Thursday, March 16, 2006

Can anyone teach me how to puke?

This is my latest msn nick.

My most innovative reply:

"I think drinking tequila is the preferred preparation..." -chris

Thanx friends... for all the suggestions. =)

I haven't eaten dinner till now. I've got no appetite. I feel nauseous again. I've been feeling that way on and off the whole day and it sux. It really SUX! I've got nothing to puke out at all. Had cup noodles, unfinished fish soup and one yoghurt bar the whole damn day. I can feel my worms gnawing away at my intestinal walls. I'm really very hungry now but I just don't have the appetite to eat.

P/S: I'm unable to reply to comments right now. An error window keeps popping up. And I just realised I haven't been replying to comments lately. Will do so soon.


  1. me again, you seem as prone to illness again ya?
    Puking and spitting out stuff are 2nd nature from my "proper" neighbourhood upbringing. keke..

    Still very graphical description, keep it up

  2. Only proned to illness in this job. Hope I'll revert to my healthy self soon. =)

  3. kind of stress job?
    Mine office politics all over..

    Hope to see some nics pics from your Bintan trip, went there last year staying at Angsana Resort. ;)

  4. I was also at Angsana!!! Great service manz!

  5. superb service rite?
    especially table service, they just remember who order what.. !!
    Unlike even at 5star establishment here in Singapore.

    5stars service, can't complain more. I won this package at my company D&D prize and stay at their suite. :)

    Their massage not any cheap, did not try. But a good place to relax and laze around, spent quality time with close ones and catch up the times.


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