Friday, February 29, 2008

A post on a leap year day

If I don't do this, I'll have to wait till 4 years later.

I know I'm taking a painfully long time to update on cny and to reply your comments and tags. The truth is, I haven't even got started coz I was soooooo bz with work and other pressing issues.

Anyhow, continue watching this space.


  1. YO Jo,

    I am very sian at work so read your blog for 20 min..

    wah your v day is sooo romantic! envious, envious envious!

    Congrats on your engagement (that is coming soon)!

    Well, I better get back to work now.

    Take care.


  2. Hey gal,

    It's really great to see you here. From work some more??? This shows that you're finally off the hectic work schedule and all the rigours. Good that you've finally quit and are doing what you like. =)

    Haha... not really romantic la. We kept on talking about how the food was not enough. How to lomantic this way?

    ROM would be a small affair of only immediate family but i'm thinking of close friends too. We'll see how it goes coz if hold at the ROM premise itself, the capacity is too small. If I do invite close friends, you by hook or by crook MUST GO ok? I dun care.


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