Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Deardear's birthday at Au Petit Salut

Deardear was treated to Au Petit Salut for his birthday this year. This is the first time we're celebrating his birthday as husband and wife. =)

"Au Petit Salut aims to create a dining experience to capture the full essence of traditional-style country cuisine and bring about the deceptive simplicity of traditional French cuisine to a culinary style that puts premium on quality products."

cocktail & mocktail

Guess who chose what?



The cocktail is Au Petit's very own concoction. The alcohol is in the shot glass which is submerged in the soda. Really unique. That's mine. However, I preferred the sweet taste of Sex on the Beach.

The yummilicious food

~*1st Entrée*~
Cold pasta shell stuffed with lobster, sage and orange,
bouillabaisse vinaigrette

Verdict: Love the succulent lobster!

~*2nd Entrées*~
Pan-seared duck foie gras served with baby spinach
red onions and Xeres vinegar

Verdict: The foie gras here isn't comparable to that at The Cliff but for the much affordable price we paid as compared to The Cliff, nobody's complaining. Plus it is HUGE! First time eating such huge foie gras. As I'm typing this and looking at the photo, I can't help but crave for the rich velvety taste of foie gras once more.

Oven roasted Welch lamb saddle on the bone served
with mashed potatoes, garlic confit and lamb jus

Pan seared beef tenderloin served with shallots and garlic confit,
mashed potato, red wine sauce

Verdict: Kh's lamb looked more appetising but I personally cannot stand the taste of lamb. He enjoyed his dish a lot and he thought that my beef was good too. However, I didn't quite like mine. I was craving for steak but the tenderloin wasn't close to steak. Love the mashed potato though.

Orange and Grand Marnier soufflé with chocolate truffle + complimentary birthday dessert

Selection of matured French farm cheeses served
with walnut bread

Verdict: The soufflé was drenched with Grand Marnier that we were pretty overwhelemed. I swear one could get drunk just by eating the whole soufflé. It was fortunate that we didn't choose the same desserts. The cheese was a great balance on the tastebud after all the sweetness from the soufflé and kh's complimentary birthday dessert.

~*Choice of coffee or tea*~
As usual, he would have his dosage of coffee. As for me, they recommended Vanilla tea and since I hadn't tried it before, I decided to go for it. It was great!


We also ordered an ala carte dish with truffles (the fungi, not the chocolate) as it was seasonal and not on the menu. The waitress urged us to give it a try and we were glad we did. That was lipsmacking!

kh smiling so cheekily

Food: *** 1/2
Affordable French fare. I can't help comparing Au Petit Salut to The Cliff so my ratings above may not be accurate. Kh felt that the food was great.

Ambience: *** 1/2
Breezy alfresco dining with cozy setting and lush greenery all around.
Even though I booked 2 days in advance, we were informed over the phone that indoor seating would be full that day. We were seated outside and it was neither hot nor humid. Pretty comfortable in fact.

Service: ****
Warm and friendly. The waitresses often laughed with us and was personable rather than professional which is something I like.

Price: Value for $$ considering it's French
Au Petit Salut is the place to go for French fare at affordable prices.
We spent about $200 ++ (can't remember the exact amount) on 2 set dinners, separate ala carte and drinks.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jo’s reply to 'kpo' on Tagboard

[Edited to add info on 27th July 2009. Scroll down to read. Click to enlarge pictures.]

Copied & pasted from tagboard:
21 Jul 09, 18:27
kpo: Hey, Whats up WITH the black gloves? Omy damn orbit


HEY kpo,

Hmm… or should I say:
1) Anonymous who has been terrorising ourfeistyprincess blog?
2) Anonymous who has been terrorising my blog after ourfeistyprincess blog was born?
3) Anonymous from Chai Chee Industrial Park (IP Add:
4) Anonymous with Starhub Cable Vision IP addresses that resets every now and then?
5) kgkool

I can’t really decide to whom I should address this reply to for you seem to assume lots of identities.

What’s up with you?

Nothing better to do than to trawl ourfeistyprincess blog every few hours just to see what’s new for you to bark about? Even going into every comment section just to see what's new for you to pick on, fancy that!

After you are done harassing Charmaine, Jase and Cynthia… After you are done lambasting the feisty team and all the other kind hearted readers… After you are done with picking on every minute detail to comment, you have nothing better to do than to come to my personal blog and comment on something so TRIVIAL???

