Thursday, June 07, 2007

Which bag to bag? I'm getting carried away.

A few days ago, I met Sam, my friend cum financial advisor and she really is EVIL!

“I’m going to the States! Is there anything I can get for you?”

“Abercrombie! But maybe not,” I stopped short.

Although tempted, my angel reasoned with my devil that I could get it cheaper here and not to forget that my tutee’s mum might give me free A&F stuff every now and then.

Oblivious of my inner struggles, Sam continued, “I’ve got a list of orders from COACH. Why don’t you go home and surf and let me know again?”

Surf I did. I went home with fingers willing my mind and went click click click.

Their patchwork designs greeted me once I clicked “handbags” and my heart went fluttering at the sight of all the pretty lovelies.

Love this patchwork satchel but the “$458” lying innocuously under crossed it out of my list immediately. And that isn’t even in Yusof dollars!

Focus, focus. I’m looking out for either a casual hobo bag or a pouch-like mini bag (not as mini as my current demi pouch) which is formal enough for functions.

Ever since I’ve changed my hp and switched back to using my old camera, these could not fit into my demi pouch anymore, together with my sms line and wallet of course.

I either need to buy a bigger handbag to accommodate all my knick knacks or buy a slimmer camera. Maybe I could just do both. *winks*

These are what I’ve short listed: the more affordable ones.

Which little devil should I choose? I sort of like the 1st one most. Reminds me of a cow which produces cocolate milk.

Or should I get a hobo bag?

Absolutely love their multi-colour hamptons weekend. So colourful and cheery but the brown classic seems to be a more sound choice.

Should I choose both a small handbag and a hobo? But then again, Sam said no guarantees. I hope that whatever I want would be sold out and I can use the money and top up loads more to buy these…

LV is getting more and more common, but I like these timeless classics.

I must not get carried away. I asked kh for opinions and he said he is fine with anything as long as I don't let him know how much I will be spending. Such constructive comments.


Have you ever heard of rebonded curls?

Anyway, look at what my rebonded hair has become. The day I decided not to blow dry my broom hair straight, I got this...

Nowadays, whenever people ask, “I thought you rebonded your hair?”

I would reply with, “I THOUGHT I rebonded my hair!”

Any of you with perming and rebonding experience reading this, can share your views please?

I’ve asked people around me with permed and subsequently rebonded hair if it is normal for rebonded hair to curl due to previous perming and they all said “no”. They could not figure out what had happened but all said that my curls were nice because they look so natural. I’m beginning to like this style but hey, I've spent $$ on getting my hair straight ok? Something has to be done! I'll definitely NOT go for another rebonding.


Updates and replies for my lovely friends

Whatever photos I could retrieve from Feb onwards have been uploaded on my multiply site… Yay!!! So stop being a bug ok?

Yeah indeed they are cute and sweet rite? Nothing beats handmade cards!

Hihi.. do I know you? I'll try to update more whenever I feel the urge for verbal vomit or just feeling plain boh liao. =)

Really? I saw from her hp photo. So wanna meet him. And orh hor... U tagged me while at work?? Notti notti u. Next wed I'll be pushing all tuition upwards, try to finish all my work and go crazy GSS shopping. If you still wanna look for shoes, maybe can call me see if i've not gone crazy by your knock off time. =P

Heyhey... Yup I wun miss your wedding for anything. Willing to take time off just for you! hs's hp no. is still the same. She would usually reply to sms quite promptly. Try again? Or email her?

YO! See your beautiful jie zuo has been featured on my blog. Ok I will! But nowadays the back of my neck got rashes so trying not to wear anything around it. Cya at work!

Only 3 hours to sleep. Time to dream of coach! Nitez nitez.


  1. definately not normal! mebbe ur hairdrsser haf no skills at all.. rebonding will definitely straighten even the tightest of curl.. look at those african americans like beyonce.. i dowanna sound like im very skilled but seriously u shud get a refund. but the outcome is still fine.. looks like u done a soft japanese wave perm which usually wil not last a mth. mebbe u shud take it with a pinch of salt but ask your hairdresser if anything can be done to get ur moneys worth. afterall u paid to get straight hair but got wavy hair.

