Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Why do you keep buying jackets and bags???

Kh loves to ask me that.

Just take a look at what I’ve bought again... He's so gonna shake his head for the 4027538947th time.

Jackets from where else but my favourite Abercrombie!

Top L-R: Shaw Pond Hoodie Men in Navy, Lily Waffle Ladies in Pink
Bottom L-R: Lily Heritage Ladies in Blue, Colette Hoodie Ladies in Brown

But hey dear, I bought a jacket for YOOOOUUU!!! So you have one more jacket to add to your collection of only one adidas jacket.

I had wanted to buy the Lily Heritage in Green but the last S size was being snapped up. But I do love the Lily Waffles in Pink and oh the name Colette just sound so chic.

Can't wait to collect them!


My itchy fingers started clicking again and look what I've found!

Polo tees for kh!

The darker and classic range...

Top L-R: Ridge Trail Brown Polo, Saddleback Mountain Navy Polo
Bottom L-R: DeBar Trail Navy Polo, DeBar Trail Red Polo

The bright and cheery range...

Top L-R: Lake George Dark Pink Polo, DeBar Trail Double Striped Orange Polo
Bottom L-R: Saddleback Mountain Green Polo, Rollins Pond Green Polo

What I like about A&F striped polo tee is that they look similar yet they are all really quite different and unique in style. Love how they name their clothes too. Now... which one(s) should I get?


Besides the jackets, I'm also waiting for my...

LV Neverfull pm!

Yep, the smallest one.

I know, I know. I used to dislike the Neverfull range. I think they look just like Gucci Totes with feelers coming out. On top of that, the whole world is carrying them and I hate to look like the whole world.

However, the whole world which I saw was carrying the mm and gm. I didn't see anyone carrying the pm. Imagine my total change of heart when I saw the pm real life. Stupid apr who polluted my mind with Neverfull was saying the pm looked so good on me that it looked like it was mine.

Hence, I decided to get it since it's outta stock everywhere. The ever-so-common Speedy 25 can wait. Neverfull first!

I like the interior and the mini pochette which will come along with it.

I really cannot wait.

As if knowing that I had a change of heart, LV had to splash this ad on the newspapers recently. The Speedy sitting innocuously in the background sure is enticing.

Common but chio classic Monogram?


Practical and formal Damier?

It's really hard to decide.

"How many Coach, Guccis and LVs must you buy before you realise you have too many bags?" -kh

Not till Chanel.


3 Sep 07, 23:46
Evan: Ooh... Peek-a-boobs! Haha. Well, I got so high so fast yet again, so i don't remember dancing much actually! We should go chill one day and wipe out all the free steak sandwiches. Beef rocks!
I can’t imagine spending the last 3 hours chatting with you on msn and here I am trying t reply your comment only now. WE SHOULD HEAD DOWN MORTON’S MANZ. You’re one of those that popped into my mind 1st when I thought of chilling out with the babes during Happy Hours. We can really be cheapskate, eat and drink ourselves silly. *LOL*

5 Sep 07, 08:23
Canny: The cute tissue I saw is in smaller box. Blowing nose? No lah!! Haha.. Anyway, hope u are recovering fast & well after the visit to the chinese physician! U look a bit tired on the D&D but still, look pretty in the little black dress! And ur hair is nice. I like. U DIY? pretty pretty!! Ratatouille seemed interesting after readin ur review. Goin to watch it too. take care babe!!~
Yup I think the visit to the chi phy really perked me up. Noooo!! I wished I knew how to DIY my own hair. My temp curls were done by the salon I always visit. The same one which made my rebonded hair look permed. Haha… Yup you should watch Ratatouille! It’s cute. Cya around! =)

5 Sep 07, 13:56
hi: hi jo u r gorgeous.. may i noe watz e material of e dress dat u wore for dnd? where u buy fr n watz e brand? oh n how much?
Your tag here sounds exactly like the comment left by an anonymous reader on the D&D post. Are you the same person? If so, please refer to the reply there. =)

7 Sep 07, 09:58
maine: i didn't go in avana but i spotted nice clothese when sitting at macdonald.. dress is lovely.. roughly how much did you spend and how much is the price range of clothes there? i think zac is cute too!
Heh… Price range of clothes there? I saw tops that ranged from $100+ to $700+. My dress isn’t that high la. Yes, I think Zac has got gorgeous blue puppy dog eyes.

viv: finally read ur blog...haa...so much abt D&D...heee, i wish Kevin will upload the photos faster!
I also wish he would faster upload. There are still so many photos everywhere.

8 Sep 07, 18:06
Z 4 Zac: I like Zac too. But i dislike Vanessa. She doesn't sing as well as Zac but she has her own album. I don't think they look good as a couple too. But to each her own.
Hmm… It’s true that not everyone can take a liking to her voice. I personally find her voice a little too whiny and “teh” like erm “tair” but she has a powerful voice and is able to reach high notes. I think they look cute as a couple though. Sweet young things.


  1. hey! i love abercrombie too! they rock my socks, heheh. retail therapy is the best la, so i'm sure my cuzz won't say so much la. and if he does, just shut him up lor hahahhaa! and, we shouldn't even stop even if we've reached chanel. aren't bags the most gorgeous things in the world? *winks*

  2. Sushi,

    "aren't bags the most gorgeous things in the world?"

    I totally agree!

    Now do me a favour... shout this out to your cuz for me... along with "we shouldn't even stop even if we've reached chanel"



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