Sunday, December 17, 2006

Turning to the dark side

I applied for leave tomorrow to dye my hair blue black and attend my cousin’s wedding dinner after that. (BTW, Some people actually thought blue black is funky. It's not. It's simply black with blue tinge and the blue isn’t very obvious. So it’ll just be like black after the blue fades. )

For days, my mum persuaded me not to go black but I refused to listen. Then today I announced to my fashion unconscious dad, “I’m gonna dye my hair black tomorrow.”

My fashion unconscious dad is those kind who doesn’t notice I change hair colour.

My fashion unconscious dad is those kind who doesn’t notice I cut my hair.

My fashion unconscious dad is those kind who just doesn’t bother about what I do to myself.

But my fashion unconscious dad actually said, “No la, don’t dye black la. Not nice.”

He insisted that black is not nice on me and that my current colour is much nicer. That made me reconsider my decision and polled whichever friends I can find in my sms line address book to get many 2nd opinions.

I got about 20 over replies back.

At first, there were more detractors.

I just can’t imagine you with black hair!

It’ll look very harsh on you.

Er?? Blue black? I’m too conservative so I would say no.

Black looks nice on fairer skin people.

Your skin tone suits brown better.

I think brown is your natural hair colour man. Please don’t go unnatural!

Your golden curls are so much better than black curls.

I like your golden beach babe look.

My sister dyed blue black and it is horrible.

I just find that it won't suit you. I dunno why.

Brown or should I say blonde hair is good on you.

A lot of replies were the same, that blue black is harsh and doesn’t suit me.

And then the supporters for blue-black came in.

One word… COOL!

It’ll really be something different from the usual you.

Nice. Like comic characters.

A refreshing change for the new year.

I'm gonna dye that colour too!

I think it’s nice. You’ll look like a gothic doll with black curls.

Blue black hair, black eyeliner. PRETTY!

It’s really cool! I think it’ll suit you.

I think you’ll be able to carry it off quite well.

I like black for a change.

I love to see you in black.

And more replies of “cool”, “something different”, “a good change”…

There were two sensible friends who said that the most important thing to consider would be how my bf feels.

However, to consider how kh feel would not be very sensible.

Kh likes me with black hair.

Kh likes me with straight hair.

Kh likes me without mascara, eyeliner, foundation, blusher, lipgloss.

Kh likes me without any make up.

Kh doesn't mind me cutting short hair or botak.

In short, kh likes me to be ugly.

So I can’t take his opinion into consideration. Haha…

HOW???????? I’m gonna dye tomorrow liao. I will definitely go dark. As I mentioned before on one of my post, no matter how dark a brown I dye, it’ll fade to golden on the “old hair” and remain dark brown on the black parts such that there is a huge contrast of 2 tones on my whole head! Most ugly I say. So seems like black is the only option. Since I’m gonna dye black, might as well dye blue-black and enjoy the blue tinge for a few days.

Also, geral said her friend’s blue-black hair faded to ash after that and I thought it was quite cool. I also saw a lot of people with nice black hair recently and I kinda miss a full head of black hair on me too. However, each time I look at my old photos, I would just cringe at how ugly I look with black hair.



  1. wah u must haf dyed by the time i post this. i think blue streaks are always v cool...myslf haf always thot of doing tt...but i cant lar...haa

  2. Blue black? How about green black ? (Greenback!)

    I believe there are software which let you 'preview' your desired hairstyle. Go to salon which offers this convenience, and you'll have peace of mind.

  3. Hi Jolene, Have you dyed your hair? I don't know how you would look but I can't imagine you with black hair. Will wait for you to show some photographs of your new look.

  4. So did you dye blue black? I would love to see your new look too. I dunnoe you but from your photos i tink dat you look very good now. I am looking at your photo and trying to imagine blue black on you and the pic juts wun appear. Hee

  5. justin,
    Haha yeah dyed liao... now my hair is blackish brown. After a few shampoos, the blue black has faded. Liking my new hair colour.

    Why can't do blue streaks?

    Green black? Never heard of it and green reminds me of grass.

    I will upload some photos soon. =) I'm actually blogging but comp and internet lag so I'll do so some other time.

    Yes. =) Some people are still not used to my new hiar colour too.


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