Thursday, June 25, 2009

我要记得结婚 (Wedding prep updates)

It 3am. I’ve just finished writing all the invitation cards to be mailed out. Yes I know, we’re kinda late as people usually send theirs one month before the AD. However, there simply were just too many things going on in my life that lots of stuff are half done or else then put on hold.

Just now we were at Whitelink to have our fathers’ measurement taken as our package included free rental for fathers’ jackets. I also did a final fitting on my gowns.

My WG was really tight… so tight that I can’t breathe. My EG too. In fact, kh had a hard time pulling the zip up. Finally when I decided to take a deep breath, a crack sound was heard as the hook flew off.

In a way I’m happy coz I really really really cannot stand it when people comment that I’m too skinny. However, I just don’t understand why the gowns are sooooo tight. I kept asking my coordinator if they’ve been altered after the photoshoot when I asked if it was possible to make the gowns more secure and he insisted they hadn’t been altered. I remembered that my measurements were taken again back then. However, the nice aunty wasn’t around just now for me to ascertain the fact.

Oh yes! We collected our album last week – two heavy albums.

We really love the layout. Both sets of parents like our photos a lot. My mum loves the photos so much that she wanna bring the album around to show [Aside: off] to people. Haha… We tried to convince her that nobody does that and that the album would only be displayed at the hotel. I wasn’t too pleased with our big 3-in1 portrait and wondered why we chose those 3 photos. Anyway, it’s not a big issue too.

We managed to settle lots of stuff during the weekend. We were both doing our rounds of cake and invitation cards delivery to our relatives’ homes. Speaking of which, I’m really very pissed at the insensitivity of some of them. I’m so pissed that they gave my mum so much trouble, worry and stress which clearly upsetted her so much.

Hello? It’s MY WEDDING. Who are you to direct my mum what we’re supposed to do? If all of you have issues, come and talk to me straight. Don’t upset my mum. We’ve already been very respectful to everyone.

Shan’t complain anymore. Dunno who’s reading but I don’t really care.

We have more or less dealt with the overflow of guests on our side. The table arrangement is still a headache but well at least we had one less thing to worry about after solving the overflow problem.

I’m supposed to be choosing some more photos for my sis to continue the photo montage… can I ask my clone to do it?

I’m supposed to be doing something additional to the photo montage… can I ask my clone to do it?

I’m supposed to be replying to the 50+ emails sent to my personal email with regards to Charmaine… can I ask my clone to do it?

I’m supposed to be sleeping so that I can go to work earlier and leave earlier… can I ask my clone to do it?


  1. Hi Jolene, I hope you don't find me intrusive. Just curious about you and so I stumbled upon your blogspot.

    Aiyo! On ourfeistyprincess blogspot comment you said you are feeling guilty for not helping fully but everyone here think you are already doing very good. I have been through my own wedding and I know how much preparation is to be done. Putting myself in your shoes, I would have break down and cry.

    You have to sleep early. The timing of your comments and post with your sign off is really late! I hope you have enough rest as you need to be Charmaine's pillar of support.

    I have said this on ourfeistyprincess blogspot comment but I will say it again. Feisty team keep it up. You all are Charmaine and Cynthia's wall of support.

    I'm leaving a comment here as I do not wish to add on to your email burden. You need not reply me here if you are busy as I do not want to increase your workload of replying.

  2. Hi Jolene, Im sorry if this is a duplicate comment as I can't find the one I left just now. Lucky I typed on a doc.

    I hope you don't find me intrusive. Just curious about you and so I stumbled upon your blogspot.

    Aiyo! On ourfeistyprincess blogspot comment you said you are feeling guilty for not helping fully but everyone here think you are already doing very good. I have been through my own wedding and I know how much preparation is to be done. Putting myself in your shoes, I would have break down and cry.

    You have to sleep early. The timing of your comments and post with your sign off is really late! I hope you have enough rest as you need to be Charmaine's pillar of support.

    I have said this on ourfeistyprincess blogspot comment but I will say it again. Feisty team keep it up. You all are Charmaine and Cynthia's wall of support.

    I'm leaving a comment here as I do not wish to add on to your email burden. You need not reply me here if you are busy as I do not want to increase your workload of replying.

  3. Do post more of your wedding pics yea, It's really beautiful and cute (the one you post before)

  4. Anon at June 25,
    Thank you so much! It's really heartening to hear this fom a stranger.


    Anon at June 29,
    You must be someone from LD or WL thread. I've gotten all the soft copied back but unfortunately time isn't on my side to post the photos. May do so after the wedding. =)

    To both,
    Do leave a pseudonym next time for me to remember you by. =D

  5. Copied & pasted from tagbox for remembrance:

    22 Jun 09, 08:08
    Joyce: Take things easy! Maybe can get family members to help with invitation cards. My aunt is helping me fill them up!

    9 Jul 09, 04:20
    Jo to Joyce: Haha... Very very difficult to put into action. We've been slapped with 1 bad news after another even up till tpday. BTW, dora is so cute in the video and in John's arm like a baby!



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