Sunday, August 09, 2009

It's been a week since they left for New York

Skyped with the kids for 1 hour just now... They were soooo cute!

Each time they called on my hp, they would say,

"Godma Jolene I want to see you on the computer."

Wherever they want to go, the camera and laptop would follow, even right down to under the table.

[This is supposed to be a gif file but I dunno why the animation isn't working here.]

Ok so these are the 2 photos making up the gif

Now you see me...

Now you dun...

Charmaine can even go to the toilet and holler,

"Can you see me? I'm in the toilet!"



One week ago... the last 2 days in Singapore

The kids pitting against each other, with our help of coz.

Mario race is fun but when you have to bend your neck for hours, it's no fun.

The kids love to take unglam photos and videos of us.

Smile princess smile

Happily pulling kh's ears to steer the "elephant"... so said charmaine.

Building strong rapport

I dunno how kh from being their lowly rank of a playmate could suddenly manage to have an elevation in status. Little char kept sticking to him and did everything together. It was really cute! There was once when they did a high 5, low 5 and rabbit 5 together but I didn't manage to capture that.

Cyn, big char and I just could not help wondering how kh managed to elevate his status in just one day. You could practically see question marks above our heads as kh gleamed with pride.


wk kor kor had an elevation in status too

All along they were bullying him. The next moment, he became papa lion and the 2 baby lions listened to his every command. By then, question marks were above cyn, big char, kh and my heads.

At the airport

Even though, we were quite a distance apart with the glass dividing us, I could hear the kids shouting,

"Byebye Godma Jolene!!!"

I wonder how loud they shouted for me to be able to hear that.

And Charlene sms-ed me to say that the kids had been asking why weren't Uncle kh and Godma Jolene on the plane as well.

Hahaha... wished we could be there too!

Our feisty princess will come back victorious!

I'm confident she would. Look at how feisty she is.


  1. It's very heart warming to read this post! =) And i really like the last picture of Charmaine... Just look @ her!

    I'm sure she will defeat the monster in her with the help of the new drug from US =) Looking forward to more good news!

  2. June,

    Yup... She'll alwiz be our feisty princess charmaine.

    Does your modzilla browser show everything? Mine doesn't show the videos. Another alternative sent by a reader would be to go to the RSS feed. I'm a noob at this but here's the link:

  3. she is so sweet. she will pull through it all im sure. realise that some photos are not displayed on ourfeistyprincess. nice to see her playing at home.

  4. Hi Anon,

    Thanx. She will pull through. =)

    ourfeistyprincess is quite public. I prefer posting more personal photos here.

    Do leave a pseudonym the next time round ya?


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