Thursday, August 28, 2008

D&D 27th August 2008 @ Aquamarine

This's year's D&D was a small scale one, unlike in 2007 and 2006.

I didn't bother to take many pictures. I didn't talk as much. I didn't laugh as much. I felt like everything was very hazy. At times, I didn't focus on what was happening around me. I had a very hard time absorbing what people were talking about.

It's not coz it's small-scale and boring. In fact, I would very much prefer a small scale get-together in a cosy environment to eat, chat and relax with people I feel comfortable with. I would very much think I would enjoy myself more in simplicity. However, I don't feel like I've enjoyed myself just now.

What have we but language to make sense of our senses stirred?

Sad to say, I'm at a loss for words to describe how I'm feeling now. I just didn't feel as enthusiastic as before. I don't like how I'm feeling now.

I think I'm exhausted... physically and mentally.

I would like to include in this post: "to be updated", "loads of photos to come", "watch this space"... But you know what? I think I'll just leave it as this for now.

I had a very sweet dream last night and when I woke up, I felt very lost. It was as if I don't belong in this realm. My dream felt more real than reality itself. I hope to bask in sweet dreams later and not wake up from it at all.

[picture credit: Audrey Kawasaki]


  1. Morning dear Jolene. ARe you ok? I read all your happy and funny posts and wanted to leave a longer comment when I'm free. I hope you are fine. Is everything very stressful at work? I know you always have a way to cope with everything all in the end so i wish you all the best and can handle everything slowly now.
    Jia You!


  2. You are not dead, are you?

  3. Jolene seriously you are not dead right?

  4. Big *Hug* & Jiayou!! Take good care alrite gal!

  5. To Yen,

    Thank you. I know everything will straighten out in the end. I only wish I could fast forward to the end result and skip all the grueling process.

    To both anon,

    Good day to both anonymouses! This line from my latest post if for you:
    Doesn’t mean I don’t blog means I’m dead mah. Doesn’t mean I ended off with an emo post means I’m dead mah.

    To canny,

    Thanx gal!


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