Thursday, November 03, 2005

Just shit, wipe backside and flush the loo.

When you apply black nail polish, please bear in mind to remove it immediately the day after. You could either end up with
1) blackish purple nails or
2) getting flak from your boss.

I can live quite well with blackish purple nail.

On point 2, once boss notices your black nails, he’ll start condemning you for your dress sense. “Why are you dress so sexily today?” He said it in front of his wife.

Oh pur-leeze! White racer back top with Abercrombie mini is sexy??? It’s not even like spag top or tube top paired with hot shorts and butt cheek peeping out. It’s just all legs. Moreover it’s a Wednesday and it was once said before that we could dress any way we like on a Wednesday without lesson. And that day was only the second time I wore skirt to work throughout my whole stay at that co.

And before that I was “reprimanded” mildly for coming back on a Tuesday to do my work.

I’m already staying at my workplace till 7+ 8+ 9+pm. (FYI, my workplace is not like an office. It is already considered very late if you stay till 7+.) I’m already bringing home so much work to do and I can’t finish them. What’s wrong with coming back on a Tuesday on my own free will? I don’t have photocopy machine at home. I don’t have laminating machine at home. All my crayons and art materials are in the classroom. I was sick on that Sunday before and I can’t finish my work. I have to come back on that Tuesday. Now what’s so wrong with that? I even waited 3 hours for the door to be opened. Isn’t that a harsh enough “punishment” to be meted out to me?

The pay doesn't even justify all the amount of work and the kind of treatment.

Just shit, wipe backside and flush the loo. Don’t be such a perfectionist by worrying that your shit might stain the surface of the bowl. Don’t be such a perfectionist by worrying how your shit will turn out and how it smells.

And let me reiterate my point again. Just shit, wipe backside and flush the loo.

And in the meantime, look out for other loos.


  1. Your job sound sucky. Why don't you be a model? Your boss sound like a helluva he-bitch.

    Your straight hair is nice but you look prettier with curls.


  2. Be a model?? Hahaha... I'm too short and nah... model's life is tough. Yeah... miss my curls..

  3. ah lian here ~~ ;D

    wah.. he said that ah? In front of the wife? XD what was her expression?

    Well... it's not too good to expose much in there.. got oogling eyes.. lol

  4. lian

    The wife "jumped in my defence"... I mean maybe she found her hubby's words quite improper so she jumped in to explain why it's too CASUAL... instead of sexy.


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