Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The “Boy” Downstairs

My Malay neighbours who live on the 2nd floor have a white Persian cat. Its name is “Ah Boy” and he used to be Simba’s good friend/ boyfriend until Simba moved in with us and became a house cat. Sometimes, when Ah Boy is let out of the house, he would walk up to our door to find Simba. He is a very cowardly cat who would run away upon realizing that we have discovered him on our floor. A few days ago, he became bolder and followed me up. When I “invited” him into the house, he crept in uncertainly while I closed the door behind me (for I didn’t want Simba to run out). He started “moaning” for help and Simba came running.

I stood aside, feeling so proud of myself for setting up this reunion of cats. They sniffed each other for a long time and without warning, Simba scratched Ah Boy! Poor Ah boy! He nearly jumped out of his fur while I scolded and beat Simba at the same time, opening the door to let Ah boy escape from her.

Ah boy did run out of the door as quickly as his furry legs could carry him, but he lingered outside the door for what seemed like eternity. He could not bear to go and kept rubbing his scent all over the gate and plants.

I tried to capture a picture of his cute sad face but couldn’t.

A not-so-cute-sad-faced Ah Boy.

Finally he decided to peel himself off our territory and turned his back on us.


A few seconds later, he turned back to take a peek at us.

Then he disappeared behind the wall where the staircase is. Just when I was about to close the door, he popped his cute little face out once more. This is zoomed to the maximum.

Poor Ah Boy!

Naughty baba

Baba must have scolded Ah Boy for not visiting her for a long time. Or not bringing her flowers and cookies.


  1. Yeah He's a very nice cat. Those kinda curious, cowardly but affectionate cat. My whole family is always very amazed that he still remembers Simba. Cats are are not supposed to remember such things. But... Simba is a nice cat too!!! Haha she's just a qia4 zhar bor to Ah Boy that night.

  2. Wow i nearly teared for Ah Boy. Feel a tinge envious of Simba.... Ah Boy is such a chi1 qin2 cat. Hmm....Feels like a sad love story ya? Anyway, glad u caught that last poto of him peeking round the wall. Perfect ending ;)Em*s*

  3. Hallo Ems!

    Surprised to see you leaving comments. =) Yeah Ah Boy is so chi1 qing2. But I hope you didn't really tear for him.


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