Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine’s Day and 6th year anniversary deardear!

The second best thing that has happened to me was when you walked into my life. The best thing is you walking next to me up till now, holding my hand, leading and supporting me all the way. It has been six years but you still manage to make me fall in love with you every single day through little gestures. For four 14th Februarys, you were not in Singapore. Although this year you are finally back, we will not be celebrating it. But I don’t mind it at all… Remember, you still owe me a BIG present. =)

Your darling angel


  1. I am curious. He really does'nt seems to be around you during this time. Now that he is here why are'nt the both of you celebrating?

  2. bwilly,
    Same to you! Happy V-day cum friendship day.

    curious anon,
    Hmm... due to circumstances. And I sure hope you aren't the same anonymous who commented on my last year's V day post.

  3. change of hp n did not port the contacts over? same thing happen to me when I thought all my contacts are saved on my sim card. Keke.. Got a bad bout of fright, when I don't seem to rem any number - except my home own number. haha..!

    Anyway happy vday n frenship day again.. my wife just woke up from her nap n wish me happy vday. keke.. :)
    I suppose its a hint to help her massage stretch mark cream on her. hehe..

  4. Awww... I'm melting.


  5. bwilly,
    Yup coz I used my mum's line to get that handset so I don't think there is such a service. Till now, I haven't port the contacts over. Too lazy to shift the contacts from sim to phone and delete and put it in another phone and shift and put back and delete... oh well... you get the pic. ;P

    BTW got your email. Fwah! Full time dad soon... That's like so sweet.


    Ok that's good. Maybe you can leave a nickname next time? =)


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