Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Cedric Diggory and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was somehow disappointing. And I’m saying this even though I haven’t read the book. I know of people who read the book and said the movie sucked. And darn, I did not stay until after the titles finish running for the caveat.

I give it 3 out of 5 stars with Cedric Diggory drawing most of the points.

I think he is so handsome!

I never thought I would go for fair and rosy guys younger than me but Robert Pattinson as Cedric is indeed endearing. I don’t care if he doesn’t have grey eyes. Look at how Zhang Ziyi’s eyes were overdone in Memoirs of a Geisha. The grey eyes just weren’t appealing even if they try to do justice to the book.

Enough about Zhang Ziyi. Let me gush over Cedric Diggory now!!!

Reminds me of a yearbook photo which would of course end up on the corkboard of some prepubescent as well as age old girls like me.
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Pin up poster of him.
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Erm... Looks abit evil here...
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He is damn courageous and suave during this whole scene. But he was killed seconds after. *SOBZ*
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Dashing dashing dashing with equally ravishing Cho. Why didn't people like Cho?
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So tall and handsome.
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And am I the only one who thinks he looks a tad like Prince William at certain angle? Check out the last two pictures.
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*SWOON* Such a fine and handsome young man!


  1. Dear Jolene!!!
    Yes!!! I think he looked like Prince William too!!!

    *drooling*!!! So charming!!!

    -MiniVV aka Vivien

  2. Dear Jolene,

    I was out of town for the past few weeks and im so sad that so many blogs have closed down. Glad to see yours still here! YAYY...

    Looking great in all your photos! Pretty... I haven't watched HP but the cedric guy sure looks droolicious in the last few photos. ;P

  3. Vivien,

    Great minds think alike eh? I still thought I would get the flak for thinking he looks like prince William. =)

    Yup many blogs have closed down. Some of them I read every now and then. Now I have less entertainment. My blog is not famous that's why still here. Haha..

  4. A photo of him without shirt?


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