Wednesday, November 09, 2005

What happened on Sunday and Monday evenings?

Just now, I tried my hands at Photoshop on my 2nd sis’s pc and got this:

I had wanted to do a photo collage but it didn’t turn out very nicely so I will revert back to my old way of telling story.

On Sunday, a bunch of jc friends met up.

Start fishing here
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at Fish & Co.
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The service here was/ is really atrocious.

The latecomers…
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shared a seafood platter for one
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We took a few minutes to get their attention that our food wasn’t here. We took half an hour to wait for our seafood platter when it wasn’t even close to full house. We took a few minutes to get their attention that we do not have utensils. We took a few minutes to get their attention for more water. But it only took a mere seconds for the bill to arrive.

wq’s artistic shot
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The beauties
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The beasts
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The beauties and the beasts
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Hopped over to NYDC for surprises.
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Surprise for jw whose birthday was the next day…
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and an utterly shocked Tammy whose birthday was long over.
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Marc and jw fought to foot the bill.
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“Let me pay!”
“NO! Let ME pay!”
“No… I insist!”
“Seriously… let me pay…”

The fight ensued…
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with me ending up as the winner.
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Fancy throwing money like that!

But I was eager to share my newfound wealth with elsa.

2 divided by 2 is 1. Hence, I took 1 blue note and elsa took 1 red note.

Alas, it was only a short-lived wealth.

Ex maths rep calculating how we should split the bill.
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Market cum trading place
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jw pines for regina
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while marc enjoys the bliss of “zuo3 yong1 you4 bao4” with animals since no gals wanna let him bao4.
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wq’s artistic shot again
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Notice marc’s eyes rolling from right…
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to left.
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All outside nydc.
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Wondering what to do???
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Ah! We can pose for advanced Christmas gathering photo.
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The smart scholar spewing slick substance.
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me and jw
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me and tam
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chanel... something I could only afford to stare at.
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But I haven’t blogged about Monday!!!

On Monday we had a hh chalet at Pasir Ris Home Team thanks to sd who invited us. Although we see each other 5 days a week, we still weren’t bored with each other. And besides, who else is free to have chalet on a Monday?

I was really late for the chalet and by the time I arrived, the people have happily settled themselves into the different gangs

The Tai Tee gang
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The mahjong-crazy pseudo taitai gang
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And of course the kids’ playground.
wy playing Uno Stacko in full concentration.
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I joined the kids’ playground.

The pseudo tai tais all wanted to fa cai.
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lv and me.
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We sprang a pre-birthday surprise for lv, my mentor aka dua tao.
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We made her pick out the candle with her mouth.
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And she said, “You all huh… Wait I get personal at work.”

lv with her i-dog which she now calls “xiao3 bai2”.
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hh rules!
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At the playground.
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hs, me and sd.
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sd and her bf, Nan2 De2.
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Nan2 De2 is his nickname coz each time he does something, everyone would go “WAH! Nan de. Nan de.” He barbequed ALL the food for us. And they were really delicious with his very own secret recipe. Oh, he did all the marketing at a wet market, not supermarket, but wet market!!! He kept topping up the fruits, chopping them in the kitchen and replenishing the supplies. He kept refilling the fruit punch bowl so no one would go thirsty. He did not allow anyone to help him and managed everything on his own. He also fetched the others to the mrt station when it got late. So nan de right?

Just a few minutes ago, lv decided to establish webcam so I can see xiao bai being very ecstatic. It’s so CUTE!

All lighted up and spinning its ears.

The lights kept changing patterns and colours and it got faster and faster as xiao bai got happier and happier. I got more and more excited and asked lv to feed it with more and more music. So she kept feeding and xiao bai kept changing colours and spinning its ears till lv thought it was enough as too much music would cause it to fall sick.

Just then... ...

Xiao bai K.O-ed. The lights faded and its ears stopped flapping and spinning.

Uh-oh!!! Poor xiao bai! It's all my fault!

To my relief, lv said xiao bai got tired and was merely sleeping.


Nitez nitez xiao bai!


  1. Yoz! the collage looks ok, except for the black empty spaces which kinda accentuate the square shape. Moi tried to upload photos to blog but something's not working somehow :( gin

  2. Hmmm.........i think i like this posting a lot....i never knew you would have such a good idea to show xiao bai's photo while we were online! Keep it up! Good Job! Well done! (heheheee....sounds like what we always do....)


  3. gin
    The black empty spaces accentuates the squarish-ness? Hmm... ok... actually the black background was taken from the "get a life" photo.

    What's not working? Aww.. then can't see photos on your blog. Your blog all words no pictures... but good words nonetheless... =)

    Haha I tried to save so many screenshot of xiao bai's ecstatic lights but quite difficult to capture them. That was as best as I could get.

    Help me say hello to xiao bai.

  4. i love how you always tell a story with pictures, in the order that everything took place. (:

  5. Dear Jolene,

    May I ask you
    (1) What shampoo and hairstyling products do you use?

    (2) Do you go to expensive salon to do your hair?

    (3) Is it a black tube you wear inside your top? If not, what it is?


    Thank you if you can answer. =)

  6. t*

    Haha yeah my photoshop skills sux. I shall just revert to my picture story telling. =P

    (1) I use Ginvera white tea shampoo and conditioner for coloured hair. On certain days, I would switch to Clairol Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner for dry hair. I use a serum called Hairtec intensive serum.

    (2)On the contrary, I go to a cheap academy salon in Yishun. But their skills are quite good and often the graduates or teacher would do those more difficult hair job like colouring with the students.

    (3) I was wearing something like a tube/bandeau bra\ inside.

    Hope I've answered your queries! =)

  7. Haha,it's fun reading your blog...Mr Nan de appreciates your blog entry. Thanks! Great blog! =)


  8. Thank you very much Jolene. You are very helpful and friendly. BTW my name is Perlyn, not Pearlyn. Hee.. but is ok.

    Do you have an email address which I can write to you instead of leaving comments? I wanna ask you some more ques. =)

  9. SD

    Haha... of coz Mr Nan De has to appreciate it la. I haven't kua anybody like that for a long time.


    Sorry for the mistake... Ü
    At the moment no email address for my blog. Maybe I'll include one next time.


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)