Tuesday, September 01, 2009

A strange encounter

After knocking off, I bade my colleagues goodbye without waiting for them to do closing. I was hungry and wanted to go back to my family's home as soon as possible.

Two flights down the stairs, I heard someone calling faintly.

"Jolene... Jolene... Jolene..."

Well, it also sounded like other possible names ending with the "lyn" or "ene" sound. I couldn't quite catch if the person was calling "Jolene" as it sounded rather far away. I do not even know which direction it was coming from. It sounded like it was from upstairs yet it also sounded like it came from the pavement below.

I decided to ignore the person and continue walking down, not because I was cautious of those things but because I seriously thought it was some other person calling another person.

The person just kept calling out. Then, the voice got a little louder and this time it sounded like a colleague of mine.

Thinking that my colleague was calling out to me coz I had left something behind, I walked upwards again as I peered up the railings and answered, "Huh? What?"

I didn't see anyone up there.

Something told me that I should just continue down the stairs without stopping and so I followed my instinct.

For the next few seconds, the only sounds I heard were my heels clicking.

No longer did I hear anyone calling out.

When I reached the ground floor, I thought I heard the person calling again.

Since I was in the safety of the crowd outside Mac Donald's, I turned back every now and then to see if my colleague was behind, possibly chasing after me to return something which I've forgotten.

All I saw was crowd of teenagers.

Whipping out my handphone, I dialled said colleague's number and asked if she had been calling out to me.

Her answer gave me goosebumps.

She double checked with the rest of the people remaining and confirmed that nobody had called out to me then.

She advised me not to think too much and to walk home as quickly as possible.

And that was exactly what I did.


  1. Oh man... This is scary & now it's already midnight as i read this entry =_=

  2. Oopsy... Sorry! Hope I didn't scare you too much. =X

  3. You didn't lah! Haha... Just that i happened to read it @ the wrong time =)


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