Y**** P**** enrichment programme.

    Our kids, young as they are, still need to be educated on how "low" some beauty queens can "go".

    Oh my god. Even my comment rhymes.

    You wrote this, didn't you?

  2. Haha You would have known the answer by the time I reply. But just for the benefit of all.

    NO!!! Not written by me. I know it sounds really like me but it's not.

  3. I like this!!! Just nice for the person who made me so mad today!!! Excellant, i am going to copy it down.

    Btw, iceman sounds familar, doesn't sounds icy, but SUNNY!!! ~Chocho

  4. Chocho,


    That was my exact sentiments when he 1st revealed his alter ego. It's like direct opposite.



    chocho so smart hor?


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