Sunday, July 22, 2007

Deardear's Birthday

When it comes to planning something for kh, I’m really a bad gf.

Unlike a few years ago when I had the time to make cards, write letters, do cross-stitch, paint boxes and basically ruin every hand-made stuff, I totally left everything to the last minute this year.

I didn’t even get him a present coz whenever I asked him what he wanted, he would just say,

“I don’t want any present, I just want you.”

To which, I would simply answer,

"Ok. I’ll tie a ribbon around my head.”

Don’t scoff and roll your eyeballs. I can see that k.

Anyway with not much planning done, I decided to treat him to the best steak in Singapore-- Morton’s.

I heard that the bar’s happy hour was worth checking out. They had martinis going for about 10 buckeroos with free flow of fillet mignion steak sandwiches.

Being very yao kwee, we decided to head for the bar for some free sandwiches.

Had lychee martinis on empty stomachs and after what seemed like eternity, the free sandwiches were still nowhere in sight. We then ordered some fries. Those were pretty good. One of the best-tasting fat fries I’ve ever tasted, Crisp on the outside and steamy on the inside.

Oh yes, the fries cost a freaky fifteen buckaroos. Yes… $15. So don’t order it on occasions when your stomach isn’t empty.

Just when the fries arrived, the steak sandwiches also arrived. Mmmm… heavenly! I swear I could just sit there and eat steak sandwiches the whole damn happy hour.

Everyone was really very happy during happy hours. Laughter from every table filled the air. The whole place had a very classy appearance but the atmosphere was casual and comfortable.

After two rounds of sandwiches, I was secretly wondering if we would be able to finish the main course later. We transferred the bill down to the main restaurant and plotted to run away.

The wooden door of the main entrance was tucked away inconspicuously at the corner that we almost thought that was the back door.

Instead of being given the menu straight away, a waitress came along pushing a food trolley with the different cuts of steak, together with a live lobster, and started an introduction of the dining experience. I thought that was rather interesting.

The service was impeccable; the waiters and waitresses personable. It was a pleasant dining experience.

After the introduction, we were presented with a piping hot loaf of bread. Damn it was a huge loaf. We could have done away with the fries before that.

The bread was delicious. Some may wonder how delicious bread could be but it was indeed delicious. We felt really guilty for only nibbling a morsel of it but we had to save some space for our steaks… medium rare of course!

Kh’s prime steak

The serving was really huge! His steak was larger and twice the thickness of mine. So thick, succulent and juicy although I very much preferred the taste and texture of mine.

Mine… I forgot if it was the Porterhouse steak

1st bite… Mmmmm…

2nd bite… Mmmm…

3rd bite… Mmm…

Halfway through my steak, I was so full and my wisdom tooth was aching from all the chewing that I felt I could not force myself to finish.

I thought the piggy kh could do it but he also did not finish his.

Judging from the unfinished food, we wasted about $30 to $40 worth of steak.

Needless to say, we had to forgo the sinful chocolate desserts. How can one end a meal without desserts??? Sigh… Next time, I’ll head for the bar when chilling out with yao kwee frenz who don’t mind having martinis and steak sandwiches for “high tea”.

The bill came up to $280+.

Food: * * * * 1/2
(Would have probably been a 5 if we were hungry to begin with)

Ambience: * * * *
(Pricey but not snobbish. I didn’t have to fret about which utensils to use and felt totally at ease. The place was crowded with mainly business associates and couples. )

Service: * * * * *
(Warm, friendly, attentive and sincere. In a place like Singapore where we have to hold smiling campaigns, this place is a gem.)

Price: Higher end but you get what you pay
(Most expensive meal ever but it was worth it.)

Inside the nice loo

I love my outfit that day.

Yiz, if you’re still reading my blog, see… I pei4 your goldish medallion-looking bling with my beadies pearlies necklace. I love the necklace so much. Good taste. Thanx babe!

Testing out the flash and suppressed flash mode…

This is so not perfect but I like it anyway.

