Thursday, November 26, 2009

fast friends

Today instead of doing the household chores, I walked over to my neighbour's house, sat on the rattan sofa under the pavilion and once on the antique metal swing and chatted with her for hours on end. All these while the gentle breeze blew and bugs landing on us every now and then.

I'm sooooooo happy that kh's buddy who stays just a few houses away is marrying his gf in a few months time and am even happier that she's moving in with his family after marriage.

We are both really really really excited at the prospect of having each other within walking distance.

Having a bimbotic fren who gets along so well with me in this ulu estate is like having kh to stop playing WOW (World of Warcraft) for a day or two.

We had sooooo much to chat about. Wedding stuff, girly stuff, bimbotic stuff, gossip stuff... It's neverending! I can forsee ourselves hanging out together more often in future. In fact, both of us and our other halves are quite enthusiastic about our impending honeymoon trip together.

It doesn't matter how long or short one knows another or how many times you've met. As long as there is mutual understanding and trust, people can easily become fast and firm friends.

I still remember my very fond first impression of her when kh's buddy introduced us about 3 years ago. And only today did I find out her first impression of me. Dunno whether to strangle her or to thank her. Hahaha... I'll treat it as a compliment.

Haha... and now I know she reads my blog, I must compliment her more often. Haha... For the record, the "bimbotic fren" quote up there is a compliment ok?

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