Sunday, February 22, 2009

Waiting yet not willing for this day to come

Doctors have confirmed that char is at the 4th stage of neuroblastoma. =(

I'll be taking leave to accompany cyn and her bro for the family conference tomorrow. I wish to be well-informed about char's condition yet I dun wish to know all the negative aspects of it at the same time.

We really have to brace ourselves for tomorrow.

Please help us to pray for hope.


I've just created a weblog for Charmaine @

I can't believe I took half the day to do such an incomplete work. I'm a noob at IT stuff.

It's pretty raw and I've still got lots to add. Will do in time to come.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to raise funds for Charmaine's treatments. Do drop me an email or sms me if you are interested in donating. Please also click on the nuffnang ads on my blog and on char's weblog. All proceeds would go to char's funds.

Edited to add:
- Please help me to spread her blog link to people you know.
- The nuffnang ads on char's weblog is still not working as nuffnang requires some time to monitor the blog traffic before inputting clickable ads. Pls help to click the ads here instead. They're linked. Thank u very much.
- I really din expect the good response. An account would be set up soon. In the meantime, pls continue to inform me of your interest in helping cyn and char in any way. =)


  1. For Neuroblastoma info and links: for newly dx families
    Lots and lots of info contained on these 2 sites.
    Best Wishes, Ellen
    Mom to Sean NB stage 3 intermediate risk dx 9/03, not 6 years old.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Dear Ellen Hanson,

    Thank you very much for the links and for your concern.


    Dear anon,

    Sorry.. I accidentally clicked "publish" but I went to delete it immediately after so no worries ya?

    I'll be opening a separate a/c for charmaine. Do check back my blog or char's blog for updates.

    Thank you very much.

  4. ~Copied and pasted from tagboard for remembrance~

    23 Feb 09, 12:13
    gera: ok will try my best to.. be strong.

    23 Feb 09, 23:55
    Jo to gera: Thanx babe... even tho I've got no msn, I saw ur msn nick. Really thanx.. do check back here or char's blog for new updates alwiz.


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)