  2. i agree.. u have to go back and complain man.. Get a refund or ask for a re-do at least. I recommend the S$60 shisedo rebond at Jurong west HDB de if u need. So far so good.

    As for GSS, let me know when u free la.. i am free most of the time...

  3. anon & zanne,

    If her skills no good then I'm fine with it.. Haha.. as long as it's not coz my hair damaged then cannot "absorb" the effect of rebonding. But she used to be good. Maybe coz let her workers do part of the crimping.

    Yup.. I'll go back and see what she can do about it but I definitely wun rebond again for now. All the pple around me are likng my current waves. =P

    Oh yes zanne, I just realised tt ur $60 rebonding is highly raved about in this LD forum I frequent and xf was 1 of them who raved about it!

    I think I'll wait for some time then I'll try that auntie xiuzhen's rebonding. I'e taken down her no. but will need directions from u when the time comes.

    Stress man. Must try to accomplish a lot of work then can an xin go crazy shopping next Wed. I dunno if I can finish!

    *Sobz* Feel like not working all of a sudden.

    Can I just sit at home and have bags raining on me?

  4. Those bags look chio..
    I know one lady auntie, actually the boss from MS Colour, went Europe, grab all the LV bags.. told me worth it even after discount. Wah...

    Maybe when I get my bonus, I get one for my wife too...
    I just joined a French aviation company, starting work next next week, no more full time dad, fridge running out of food n baby crying for milk. Keke..

    Next week, maybe Thu will drop in JB with wife, she needs to rebond her hair, its much cheaper there, n wife told me she looks veri auntie after all the confinement. hehe... Time to bring her out.

  5. If ur hair is dat damaged, they shld refuse and advise agst doing rebonding for u de. I tot it is dat the chemical haven really been absorbed datz y ur hair turns out like dat.
    Auntie Xiuzhen told me can wash my hair after rebonding, dun have to wait several dayz. I asked y the rest says muz wait... She replied jokingly: "Maybe they have no trust in their skills.."
    She is kidding only.. heehee

  6. I have the same taste as you ^5! I also heart the chocolate milk bag. Really remind me of chocolate milk so cute. The small lv bag is nice too.

    I think you must go back and see what your hairdresser can do. Why they liek that? But this new curl is not too bad. Certainly not look damage. Your hair is alot shorter than hk photos. You cut alot rite? So wasted.


  7. bwilly,
    Wah... You also know to appreciate bags huh? How I wish my silly boy is like you too. To him, all bags look the same. The boss from MS colour really very zai hor? Haha

    Oh yay.. bring home the milk. And yes time to pamper ur wife! =)

    zanne rite? Eh rem to leave name! I think few weeks or months later, I'll ask u for directions to Auntie Xiuzhen. =)

    Haha... yeah ^5 for having same taste! Yes I cut quite a fair amt to tidy up but the ends rally a lot healthier. Cutting is good. Thanx I also think this new curl is fine. I'll not be rebonding it for now 1st and I'll definitely ask for some form of compensation. =)

  8. the MS colour boss is those class lady, rich tai tai kind. U see her will know, Florence..
    Can ask for her if you are there, friendly lady.
    I also likes to shop,but these days control alot due to additional commitment.

  9. Ãö©ó¶¼­¹ªº½G¨­ªk¡A¬OªÎ­DªÌªø´Áªº§xÂZ¡A







  10. Hey bwilly,

    I dropped you an email about cameras. Hope you can gimme some pointers. Thanx in advance papa mark.

  11. now then I read this column, started new work, can't go online as much as I like, plus BB.. hehe..

    Hope you have fun with your new cam. :)

  12. bwilly,
    Not much time to really play around with it but I'm quite liking it. I think it's so pretty. =)


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