Monday, January 26, 2009

<:3)~~~~ bye! 3:(:) ) hello!

Wasn't it just recently when everybody went "Happy 牛 Year"?

12 years has since flown past in a wink.

Anyway, here's me wishing all a happy and OXpicious new year!

May the year ahead be filled with abundant health, wealth and joy!

Love and peace everyone.

In times of recession, we still have to be optimistic and holler......



  1. Hi Jolene =)

    Wishing you a prosperous lunar "Niu" year & may you be blessed with good health, lots of love & happiness

  2. Heheh did you draw the ox? So cute ^_^

    Hope 2009 is a very 'Huat ah!' Year for all ^^

    Take care ya?

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  5. wishin u a happie n prosperous new yr.
    may u be bless wif health, happiness n enuff time to blog.
    ha not jokin pls update more.

  6. Hi all,
    Thanx loads and same to all of you!

    Oopsy.. nope I didn't draw that myself. Only added the words. Hehe...

    Ha.. ok I try. Btw comments have to be moderated so I guess you didn't know and had posted too many at once.


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