Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day... Happy 7th Anniversary

14th February 2001 was the day he asked me to be his girl.

It has been 7 years. We have grown so accustomed to each other. Just like lao fu lao qi. Yet, there will always be this spark that keeps the flame going.

I love him more and more as the days go by...

Recollecting our first 3 to 4 years together in slides:

And a whole slide show for our December 2004 New Zealand holidays. It was one of the most memorable holidays ever!

I started this blog and started recording my thoughts in mid 2004. Hence, there is no need for slides from 2005 till current as the photos can all be found on my blog. Besides, I started owning a camera since then and have simply too many photos. =P

We won't be celebrating on the actual day again. In the past, I minded a lot and wished he could be in sg. However, now I don't mind a single bit.


Maturing mind? I really dunno. I guess it's a case of can't ask for more especially when he's such a great guy a gal could ever ask for.

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you reading this.


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


  1. Happy Valentine's Day and 7th Anniversary to you too!!
    Meeting and being together with you is the best thing that happened in my life and there is nothing more I can ask for.
    I love you!

  2. Jolene & Kh, Happy Valentine's Day!! =p

    I feel so blissful coming in ur blog today to check it up & seeing both u (ur entry) & ur hubby-to-be msg. Simply sweet, simply loving! Love is All Around!!~

  3. happy valentine n d sweet sms..
    I was working n half daze from the medication. Everywhere was packed last nite, n food service slow. Eventually tabao KFC to makan with wife.

    Have fun with the rest of the weekend coming out.

  4. Dear Jolene,

    Happy Valentine and friendship day! The slides are really very sweeet! I like the way the slides look so old on the olden tv. Look like into the past. The photos you chose are so sweet too especially the candid ones like the graduation hat. Your New Zealand trip look very fun. So blissful both of you.

    I hope you enjoy yourself.


  5. deardear,
    *BIG BIG HuGz*

    Thank you babe! You even thought of wishing BOTH of us. That's so sweet.

    Are you sick? Do take care. I was out in town on the actual day but funny it didnn't really feel like Valentine's day. Maybe all checked in hotel. Hehe...

    This came late but same to you too. I also liked the old tv set look to match the older photos. Yup.. the trip was real fun. Took many photos and videos. Have a great day!


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