Monday, April 21, 2008

The Long & Short of it All

I’d better dedicate a post to announce to all that the short hair photo was just a very belated April Fool’s joke. I didn’t hack my hair. I merely tied it loosely at the back. Now you can either go:

(a) “Chay”
(b) “Phew”

I think only my smart old friends would guess that it was a trick as I’ve pulled this one on them a few years back. I kept laughing whenever I receive sms-es about why I cut my hair. But I feel bad about lying to those people who haven’t seen me for some time and to those readers who don’t know me personally.

I wonder when I would have the time to update my back dated entries from February. In the meantime, here are the replies to tags…

30 Mar 08, 23:44
Carrie: Hi Jolene, by keeping ur nails always painted aren't ur nails become yellow stained ? and brittle ?
Hi Carrie. My nails weren’t brittle as they belong to the soft and weak category so yeah.. peeling would be more appropriate. The surface of the nails became a little rough but as for yellowing, not so much too. I don’t always paint my nails actually. Started from December only but now I sport short stubby unpainted nails yet again!

31 Mar 08, 10:30
Mindee: I came here looking for jardiniere.. found none but I like your take on art. Well, I will be bookmarking your page to look out for more art takes from you. P/S: Love to see if we have similar taste.
Yeah I often get “jardinière-people” around here. Guess you all must be disappointed when you see no jardinière. Just in case you check back, which art are you referring to?

3 Apr 08, 01:26
zanne: thx dearie! i juz saw ur post... sorry was rushing work tdy.. replied ur post maybe weekend.. heehee.. next week onwards shld be more relax, upd u again... =) hugz
3 Apr 08, 01:27
zanne: and i really like ur handmade cake.. haha.. 1st bd cake for me cuz no time to really go cele..
You’re most welcome! By the time I reply to this, I hope that you would have had many celebrations. You haven’t updated me when to meet. No good you. =P

4 Apr 08, 02:56
Lydia (ur cuz): HI girl!! Thanks for the handdrawn cake!! HA. am honoured just to have my name on the blog. HAHAH. Anyway I see ur bkgrd as maroonish.
You’re most welcome! I hope you had a blast of a time that day with all the meet ups.

7 Apr 08, 22:50
Missy T: I kind of miss looking at your long blog full of photos. PS: The handmade cake is so creative and special.
10 Apr 08, 21:59
Missy T: OHMIGOD. Did you really hack your hair???? WHY??????
I also miss looking at my blog full of photos leh.. Hahaha… simply no time to update recently. Will try to do so soon. Oh about my hair… Now I feel so bad… But hey… you would be one of those who would go “Phew”.

8 Apr 08, 17:08
tiffy: My first friend is as morbid as I am. I do not think we will die of traffic accident now. I am really fined by a police. freak.
Of course! That’s why we click! You were fined for????? JAYWALKING???!!!

9 Apr 08, 08:49
xtina: finally figure out how to use this taggie thingy! my new look is up on gera's blog... go chk out the blog if u dun haf time to meet me.
9 Apr 08, 09:01
xtina: hey chk out this blog.. this blogger writing abt ur old sch SN. do u already know that they are rebuildin it i.e. tearing down the old building (horror!)?
I can practically hear you screaming at me for replying so slowly. This coming Sat supper onz bo? Yep, I knew from my kaki about the rebuilding. So sad leh… Ooh... and I want one of those St Nicks dolls on her blog!

11 Apr 08, 16:21
passerby: Don't mine me saying you look ok with your shorter hair just that you look like you put on weight which I donno if its a good thing or a bad thing.
Of course I don’t mind. Hmm… Putting on weight is a consolation for me but if you’re referring to my face being fat then sobz sobz.

12 Apr 08, 09:34
reg: hey girl, you look fresher with short hair! But I still prefer you with long hair..more feminine hehe
So you would be one of those who go “phew” now. Heh... I also prefer myself with long hair. I would cut short only when I'm much much older. If not people would think I'm a student.


  1. Earth to Jolene! Earth to Canny! Ha!! I'm back!

    Sry for MIA-ing. Been really busy with lots of stuffs recently as my relatives just went back after bumming at my place for a week b4 bringing them ard on a road trip for the other 2 weeks.

    Phew! Super tiring with lots of plannings, booking of hotels etc etc. Thus, my long disappearance from blogs, forums! Only managed to Squeeze a tiny teeny time for the fluff frd in FB during the week when they bum at my plc. Got no extra time to read blogs, not even to mention, to update my blog..

    Anyway, I got a shock when I saw ur short hair pic. I tht u really went to cut ur hair short. Though U look more refreshed in the short hair, but I prefers U in your long hair. I like girls (am I pervert?!) who have long hairs. Its really nice! And esp. when it can be styled into many different ways!

    I like the idea of ur drawn handmade cake! (creative Jo!) Next time must draw me one too (On ur hand, that is.) to welcome me back to Sg k... Haha!! =p *Kidding*

    Will update my blog soon!! So do check back as & when ba when U are free!

    Gotta run to check on my washing machine & dryer! Ciao!

    PS: Take care sweetie!

  2. As continued from the tag, I was also so surprised to refresh and see a comment and it’s such a pleasant surprise really, that it is from you!

    Yeah Earth to both of us!

    How coincidental. We’re both doing the same stuff, looking at the same page just miles and miles away.

    Ho! So that’s what you’ve been up to! No wonder MIA so long! But I guess you had fun amidst the bz-ness and tiredness. I do check back your blog every now and then. No time to update but at least must try to check email, log in FB, click randomly on friend’s blog. Woo… you’d betta be honoured that you’re one of those I click on frequently. =P

    Haha… no la not pervert. I enjoy looking at gals more than guyz too.

    I cannot draw on my hand liao coz the idea has been used and isn’t unique anymore. Unless of coz, you don’t mind. *wink*

    This must be the fastest I’ve ever replied to a comment manz.

    I will drop by your blog soon!

  3. I was also shock to see your short hair photo that I wanted to leave a comment asking why you cut your hair short just because of the hot weather. But I scared wait you sad and since you already cut then its ok.

    Actually you look ok with short hair just that I also prefers you with long hair. Do you remember I first started leaving a comment asking you about your hair and make up and was very happy that you will reply. Heehee.

  4. Hahaha... Yes I do remember!!! Thanx sweets.


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)