Back at his house to cut cake…

More photos from kh’s bro’s side to come… the same bro whom I kop this laptop from. Hope he doesn’t ask for me to return it or I’ll start to physically personalise it by adorning it with jewelled bling bling stickers or Hello Kitty or My Melody or Little Twin Stars or Care Bears or My Little Pony or anything girlish.

It’s the return of the horror movie of the countless little us!

Once again, we played around with double unflashed and flashed mode.

The night ended quite early and by 1am I was home. I haven’t seen him for only 3 days but I miss him. He has been quite busy with work and hall stuff. Saturday is usually our nights out but for these 2 weekends, he’ll be very busy preparing for hall camp and stuff.

Time to meet long lost friends for updates and gossips or stay at home and spend some time with myself. I really miss quality me-time.

Gosh I didn’t do much work today. Will do some later and sleep early coz it’ll be a long day of tuition. I’m going for my very first IPL and meeting tf after that. I miss that xiao zhar bor who always calls me xiao zhar bor. It’s been almost one and a half year since we last met up... or was it? Let’s xiao together later. =D


  1. Pretty babe Jolene you look really classy in the toilet pic and you look good in that top. Its very unique and the way you match it with the mini skirt is nice. The necklace is very nice too. I also like the necklace that your friend gave you. You just look good in everytin la. I'm so envious.

    Maybe I should try eating medium rare steak some time. Wa you really spend alot hor? Can you tell me wheres the bar located? It's a good place for poor partime student like me.

  2. hello jo! anyway, i also always tell reg what ur bf tells u i.e. "i dunwan any prezzie, i just wan u". actually, it's just a hint for you to use it back on us. lol... no la, honestly, we DO mean it.

    been wanting to try morton's (for years now, i must think). reg and i are lovers of steak (you could try The Cliff someday and compare)!

    oh, and for what you asked me some time back... it's chocsncrags. but maybe you've forgotten what you asked me already haha

  3. Dearest Jolene!!! :D

    I know the law of diminishing return too!!!
    *WAHAHA*!!! :D

    I think u looked classy in tat unique top,
    and short skirt! The necklace gone v well with it!!!

    Was u wearing falsies, dear Jolene??? :D
    Wat brand? Suit u very well!!!

    Pretty GirL!!! :D

  4. Anon,

    Hihi… by the time I reply to this, I’ve missed out on some time space. Are you Yen or another person? I’m afraid I ren4 cuo4 ren2. Thanx for all the sweet words. =)

    You should really try medium rare steaks! They’re delicious! Spend a lot? Ok la… Spent until very shuang3. Dun feel the pinch at all and it’s all worth it. Both bar and restaurant are located at Marina Mandarin hotel. I think the bar would be a good place to chill and savour steak sandwiches like classy yao kwees. Definitely good for students.

    xi ke4 leh you. Nice to hear from you. What hint to use back on you guys? No lor.. I dun take such hints. Wahaha…Yup you should try Morton’s. Where’s The Cliff? Sorry I’m a suaku. How’s the price range? I do remember what I asked but coz you preferred not to link and so I tend to forget the url.


    Hey thanx man. Long time no hear from you! Hope you’ve been fine!

    Thanx for your sweet words always. =) Yup, I’m definitely wearing falsies. If those were my real lashes, I would have flown over the moon liao. Haha… It’s no brand one. Bought from Sinma which came in purple boxes. It’s $2.90 or $3.90 I think. Very cheap and can last very long. I’ve been using the same pair ever since. I love the effect of this lushness too. Not too fake yet obvious. You dun need to even put falsies your mascara-ed eyes are already so pretty! Aiyo see la when it somes to writing bimbotic stuff, my paragraph is so long. Haha...

  5. Yes I am Yen dear Jolene. Sorry! Forgot to sign off. ^_^

  6. Ohhh, The Cliff is sited at Sentosa... ( Will try Morton's asap! =D

  7. Oh thanx.. as for me.. I'll try The Cliff asap! =)

  8. $280 for two??
    The max I paid was abt $100+ odd for two at Mandarin Orchard.

  9. Wahaha as stated.. my most expensive meal ever. =P


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