My blog has been so clean, no flamers whatsoever till you came along. You must be feeling really proud of yourself by now.

Seriously, do you get high seeing people retaliate? Do you feel a sense of satisfaction when people scold you? Do you feel a rush of adrenaline whenever you see responses? Do you honestly feel good launching personal attacks on everyone under the veil of anonymity?

I hope you find it extremely fulfilling doing things like this coz I can’t imagine anyone living such a pathetic online life like you.

My heart goes out to you.

With warmest regards,

PS: This would be my last reply to you. I won’t be replying to you if in any case you decide to come back here to launch another attack. Plus, I told you I’ve been watching you right? Evidence in printscreens has slowly been building up in my archive. I suggest you take your game somewhere else to play. AND STOP HARASSING CHARMAINE & FAMILY!


[The following portion was added on 27th July 2009 3.03am]

Copied & pasted from comment section:
“Hmm, none of the above. Only reason is that it IS orbit. Simple as that. PS: work harder on ur detective investigtions. u've been watching all the wrong places. but all the better! By the way, i guess no point admit that the black gloves looks real bad cos no turning back. i'm not ur friend so i can tell u the truth which hurts. too bad. cheers & congrats anyway!”

Since I'm done busying myself with more important issues, I would take a moment to reveal...

Why kpo = kgkool

Kpo’s IP address was tracked and labeled as “cbox orbit gloves” after he/she/it left the comment on my cbox. At that time of labeling, that IP address did not correspond to any of the IP addresses of ourfeistyprincess flamers.

However, I saw from ourfeistyprincess tracker page that on the same day at 18:21, kpo aka cbox orbit gloves also visited ourfeistyprincess. It left a comment on “Saving Charmaine Concert” post and deleted it soon after.

If you view it from the comments page, it appears as

Direct link:

One would not be able to see who the author of the deleted comment is from that page. It is only from my tracker that I knew the author was kpo aka cbox orbit gloves.

Imagine my surprise at this revelation,

Direct link:

Turned out that the author of the deleted comment is none other than kgkool itself.

kgkool has exposed itself unwittingly. Probably aware that it should not have left a comment as "kgkool" under the IP address of, the comment was immediately deleted at 18:24. Little did it know that the name “kgkool” would be displayed on the blogspot page.

From there, it is inescapably clear that kpo aka cbox orbit gloves = kgkool using the IP address instead of its usual IP address.

[Compare the timings from the statscounter]

kgkool usually uses this IP address: Chai Chee Industrial Park to post comments as "kgkool" itself as can be seen from this comment posted on 21st July 2009 at 18:20.

From the analysis of a person without the aid of any tracker, the timing of posting of kpo and kgkool’s comment is too close in proximity.

This led to people who know me suspecting that they are all but the same person. We don’t even need a tracker to arrive at that conclusion.

The style and tone were dead giveaways too.

kgkool has been leaving lots of such traces throughout its months of flaming (as various anonymous and monikers) on ourfeistyprincess that readers could easily discern the fact that the majority of the flaming came from one individual. Yet, it continued to be arrogant and lambasted all who had exchanges with it.

kgkool also happens to be the same anonymous from

March 2009 was when I started tracking this IP address and labeled this IP address as “anon who commented on ST”. This moral degenerate was so bent on being so evil that it had, to our advantage, fell into the trap of coming out from its “anonymous veil” to post negative remarks as “kgkool” when we moderated our comments settings.

I've already mentioned a few times that I have been watching it and also that I don't wish to embarrass it by revealing all these, yet it continued its arrogance.

There are still many printscreens in my archives. Nevertheless, these are sufficient to prove that kpo is all of the following:
1) Anonymous who has been terrorising ourfeistyprincess blog
2) Anonymous who has been terrorising my blog after ourfeistyprincess blog was born
3) Anonymous from Chai Chee Industrial Park (IP Add:
4) Anonymous with Starhub Cable Vision IP addresses that resets every now and then
5) kgkool

I scoffed and chortled when I saw its comment about working harder on my detective skills and that I’ve been watching all the wrong places.

