Saturday, August 15, 2009

Our Wedding Montage

Sharing this with my friends who are not on Facebook...

Our wedding photo montage played before the 1st march in.

I'm not very sure if those not on my Facebook list would be able to view the above as I took the embed code from there. If cannot, you can view the YouTube version below. Unfortunately the audio has been removed by YouTube due to copyright issues.

Notes on the video:
Apparently, it was so "engaging" that even the swordbearers opened the side door and peeked in. As kh and I stood outside and prepared for the march in, we heard peals of laughter too. [Aside: Must be laughing at him la.]

This photo montage charting our childhood phase, growing up years, 8 years of couplehood and wedding photo shoot is put together by my sis Joanne.

She has done wedding montages for her friends but this is the first time she experiments with 3D effect as seen in the childhood phase.

Kh and I are very pleased with the video. We have received compliments from countless and enquiries from a few. I think my sis can jolly well consider being a freelance "wedding photo montager". Haha...

Oh yes, my personal touch to the video would be being an irritating director who keeps requesting for certain effects, which photos to use, dictating to use the songs I want etc. Had initially wanted a personal touch in the form of cute drawings of us to tell the story of how we didn't have favourable impression of each other. However, I finished drawing him and didn't have enough time to draw myself and so it was the perfect excuse not to add that in.

Songs used:
1) Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
2) Everything - Michael Buble
3) I Finally Found Someone - Bryan Adams & Barbra Streisand


  1. hi im from ld. not a regular though just log in to see but seldom post. im not able to view the video through the first one. the second one have no sound. a pity. im sure visual and audio would make the video a great one. nice and cute pictures there. u two luk loving. congrats.

  2. It would be good to be able to hear the music. It would definitely make a big diffrence to e slideshow. Thats quite a lot o nice photos but pity on the silent movie. Any more?

  3. Hi,

    Erm... I'll assume that both of you are not the same person? Do leave a pseudonym the next time round. It's good to know more about my readers or "stumblers".

    Thanx btw. =D

    I realised that one would only be able to view the vidz from the facebook link if they're on my friends list. Sorry about that. As for the YouTube one it's really a pity that there's no music.

    It's no fun watching silent movie eh?

  4. Copied & pasted from tagbox for remembrance:

    17 Aug 09, 01:09
    from ld: hi i left a message in the post which is not there after refreshing. is there a problem?

    19 Aug 09, 00:00
    Jo to from ld: Hi u left as anonymous? Do leave a pseudonym next time ya? So I'll know which anon is who. It didn't appear coz my settings are such tt comments have to be approved before they would be displayed.


    26 Sep 09, 09:00
    Huishan: Hi Jolene, I find myself often coming back to your blog to refer to your wedding tags and I thought it's good to leave you a msg of greetings. Your post on hotel is really useful as I knew what to exp
    26 Sep 09, 09:03
    Huishan: expect when I go look for hotels for my wedding this weekend. Your sharing of shopping for wedding bands is also useful. Thanks a lot for these insights. Your wedding photos are lovely and you're so
    26 Sep 09, 09:05
    Huishan: beautiful. Your hubby and you are great match. I also happen to be thrilled to know that I've accidentally discovered Charmaine's godma's blog by accident and have been keeping mum as I'm afraid you
    26 Sep 09, 09:07
    Huishan: may not like strangers intruding. I hope you don't mind me here and I hope we would be able to compare wedding notes. You've been great and many people know that. You post would help clear things up.

    27 Sep 09, 03:52
    Jo to Huishan: For a moment there I tot u were my fren. Thanx for your kind words. Wéll, I'm glad that my writings are useful for your wedding prep. I was sharing my experience and hoping it cld help others too.
    27 Sep 09, 03:55
    Jo to Huishan: If u've got any queries, feel free to drop me a msg. I'll ans as best as I can. As long as u come here with no malice, im fine w it. Frenly strangers r most welcomed. =) Thanx for ur sweet words.


    9 Oct 09, 12:45
    twinkle: hello jolene! can i check hw much does it cost for each table @ mandarin oriental? I was considering Marina mandarin but i saw from ur feedback in LD saying that theres no black theme there?

