Monday, May 25, 2009

The best birthday gift!

BIG BIG BIG HUGZ to Jase & Charmaine... & Cyn mummy!


  1. That's so sweet!! =) Can imagine how happy you were when you received this mms... Hee!

    Once again... Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy belated birthday

  3. Hi June,

    Ya man. Cyn sent it when I was out with my besties. I was so happy that I showed them the mms. Haha.


    Hi anon,


  4. Hi anon,

    I won't be approving your comment since it concerns my friend and I'll leave it to fate whether you are coming back to read my reply.

    Sometimes, people do things which are deemed socially unacceptable. However, that does not make them a bad person.

    So what if I know such facts? Does it make any difference? Our friendship is still the same. I love my friends for who they are and I won't condemn them for things they do unless it's really very terrible.

    People do have their good and bad sides. We should concentrate on the strengths of people and not harp on their flaws over again.

  5. happy belated birthday..:)

  6. Hi bwill,

    Thanx! Haven't been seeing you around lately. Hope you are well.


  7. Copied & pasted for remembrance:

    25 May 09, 23:47
    canny: Happy Birthday gal!!!~

    28 May 09, 00:14
    Jo to canny: Thanx babe! How have you been?


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