Wednesday, November 21, 2007


14 Nov 07, 01:33
MangledMannequin: If Mark Ryden's morbid art catches your attention, I highly recommend Ray Caesar Please give me your views.
I love your pseudonym! ‘MangledMannequin’ is like uber cool in a sinister way. Do you like Mark Ryden’s works too? I went to the site you’ve posted and I find Ray Caesar’s works rather haunting. The characters all have this morose expression and they seem frozen in the Victorian??? times. Classic haunting. I prefer Mark Ryden as each of his works is an enigma. Thanx for the recommendation though. It’s an eye-opener.

14 Nov 07, 17:14
sherin: pretty tattoo, you so artistic hor~~ donuts make mi hungry, i wanna grab some from you !!~~ ohhh and your shots with the kids so adorable, having great fun yea
Oh… after reading all the comments about my “tattoo”, you people really make me feel like getting one! These donuts are not too bad and best of all, no queue to beat. Ya lor! The kids are really adorable!

14 Nov 07, 23:05
Missy T: Lovely pictures. The kids are so cute! Look like they have fun. They look really happy to play ship. YouTube is loading slow..Did you draw the rose with free hand or with stencil? Get a real 1!
Yes! They’re really cute indeed and they really love to play this ship capsize game a lot. Hope you managed to catch the video. I drew the rose with liquid eyeliner using free hand.

16 Nov 07, 00:59
viv: Yoyoyo...i knew the tat was fake but you didnt tell me you drew it! You can well use these standards on card making too...wahahaha
Haha… I tot you knew!! Use this kinda drawings on cards? Me only sometimes can draw but me craft work is sibei Cannot Make It lor. Nice cards require craftwork.

19 Nov 07, 14:52
Canny: Jolene sweetie, Message for u is way way too long to leave it here! Check out the comments. Keke! =)
Yay!!! Checked out le! I love to read long long tags/comments!!! Next time you always leave long long comments ok? Read my reply under the comments section too.

19 Nov 07, 22:47
evan: know what's the program that i really want to find? Asik Mat Yoyo!!! Apparently Chris doesn't know what it is and I've tried all means to find evidence of it!
I KNOW I KNOW!!! Asik Mat Yoyo… Asik Mat Yoyo… *sings to the tune* The cat cat program in Malay!!! Is it Asik? Asit? Or Asi? I don’t really know what the show is exactly about. It used to air in the evenings before the 6.30pm cartoons IIRC.



  1. hi, good to see u doing fine and plenty of posting. :)

  2. It's great to hear from you after being MIA for so long. Hope all's well for you and your family. Baby Wayne must be big by now. =)


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