Friday, June 16, 2006

Deadear's day out

I love it when my off days and kh's off days coincide. It is great that both of us have weird working days and hours at times and an offday out isn’t a crowded Sunday.

We went to IKEA on Wednesday. Haven’t been there for 3 years. It was CROWDED. The only thing I bought were some heart shaped ice cube trays.

Haven’t eaten these swedish meatballs for 3 years too.

After that we went to watch Cars. Do remember to stay on till the end credits. It was funny but not as great as Toy Story, Monster Inc, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles... ...

End of the day kh looks like he was either tired or trying to look idiotic.

World cup season... ... 4 years ago I was betting together with my OCBC Ah Lian colleague and asking my friend to help me bet from other sources too. In the end after the whole season ended and after all the debit and credit calculations, I only won like a few dollars? I even got chided by a friend for spoiling the beauty of the game by betting and watching for the sake of seeing where my money went. This year, no itchy fingers. Even kh has given up on mj for awhile. No gambling this time.

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