Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Wish List

My number 1 birthday wish for this year would be for kh to be able to come back in time to celebrate this day with me… but I know this can only be a wish that will never be fulfilled.

I want a lot of things that money can’t buy… but I also want a lot of things that only a lot of money can buy.

So it's pointless to list my wish list here.


  1. KH is not here again to celebrate important occasion in your life?

    Happy Birthday!

  2. KH is not here again to celebrate important occasion in your life?

    Don't be too sad. Cheer up.

    Happy Birthday!

  3. Did you change your comment setting? How come I cant see my comment? I don't know if it is sent. I said don't be too sad, cheer up. Happy Birthday to you.

    Anyway the song on your blog is very nice. Did you watch the japanese drama for this song? It is about wedding planner.

  4. I definitely did not change my comments setting and I am able to see 3 of your comments here.

    I sure hope you aren't the same anonymous as the one who commented on my V day post. I am not sad at all because I've got good friends to spend quality time with. In fact, I've been enjoying myself these few days. Thanx for your concern! =P

    Yes I like this song very much. I knew of this song coz of the drama series. I think it is a very sweet show.

  5. allo coolgal,
    this short term separation would boost your relationship between u and your bf... a great gal like you will be blessed with a great life.. happy birthday!!luv

  6. Hi replayjeans,

    Yup I'm used to separations so it's not much of a problem... THANX!

    BTW where are you calling from? =)

  7. Hey gal,

    You damn crappy lor. Haha.. Thanx.. but you weren't the last one to wish me coz there were alot of belated wishes too. But k la give you credit for being last one to wish before 25th May 11.59pm. =)

    All my nice presents are intangible. Nice messages and meet ups.

    WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! I must meet up with you manz... another coach lover! Can bimbo about coach liao. And you betta gimme my t shirt ah.

    Yup I'll alwiz remember you as the super frenly gal who made frenz with me in Pri 1. So cute man u... ;P

    ur first fren in pri always,

  8. allo coolgal,
    im callin from SIN.. someone whom accidentally bump onto your blog.. and there are some interesting posting you had put up here :)..anyhow i enjoy comin here to read your thoughts and perhaps i can also sometimes share with u my 2 cents worth..luv

  9. Do remember to share with me your blog too if you have one. ;P

  10. Was surfing the net loking for some waterski reviews and I came upon your site and I was impressed by the quality of content you have. Keep up the awesome job. I will be bookmarking you right now.

  11. Hi anon,

    You mean key words "water ski" will lead one to my blog? Wow.. and I don't even do water-ski. Haha..

    Thanx for your kind words. Of coz you may bookmark but hopefully if you leave comments, you could give yourself a nickname or something? Coz there are too many anonymouses around to know who is who and I would like to know which anon am I talking to. =)

    Cya around!


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)