Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Christian the Lion

Simply heartwarming!

There are many versions of this video on youtube. However, I like this the best.

More write-ups and photos of this affectionate lion here.

I stumbled onto this as one of the related videos --
Lion & Ferret Playing

Damn, now I want a f**king lion!

Where's Simba???

Edited to add:
My hp mysteriously recovered!

Sometimes, life is a mystery.


  1. Hi Jolene,

    That is really very sweet. Very heart warming. It is as if the lion become a kitten when it saw the owners.

    I'm quite surprised at the 2nd video that the lion can be rear in the house!

  2. Yen,
    Ya lor... It's just like a little kitten.

    Tell me about it. I'm surprised at the lion in the house too.


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