Sunday, April 22, 2007

Little Kid Little Gesture

Last week, one gal from my favourite cute cute P2 class was cutting some papers in class. I gently warned her to put all the craft aside. The next moment, she walked up to me and said that these papers were for me.

Only a few days later did I realise that she wrote something on them.

I could have strangled her for all her spelling and punctuation mistakes, but I was really touched by her little gesture. I've yet to reply her coz if I do, I would most certainly chide her for the mistakes.

This same little girl wrote a poem for me a few weeks back when all the kids were asked to write a short note about their tutors. This was what she wrote at the back of the note:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
But not as sweet as Ms Loh you



  1. Awwwwww.... such a sweet little girl you have. I think you are feeling very touched by her gesture as even I'm also melting. ^_^


  2. Yupz... really touched by it. It came as a pleasant surprise especially since I did not see the note at the back immediately. =)


    my baby wayne is out..
    He was born on 25th April.

  4. I've prob logging into Multiply so shall reply here.


    He's simply 1 of the cutest newborn ever. All the newborns I see are quite ugly. It's only when they grow older do they grow cuter but little Wayne is so adorable!!! His eyes seem to be smiling!

    Oh yes... CONGRATULATIONS!!! =)


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