Friday, October 14, 2005

Dear God,

Now that I've gotten myself a chio bible, I promise to read the bible faithfully.

I'm sure You'll forgive me for being so shallow. ;P


  1. when you become christian?


    Erm... All along. I thought you knew?!? Born into a Christian family... family as in... relative wise. Just that my family is not much of a church goer.

    I'm a "non practising Christian" who slams Christian way of thinking all the time (their way of thinking is so silly at times) Yet I believe in one true GOD.

    You may also call me a part-time Chirstian. =)

  3. i cant leave a comment on your latest post!

    the natural vision therapy thing.. how much did the pinhole glasses cost? so you gotta wear it always, or when you're reading/using the comp?

    hmm... does it work for lao3 hua1 (long sightedness) too?

    I'm interested ! hehe..

  4. I bought it for $39.80 at Guardian... They are having a promotion now. It used to cost $50+.

    They advise to wear it when reading and watching tv as it's quite dangerous to wear outdoors since it limits peripheral vision.

    It's also stated that this glasses is suitable for both short-sighted and long-sighted as well as astigmatism. My sis is wearing it to watch tv now.. hehe and her degree is 500+. She was so amazed at the clear vision that she requested to put the glasses on the living room table for all to share. Haha...

  5. I bought one today! My parents said they can read the small print in newspapers and the comp clearly now... it's even better than glasses cuz the light isnt as glaring to the eyes! I think my dad is gonna get another one for his office use. heh.... thanks for the recommendation leh!

  6. Haha.. I think the company should pay me some commission for advertising. People around me are all buying that glasses too. It's very amazing how clear it is tru the glasses right?


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