Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How does my blog layout look on your PC?

Dear friends and readers,

As what the title of this post states, I would like to know how my blog layout look like on your screen.

On my laptop, it looks normal, as in with the side bar on the left and the entries on the right. However, when I viewed it on kh's and both my sis's pc, there is a huge blank space under my profile with the latest entry starting below the music player (if I remember correctly). I really hate it to look like this and I hope I'm not the only one who is able to view my blog in the proper layout.

Also, do you see my background as maroonish leaf prints or plain brown?

I would really appreciate your replies, even if you're just a passer-by.

Thank you very much! =)



  1. I see a huge blank space.

    U must thank me for being the first.

  2. Thanx for replying! =)

    Oh dear huge blank space is no good.

  3. I don't see any blank space. Just like normal blog.

  4. Thanx.. it's a relief to hear 1 more person saying it's normal. Appreciate your reply. =)

  5. Hi dear, your layout looks perferly fine in my desktop. Is it because of the different resolution? fyi, i'm using 1280 x 1024..

  6. oops.. typo error.. shd be *perfectly*

  7. No problem on my screen...

  8. Thanx canny and hs!

    Good to hear that it looks normal.

    Canny, I dunno what the resolution thing is about.

  9. Copied and pasted from tag box for remembrance...

    30 Oct 08, 22:50
    Joy :o): erm, ur blog looks the same. I see the leaves and don't get what u mean by music player

    2 Nov 08, 17:14
    Jo to Joy: The unsightly layout would be the blog entries start after the music player on the left sidebar. However, if you didn't get what I mean, it's gd coz it shows tt it looks normal.

    31 Oct 08, 01:07
    canny: oh my gosh! i took more than an hr to read ur blog. is it i'm slow, or bcos i am too outdated with ur updates.. hehe! nvtheless i enjoy reading them! tag u again soon!

    2 Nov 08, 17:16
    Jo to Canny: I think u've MIA so long and been really bz since returning home... Haha... Yes, I'm awaiting your photo-intensive updates too!

  10. Looks ok when I see it here. No problem.



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