Wednesday, November 28, 2007


It’s so sad to hear of healthy, young people leaving this world when their time is not up yet.

If all these deaths are predestined, I must say that the person who does all these planning is a bloody fool.

Even though I dunno these people personally, hearing and reading about their deaths stirs up lots of emotions.

I hope the families and friends of the 5 dragonboaters are coping well. One of them, Jeremy Goh, is the son of my mum’s friend. It’s really heart-wrenching to see young, energetic, beautiful people being taken away just like that. It’s really a waste. I don’t care about whatever they-are-in-a-better-place-now theory. Can’t they be given one more chance?

Before this dragonboat tragedy was the passing of my er jie’s NYJC canoeing senior. He was involved in a hit and run accident some time ago and became a vegetable. His bastard fucked up father fled off with his mistress with the insurance money while his mother had been caring for him all these while until he passed away recently.

Next, came the demise of my er jie’s canoeing junior—Ooi Eu Jin. He was the captain of the boy’s team while his wife Debbie, the captain of the girl’s team. I thought that was like one of the sweetest couple ever. My sis confirmed that they were really very loving.

I remember him as quite a good looking sporty guy in NY when I was there during the 1st three months. Crazy evan and I went for so many CCA try outs and did canoeing and OAC in a day. Although I had only brief interaction with him and Debbie and do not know them personally at all, I felt a sense of loss and pity when my sister told me the news. My heart immediately went out to poor Debbie.

I was tearing non stop while reading this blog dedicated to him. Everything was going well for him--exactly like what he should deserve for he was really such a good person.

I'm deeply touched by these lines:

‘He said he was training harder so he could carry me on our wedding day’

'When i was younger I used to be so sad that my sister always stayed with you and i don't see her so often. But honestly, deep down inside I am happy and contented that my sister has found someone so near perfect; you.’

‘I am honestly so proud of you to be able to create such a big impact on so many others around you. This is exactly the reason people remember you for, your humbleness, your selflessness and unending understanding and love for the people around you.’

‘You once were, and will forever be my brother-in-law and to everyone else, a best friend, the best husband and the perfect son.’

‘i cried so hard that night....... mother was crying so loudly that our neighbour came knocking the door, asking if everything was alright... dad just fall back when he had the news.......... my heart kept racing so fast that night... i wish i can give half or all of the heartbeat to you.......... why you??????’

‘we had to leave you.... we had to cover your coffin..... i gave you a kiss before da ge pulled me away......... and you wasnt alone... i was with you till the end.... i tag along with you wherever you went since i knew how to start walking and i was still with you in the Volvo.... when its time.. i gave you some roses and 1 last kiss..... my heart was breaking but i knew i had to hang on.....’

‘Rebel (me) : “Why are you studying so hard ?”
Him : “Do you know how I can get into Montfort Primary?”
Rebel : ”How?”
Him : ”My mom had to literally beg the principal to let me in. I must really study hard so that I will not disappoint her. And also to prove to the principal!”’

‘I remembered we came up with ways to make some money one time. Young as we were, I fantasized about how to make it big in order to buy that Tamiya toy car I loved. As for him, he was counting and telling me that, “Wow, if I can make like 1.5 dollars a day, I can ask my mom not to give me pocket money anymore!”’

‘He said, my parents gave me so much money to come to U to study. How can I not study hard?’

‘Man if Eujin read this, he will sure say I sound like a pussy, but I don't mind him calling me one as long as long it will bring him back.’

‘Debbie’s sms to me,
“I just saw him. He was lyin there n he didnt want 2 look at me.For e firt time he doesn wan to look at me.. I feel very very very sad.. Can you wake him up 4 me?”’

My tears kept flowing endlessly when I read all these, especially the sms.

I really hope Debbie, his family and friends are coping well. May Eu Jin rest in peace.


  1. I saw about this on wan bao. I also click on the blog. Eujin have everything going well for him. His character is so good too. It is such a waste that he is gone. Heaven is jealous of all these good people. Those lines by his family and relatives is really very touching. It is really very upset to read such news. Recently the dragon boat case also. So many young people dying.

    cry cry cry...


  2. I am even more sadden after
    reading this blog entry of yours~ :(

    He sound like such a great person!!!

    *HUGGIES* to Jolene and his LoVed ones~

  3. May Eu Jin rest in peace. May his loved ones find the strength to overcome the pain.

    May I find the strength to overcome the pain of losing a friend.

  4. Hey,
    Let's hope that all Eu Jin and the 5 dragon boaters rest in peace and may their loved ones find the strength to cope with their loss.

    To anon,
    You must be a friend of Eu Jin's. Please take care.


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