Tuesday, November 06, 2007

~*Doodles in my notebook*~

The creative side of me has been stifled for a long time.

Once it came out, it wobbled and it shook. It was afraid.

It isn't confident anymore.

These are so ameteurish... but I like what I've came out with in the spur of the moment. =)

Some drawings were inspired by photos and pictures I like. Not too sure if you would find anything familiar.


Replies to tags on the way... In the meantime, do continue to tag and leave comments as I simply love reading them. =D

Nitez everyone!


  1. Your drawings are lovely. My favorite is the pretty eyes and the short dress.

  2. Hi dropping in to say that your drawings are beautiful and I like them so don't worry about it being amateurish. Did you design the dress yourself?

  3. Yen & shakara,

    Thanx babes!

    Well I like the eyes too! Love drawing pretty eyes since I can't have them on my face.

    Design myself? That's a tough question t answer. I actually had the design of such dresses/tops (runched at the centre with cloth hanging down) on my mind and was searching high and low for them in shops. Not long after, I saw Dawn Yang (the blogger) wearing something similar on a magazine and soon a few shops started carrying similar designs but all not as nice. How I wish I knew how to make clothes.


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