Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Little Meez Bimbo

Greetings from my alter ego -- Little Meez Bimbo!

Wahaha... I did this instead of my marking when I'm suffering fom insomnia.

There isn't a hairstyle that's quite similar to mine so I chose this one. This is how I would cut my hair if I were to cut it much shorter. The short dress, the brown boots, the huge accessories, the bimbotic actions while flaunting a pristine white (Chanel... I WISH) bag. Ah kwan says the little meez doll really reminds him of me.

I love me so much... Sorry I mean my Little MEez Bimbo.

Oh yes... dear frenz, please send me an sms with your name. I've lost many contacts. Thanx a lot! I hope this would be the last time I lose contacts. ;P

Will be back for photo blogging soon!

Watch this space.

Loving my z5,



  2. Are you a passerby? Yup.. the meez character-making is not only cool, it's addictive. You'll just wanna spend so much time dolling up your doll. Er... btw are you a male or female?

  3. Can you pls give more reviews on your camera? I'm also one of those who shotlisted Sony T-20 and Fuji Z5 bcos they look almost the same. I do not believe that Z5 is so much cheaper but the store owners says Z5 is so much better. It's difficult to believe.

  4. Hi anon,
    Well, I can't really give constructive reviews as I haven't really played around with the camera yet. But I would think that z5 night shots are quite good as I do not even need to switch to night mode in dark places.

    I paid $399 for my Z5 only and it's really q unbelievable I got such a good camera at that price. For that price, I'll choose Z5 over T20. =)

  5. Hi Jolene,
    You had updated quite alot. I didn’t come here for a few days as I went overseas. I spend so much time reading everything you wrote bcoz I’m not those type who just look at photos oni. I love to read what you write. Will you consider including your email @ on your blog? I always have so much to say that I feel very extra typing so much on your comment page.

    Your Little Meez Bimbo sounds like those Little Miss character. It is so chic and sophisticated. Even though the hairstyle is different, the short dress and cool brown boots is like you and flaunting a branded bag is what you are dreaming off right? I also feel like trying to make a meez but I’m lazy to sign up. What happened to your hp?

    Alot of words you use I must check dictionary leh. But I must say that you are really a funny writer.

    Seems like a lot of people interested in your camera right? I never heard of it but it really looks like the pink sony that you like and $399 sounds very cheap for such a sweet camera. You have to sleep more ok?

    I still want to talk more about the other posts. Hope you don’t mind me being so long winded. ^_^

    With warmest wishes,

  6. Hey Yen,
    Oopsie I just saw this. I won't be including my email but it's ok to leave comments.. Not extra la. I sure love reading them! =) No worries.

    Wahaha... u also think the little meez bimbo looks like me huh? Don't be lazy. If you ever made a meez, do show it to me ya? Heh..

    Use dictionary? It's ok.. Can improve your language.

    Sorry if I sound kinda rushed... But I'm always glad to read comments so no worries posting a lot. In fact when I didn't see your comments, I was wondering what happened to you. Heh~

    Cheers Babe!


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)