Time and again, kgkool assuming its various identities, was overconfident as it had been using a few IP addresses, thinking it was safe. It even challenged ourfeistyprincess readers to check with the admin about how there were so many anonymous who were on the same plane as it was.

Unfortunately for it, I’ve managed to log in all of these to prove that it came from one individual.


PS: Work harder on covering your tracks if you wanna be contemptuous.

You are not my friend, so I won’t even be bothered by such a trivial remark.

As for you, the truth hurts, doesn’t it?

Cheers and congrats on being exposed!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

For those who missed viewing our album that day

We have just gotten the album layout pictures in soft copies from Whitelink.

For those of you who have been asking or who missed viewing the album that day, I've uploaded these specially for you!
































Edited to add:
Hi, I've received a few queries (whether it's blog comments, tagboard, email, facebook msg) with regards to the photoshoot and my Whitelink package.

I won't be answering any Whitelink package questions on public. However, FAQ related to photoshoot locations can be found here under the comments section.

Hope this helps. =)

Friday, July 10, 2009

It's Our Wedding!

The time is 3.30am.

Nope, it's not that I've woken up.

It's that I haven't slept.

My make up artist is coming in 2 hours time and I've yet to write my thank you speech.

Hope everything goes well later.

I'll concentrate on being a happy bride!

Will be on hiatus over the weekend.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Bad news after bad news... When will it all stop???

Up till today, we're still having guests calling to inform that they would not be able to make it. Most of the guests belong to kh's side. However of late, guests on my side are also doing the same thing.

The biggest blow came just now. We were typing out our AD schedule and all of a sudden one of kh's friend-colleague called. Kh looked at the ID and said, "Oh shit!"

He picked up the phone and begged his friend not to deliver another bad news to him.

Alas, we've lost another pair of swordbearers.

We're down to our bare minimum. Any more swordbearers calling to tell us they won't be able to make it, we would not be able to hold a swordbearers march in at all.

I was so upset that I could not help crying.

Why is it that whatever I wish for my wedding would turn out the direct opposite? I really don't understand why.

I was upset that Jase and Charmaine could not be my ringbearers. It's always been my dream to have my godkids walking with me down the aisle.

I was upset that at least 3 good friends are unable to attend my wedding.

I was upset when a good friend had her leave cancelled because she had to be sent overseas for a job assignment. She was supposed to be my jie mei. Latest news is that, she can't even make it for the 9th July flight and so I won't even be able to see her at the banquet. I know she's equally upset as she was looking forward to my wedding ever since she knew of the proposal. But... what can we do?

I was so upset that we're losing guests by the tables and from a tightly-packed guest list, we have since hit below the mininum requirement to hold the banquet at the grand ballroom.

It's fortunate that our hotel coordinator is such a nice lady and is willing to help us with anything within her means.

If I could turn back the time, I would not opt to hold a banquet.

I know people would say "Take it easy", "Look on the bright side", "It's only a wedding, what matters is the marriage" etc but I can't help feeling upset.

My dreams and expectations weren't even too lofty to begin with. They're simple wants, and yet I can't have them.

The feeling sux. It really does.

And I know kh is feeling like shit too. Poor boy still has to hand in a report at 9am later, have lessons from 1-4pm with presentation, settle so many wedding stuff all on the day before our big day.

I really dunno why we are so unlucky.


I need something to cheer me up!

Saturday, July 04, 2009

H1N1 is screwing up our wedding BIG TIME!

1 more week to our big day and I'm upset at how things have become.

I just have to hope and pray that kh's "company" doesn't issue any more tighter measures with regards to H1N1.

All within 2 days, we're losing tables of guests.

Buddies who have long agreed to be kh's xiong di-s can't even gather at social gatherings according to the "decree" being issued by the "company".

We're also short of swordbearers.

Anything that could go wrong for us has gone wrong.

Blame the stupid H1N1!

Or Murphy.

As if my life doesn't already suck, heaven has to send me the best gift ever -- a gigantic vacuum cleaner.

I'm upset about so many things.

People around me keep asking if I'm excited, nervous, can't wait for the big day blablabla... Truth is I don't feel anything but dejection about how plans have been spoilt from the beginning till now.

I think I'm doing too much positive thinking that I'm really very tired whenever things don't go my way over and over again.

Well, at least the major headache of seating the guests is 99% settled.

My mind is tumultuous.

Time to sleep...