    10 Oct 09, 02:42
    Jo to twinkle: Oh dear, I can't find all my wedding stuff tt we've collected fr e various hotels. Hubby tinks he threw them away. 2009 & 2010 wld have price variation n prob even diff themes so it'll b gd to go down
    10 Oct 09, 02:45
    Jo to twinkle: n check if MM has got new black theme. If u really want black theme, besides MO, Conrad, Intercon, Orchard hotel all have got black theme too. So u can narrow ur choices fr there. HTHs. All e best!:)

    18 Oct 09, 21:52
    twinkle: Thanks jo!! Im considering btwn grand copthorne & holiday inn PV...hee. Wow ur gothic look is NICE!! Maybe can try to [air up w a black choker. =)

    20 Oct 09, 03:05
    Jo to twinkle: Let me know when you've made your decision. Hehe... I replied you on LD! Thanx! Aiyo i dun have black choker.

    20 Oct 09, 22:14
    twinkle: Thanks jo, thanks for ur detailed reply!!! =) hee we jus signed up with grand copthorne waterfront today...u heard of any reviews? hope its a beta investment!! hee. whr u gg for halloween? zouk?

    22 Oct 09, 01:44
    Jo to twinkle: I went GCW for wedding twice. Also went for their wedding show. Food + svc nt bad. Nothin -ve at all. They're well known for their grand spacious ballroom with ceiling to wall windows.

    27 Oct 09, 18:49
    twinkle: Thanks jo!!! that surely boast my confident level think tt some idiots r wasting time leaving remarks tt r meant for themselves? we wish u back e same mr don bother abt this person k!

    31 Oct 09, 03:46
    Jo to twinkle: Hee.. I was giving honest opinion. Glad tt it helped. It alwiz feels good making someone happy. You can just drop me questions along the way. Have fun with your wedding prep!


  5. Hi Jolene!

    Hope my comment isn't too intrusive :) Been a silent follower of your blog, reading up updates on little Char :)

    Is it possible to know what programme did your sis use for your wedding montage? Hoping to create a montage of my own to that effect too. The montage is fab!

    Many thanks in advance! - Cecilia

  6. Hi Cecilia,

    No worries. It isn't intrusive at all. My sis said she used both Adobe after effects and Adobe premiere. I dunno what those are though coz I'm an adobe noob.

    Hopefully you manage to put together a fantastic montage of your own! It's great that you know how to do it.

    PS: Did you come to know of my blog or ourfeistyprincess first?

  7. Hi Jolene,

    Thanks for replying! Being a IT klutz, I'll be happy if my montage is half as good as ur wedding montage :p

    IIRC, I came across ur blog 1st? If my memory doesn't fail me, I was doing some research on google blog search and it led me to one of ur posts :)

  8. Hi Cecilia,

    Haha... So you're an IT klutz like me too! If you're interested, my sister actually does freelance wedding montage. My montage was her first foray into the 3D part (the childhood photos) and the photo collaging effect of moving from one photo to the next in a zoomed in photoboard (during the teenaged and years before the marriage) rather than merely flashing photos after photos a la a slideshow. Since then, 4 other people also requested for those effects.

    However of course if you're on a budget, then you can experiment on your own. I understand how wedding is such a lot of money and whenever we can save, we'll save right? =) For me, I'm more into the artistic details so I know that I wouldn't want a normal slideshow. It's fortunate that I've my sister to "direct" and "dictate" what I wanted. lol... of course I gave her ang pow for her hard work.

  9. Hahaha, I'm definitely more klutz coz I can't even maintain a blog or even do photo collages... I even struggle with powerpoint! ;p

    Thanks so much for the additional infor! Would love to seek your sis' assistance if she doesn't mind working on a super tight deadline. I'm not doing the montage for a wedding though (tho I hope to get married soon, waiting for the bf to propose :)) but for my organisation's 30th anniversary, is this fine with her? We need to get the montage ready by 25th this month. When the montage is done, we will burn the montage into CDs to be distributed to about 800 guests at our D&D in Sept.

    If your sis doesn't mind the deadline, maybe we can discuss the details offline? My email is Would be more than happy to provide more information :)

    Sorry for the super long post ya :p Look forward to your reply!

  10. Oh, I struggle with PowerPoint too so no worries at all. *lol* My PPT slides are always very basic when it comes to presenting stuff for work.

    I'll forward to my sister what had transpired between us and get her to contact you asap.

    You could also add her on FB if you have an a/c. Her FB batch is on her blog here:

    Wait for her email! =)


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)