Friday, July 10, 2009

It's Our Wedding!

The time is 3.30am.

Nope, it's not that I've woken up.

It's that I haven't slept.

My make up artist is coming in 2 hours time and I've yet to write my thank you speech.

Hope everything goes well later.

I'll concentrate on being a happy bride!

Will be on hiatus over the weekend.


  1. congrats my dearest cousins! its a shame i cannot be part of your wedding. am in perth now and am wishing the both of you happiness forever and ever. the best is yet to be. (((((:))))) see ya when i get back home~ LOVE YOU! hugs

  2. SUSHI! Aww... really wished you were there. Thanx for your hugz! Enjoy yourself in perth. Good Dai!

  3. 10 Jul 09, 14:58
    Bib: Hi Jolene, Congrats to your on yr wedding.. Enjoy yrself..nice bridal shots..

    15 Jul 09, 21:42
    Jo to Bib: Thanx!


    11 Jul 09, 23:18
    huiyi (jc): hey jo, saw ur pic with ur fren and charmaine in MyPaper online, so tot of popping up and say "I saw u! and charmaine is cute! hope she recovers soon with all their kind donations!"

    11 Jul 09, 23:20
    huiyi (jc): and to u, my dear old fren, have a happy blissful marriage,

    15 Jul 09, 21:44
    Jo to huiyi: Thanx gal! Oh dear, yes I realised my face is inside too after I saw the online version. Yes Charmaine WILL recover. Everyone has been really supportive.


  4. Congras...a Mrs. now. :)
    Family planning soon? Bundle of joy, my 2nd one is due early sep.

  5. Thanx and Wow! Congrats to you! Baby boy or gal?

    As for me... must go honeymoon first. We're putting it back till next year. =)

  6. i'm always so late in getting myself updated!! Congrats babe~ i believe you had a wonderful wedding!! and now you must be having the most blessed marriage that'll last forever and ever~ ^^

  7. Better late than never and thank you for your sweet message, deedee. I'm sure you're also enjoying marital bliss with your dear hubby. =D

  8. hey cuz,

    I should have found your blog earlier to tell you that at 3.30am on my wedding day, I was still up as well LOL.

  9. Cuzzie,

    Better late than never and there you are! =)


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